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3 hours ago, DarthWoodrack said:

A near blastar leveled it's primary cannon at Max. "I told you to stay out of the war. You should have listened." Dusk's voice boomed over intercom. He detonated the class one bomb he put in the teleporters. The Blaststar fired.


Max listened to the intercom, and barely turned before the bomb fired. His improved forcefield could have probably blocked it, but the Aons were still recharging after that save at the building. The bomb took Max in the chest and propelled him off the side of the Fiend like a wrecking ball, and that was before it exploded.

Falling, Max flailed, and one hand reached over and gripped a jutting out part of the Fiend. Max was hanging onto it with one arm.

Ouch ouch ouch ouch.

Where was Althea and the Kandra? Had they followed the plan? A signal would’ve really helped right now.

Something fell off of Max’s head. His helmet. Max’s grip tightened as he forced himself not to let go, the insanity starting to set in again.



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Althea followed Ko Tiel through the Alleys to the southern gate.
"Thank you. Let's meet outside the city again? It's not far and I need to go there to organize everything. And since I suspect that he will be angry, I think I could use some friendly support."


As before she switched to Shadesmar to make sure she didn't leave more indications at the hideout behind than neccessary. This time she only left a note, since the Elantrian that sometimes came by there seemed to have gone away. But she grabbed more Spheres and then left again.


Moving outside the city she nodded to those that had followed her call, told them where to go and what to do. Max would take over command, as soon as he was here.
Then she sent Brashen away, to tell Max, that she was ready.


Althea took a deep breath, inhaling stormlight. The Alleystorm was here, and that was perfect. It raged around her, like a twin to the storm inside. She had learned to soulcast years before she bonded her spren, thankful for the bond that had stopped the gradual transformation of her body. It meant, that there was no need to hold back anymore, no need to not attempt something large. She looked at the Fiend moving closer, it was too close to the Alleycity already. She observed it for a breath, judged it's velocity, the way it moved, then she kneeled down, placed both of her hands on the ground. Her plan based on two different principles. The first one: The Fiend was moving fast, that meant it would take it a bit to slow down, to stop completely. The second one: It was heavy, it needed solid ground to support itself. If that ground was gone, she counted on the fact, that it would drag itself deeper into the mud. Just like a heavy loaded cart would do, once it's wheels were stuck. And even if it managed to free itself, it would need to further slow down.

She reached down into the ground, deep, and then even deeper. Wide and then even wider. The earth here belonged together, viewd itself like that and she planed to use that fact against it. Careful to leave the first few centimeteres as they were, only adding some holes here and there, as a way for the ground to escape once the Fiend stepped on this field. She concentrated on the path it's feet would take, wide enough for them to change their direction, concentrated on reaching deeper there. Then she turned a part of the earth into water, creating something like a swap, or a large field of mud, covered by a few innocent looking centimeteres. The water would seep in there, but slowly.



Brashen arrived close to Max.
"It's time."
he told him
"Those you requested are at the place we agreed on."

@I think I am here.


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Max was sent over the side. Devaan ran towards him and pulled up his pupil onto the fiend.

"Stay down Max. I'll take care of this one"

Devaan turned to the intercom and tapped the Aons on his forearms, creating a shield around him and Max.

"Dusk!" He called out 

"Who's the other army leader?" Devaan needed a clearer picture of the war.

And then he saw him

and his blood froze

"Hellbent?" Devaan asked, whirling on Max

"you sided with Hellbent?"

"Do you know who he was in the war?"

"How is he still alive?"

Devaan kept the barrier up, but then started storing his weight until he was gliding along with hellbent

"After this is done, We need to have a nice, long talk with big, sharp weapons." He told Hellbent, gesturing to the stump where his foot used to be.

"What are you doing leading an army, nightshade?"

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As usual, the voices came back. They never seemed intelligent, just repeating the same phrases over and over again. The truth was, if Max didn't have his calming Aons inscribed in his helmet, he would have gone insane just by listening to the voices non-stop. He was determined not to let that happen.

Feeling a hand around his arm Max let himself be pulled up. Master Sheonar stood there, but the voices made it hard to hear what he was saying. As Max fell to the ground, he started searching the area for his helmet, his cracked mind splintering further with each second. It was only after a couple minutes did Max realise he was holding the helmet in his hands. Maybe he was insane.

Putting the helmet back on, Max noted a slight resistance this time, like the voices didn't want him to shut them out. But they were a figment of Max's insanity, and so he was determined to do by be means necessary do just that.

"Do you know who he was in the war?"

"How is he still alive?"

Master Sheonar's voice flooded Max's ears after such a long period of only hearing the voices. Max figured he was talking about Hellbent, but before Max could respond Master Sheonar was already gliding to the ground, towards Hellbent. Master Sheonar was right, though. Max didn't really know all that much about the current leader of the war on the Ghostblood's side. He knew Hellbent had gotten into a fight with Devaan, and that was all.

Suddenly, a small spren flitted into view, telling Max the plans were ready. Great. Up in front, the Alleystorm boomed dangerously. If Max could jump at just the right angle, into the Alleystorm, hopefully he'd be able to supercharge his armour, and the Aons attached. Taking a step back, Max sprinted ahead and jumped, feeling the wind suddenly slap his face as he leaped into the Alleystorm.

The power was awesome, it was like when Max supertapped his nicrosilminds, except always. As Max leaped off the Fiend, he activated his durability Aons, Aons sketched around his chest glowing bright green against his turquoise armour. The Aons were incredibly enhanced by the Alleystorm, so when Max crashed into the ground from the absurd height he jumped, he wasn't even dented.

He walked to Althea. "Ok, everything's ready?" He looked to the Fiend, lumbering forwards. "Alright, on three, we activate the plan." Max looked to the Fiend again.






Edited by I think I am here.
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Althea nodded at Max and then stood next to him.

She heard him give the command and relayed it to the Elantrians, and the others that had another possibility to active and Aon Edo. This attack would cost them some ressources, but letting the Fiend destroy the city wasn't an option. She had joined the war, because the Ghostbloods had sided with Hellbent, but now that the whole city was in danger, it had become something else. Something personal. this was her city, and she would fight for it.

She saw the Aons go active at his command, saw how they got bound to the Nicrosil drives they had planted in the ground. A huge forcefield appeared, trapping the Fiend inside, right over the swamp she had created. It was a great sight and yet, she looked over at Max.
"Are you all right? Can I help you somehow?"

@I think I am here.



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A smile drifted over Max's face as a glowing dome of light trapped the Fiend within its walls. A dozen and a half Elantrian's working together, aided by the large mechanical nicrosil drives surrounding them. Added to the Alleystorm enhancing everything in sight, it was beautiful. "I like the swamp," he said to Althea. "It's a nice touch." As he heard the Ghostblood woman's question, Max's smile slowly dissolved. She knew. Of course she knew, Max had collapsed on the ground screaming in front of her, after all.

"I'm quite all right," he said quietly. Taking a deep breath and refocusing himself, he turned to Althea. "Hey, I'm going to go check out the Elantrians." And with that he was off.

He found one next to a nicrosil drive. It powered everything in range, including his Aons. "Hey, dude." Max said. The man turned, and waved. Walking next to him, Max made conversation.

"Hey, so I've got a favour to ask - great work here, by the way - I was just really really thirsty, and I kinda screwed up the only chance I had to drink water, so I was kinda hoping you'd help me out."

The Elantrian looked at Max. "You want me to be your vending machine," he said flatly.

"Not exactly, but I'm really thirsty, and that kind woman over there told you to do as I say, and I really don't want to force anybody to do anything here."

"That's an old lady."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes. Althea's over there."

"Oh, yeah. Well, my point still stands."

The Elantrian sighed, and then begun sketching an Aon in the air. "AonDor is a delicate art," he mumbled.

"That's a champ. Be all delicate about it."

"What do you know about delicacy? You're an Allomancer. You all just eat metals and then generate powers. You don't have to study symbols for years on end. You don't have to learn to get exact measurements right for an Aon you'll never use."

"Sounds like you have some prejudice here."

"Whatever. An Allomancer killed my mother in the Seven Day War."

"Oh. Well, who hasn't lost something in that rusting war?"

"Yeah...what did you lose?"


"In the war, what did you lose."

"My parents."

"You know who killed them?"

"Nah. I didn't even really know them, to be honest."

"I see."

The Elantrian finished his Aon. "Open up." Max opened his mouth, and a literal river exploded into his mouth. Max stumbled back, tripping over, sputtering. The Elantrian was reeling in laughter. "Rust and Ruin, what was that?"

The Elantrian shrugged, but continued laughing. "It's the Nicrosil Drive, I swear. Enhancing all my Aons. Are you thirsty anymore?"

Max glared. "No."

"Good. Now stop distracting me. I need to focus on these Aons."

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He waited again. A minute, or a few millennia he wasn't sure which.

Staring at the solid wall of force before him. Almost habitually he ran a hand along it's surface, careful not to touch, just sensing its nature again. There were no flaws, no gaps or weak spots to exploit. No variance in strength that could be widened.

The barrier was as familiar as his own skin, but even so he tested it again, seeking some change.

Heavy footsteps thudded from behind. Another circuit completed by the beast.

Time for a small break. He thought.

Scratching his cheek with a finger, he leaned back.

Is this the longest I've had to wait? Or was the instant eternity before time longer?

He chuckled, noticing a new mole had formed on one hand. He inspected it, tilting his head curiously.

Then he looked at the barrier again, a smile growing at his lips.

Something had changed.

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27 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

"Not exactly, but I'm really thirsty, and that kind woman over there told you to do as I say, and I really don't want to force anybody to do anything here."

"That's an old lady."

"...Are you sure?"

"Yes. Althea's over there."


Old lady??? Did you just age my character? :D

Althea watched Max almost flee because of her question and felt sorry. She shouldn't have asked him, she should have known better. People didn't want to talk about sensitive topics with a freak. She stayed where she was, inhaling a bit of stormlight and then simply observed what happened in front her, hoping their barrier would hold.

Edited by Sorana
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6 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

:P No, Max just mistook an old lady for Althea and pointed at the old lady instead of her. Let’s just blame that on his insanity :P


And now I imagined an old lady with a cane giving both Hellbent and Dusk a beating, for disturbing her quiet city...


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Hellbent looked at Devaan.

"I'm leading an army to avenge my son. You knew of him. Atticus Voidlight. He asked for training, but never got it."

Hellbent knew he shouldn't be mad at Devaan. He had helped him. He also caused my sixteen years in the cognitive realm. 

"And as for the fight? Sure. I got your foot. You got my body."

Then he turned away.




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Orren and the Elites left.


Zaren flared pewter and bounded into the air. He spun off of a bit of metal and landed in a crouch. He segued to a sprint and bounded off of a coin, doing a flip as he went. He landed a few meters away from Hellbent and burned bendalloy. He was close, but not close enough that Hellbent was also in the bubble.



This is what Zaren's armor looks like, but the cape is cut into mistcloak strips. It's called "mistplate." The metal sections are electrumminds that can't be Pushed on, like Kane's armor. 



Edited by BitBitio the Mudkip
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KoTiel walked out of the alley and blinked at the barrier. "How?" They wondered, surprised by the scale. Looking around, they started tapping zinc, trying to figure it out. "Ah, the alleystorm. Yes, that would help with supplying the investure. And this that nicrosil? I see. Yes, this could be useful. They're using aons, but with Dakhor..." Murmuring, they walked up to Althea. "Hey, sorry I'm late, I had some trouble finding a nearby alley."

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Althea smiled at Ko Tiel and shook her head.
"You didn't miss much. We only pulled up the barrier a few moments ago. So far it's holding. We need to see what will happen next. If it is able to contain that thing or not."
She hesitated.
"And what happens once the storm is gone. But hopefully it will buy uns some time."



@Ark1002 which pole? So I guess that's a no.


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I think he means the poll where you can enter which side you're on.

"I see." KoTiel answered, thoughtfully. "If the barrier holds it, drop it just before the storm fades away. We can use your Elantrians to get up it, and use the investure from the storm to get a boost in the early part of the fight."

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You weren't in the bubble.

Walker ran at him and tried to put a class 2 bomb in Hellbent's armpit. He than attempted to run and place more class to bombs long the nicrisiol power cells containing the Fiend. He then attempted to end up back in the same place.

The Fiend fired its main cannon at the field.


This is powerful enough to destroy half the city.

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Hellbent teleported long before the class two reached him, then started going around the force field, teleporting away the class 2 bombs to the area right above the Fiend.



The class 2 bombs should hit the Fiend, as the shielding would have to have an exception to them.


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