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  1. 1. Who's side are you on?

    • Ark1002 and the True Alley
    • DarthWoodrack and the "we like this guy" alliance
    • Nuetral
    • I have characters in the True Alley and the "we like this guy" alliance.

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Come on! How did you get rid of it, EXACTLY? Where did it go? Can I get it back after the war? Why did you get rid of the Fiend? Why would Mac do this? The tank and all the "True" Alley shenanigans were just as bad as the Fiend. The people in the bunkers are watching TV. They have no idea what is going on.

Ps. Ark, I can't fight you tonight. I'll do it tomorrow.

 "As long as you can carry it on your own, without investiture, you can bring it." Walker responded.

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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

To be clear this was not done with investiture. This was done using alleymatics.


I'm hesitant to say this, do to a lack of Alleymatics understanding but doesn't Woodrack have power over the fiend as the creator, not you. Again, I might not correctly be understanding Alleymatics, but as far as I am aware, Wood created the fiend and therefore has complete control over it. Mac however was not involved in the fiends creation at all, so he doesn't have a complete enough understanding of it to do this. 


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@Snipexe You are both amazing and right. Mac doesn't have control over the fiend. Dusk does. He might teach Mack later, but not Mac. Never Mac. Of course, you might of used the Alleys, but that still has Dusk's against yours. Add that to the small fact that Ark and I agreed that no God entities be allowed to interfere and you can't do that. Don't forget the infinite eggnog. Dusk made that.


Edited by DarthWoodrack
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41 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I'm hesitant to say this, do to a lack of Alleymatics understanding but doesn't Woodrack have power over the fiend as the creator, not you. Again, I might not correctly be understanding Alleymatics, but as far as I am aware, Wood created the fiend and therefore has complete control over it. Mac however was not involved in the fiends creation at all, so he doesn't have a complete enough understanding of it to do this. 


If they had the ability to use Alleymatics this would certainly be correct, but being the creator of something is only part of the ability to employ alleymatics.

As for why Mac can use it, he's the second most proficient person in the universe at using it so he does have some options.


41 minutes ago, DarthWoodrack said:

@Snipexe You are both amazing and right. Mac doesn't have control over the fiend. Dusk does. He might teach Mack later, but not Mac. Never Mac. Of course, you might of used the Alleys, but that still has Dusk's against yours. Add that to the small fact that Ark and I agreed that no God entities be allowed to interfere and you can't do that. Don't forget the infinite eggnog. Dusk made that.



An agreement you made with Ark isn't binding against every other character, you can't just forbid other characters from defending their territory or acting in character.


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How am I supposed to have a fair right with Ark when he has every other guild on his side and every God entity? Make one that would side with me. One. It is completely unfair and I don't think that it should happen. I did not ask for this to be a main plot, Ark just wants to be important.


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19 minutes ago, DarthWoodrack said:

How am I supposed to have a fair right with Ark when he has every other guild on his side and every God entity? Make one that would side with me. One. It is completely unfair and I don't think that it should happen. I did not ask for this to be a main plot, Ark just wants to be important.


The goal of the RP isn't to win fights, there is nothing to say that two opposing sides of a conflict need to be equal, we've had some particularly amusing conflicts that were incredibly one sided.
If you don't want to participate in something like that then you're able to withdraw from this.

I'm not sure what agreement you had with Ark but I was the one who asked someone from the DA to step in at this point, it was getting a little to close for us to reasonably ignore.
I can't think of any reasonable way that anyone could counter Mac and even if they did they'd then have the entire DA to deal with so I suggest avoiding that route but if you can justify it and are willing to accept the consequences then feel free.


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"That is a good idea."
Althea nodded, thinking about the battle and how they could best use the Alleystorm for an edge and then stared in surprise when the Fiend vanished.
"But I think that problem just got solved for us. Hopefully that means, that they leave the city alone."



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My only grievance is that he ripped it in half. Beyond that I was mad at Ark, because he is allowing, and encouraging God entities to assist him, when he agreed with me that they would remain impartial. I wasn't mad at you guys, I was mad at Ark. I am very annoyed that every one is citing a need to defend the city as their motivation. These are people that are siding with someone who tried to start a murder guild. I'm not the threat to the city. Mac? I had long term plans for that thing. Could you teleport it to roshar instead, or something? Just, out of my reach, but retrievable? I won't get it until after I fight hellbent, I swear. I also hope that a certain mudkip would agree to this. Please? It wouldn't be a threat to the city a, even though it wasn't in the first place. I just don't want to lose it.


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I think the fact is, that we had this war close by/ in the city only recently. So by moving this war close to the city/ partially in the city, the war changed from "a conflict between Dusk and Hellbent" to "a danger to my home (character's viewpoint)" and for the DA "danger to the worldspike". And therefore a lot of characters suddenly had a completely different motivation to act and to do something.
But that's only my opinion ;)


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My only annoyance is that the Ghostblood’s didn’t destroy it :mellow:.

Seriously, we were going to destroy the Fiend anyway, our plan was pretty much foolproof, and then just as we were going to deal the killing blow Mac comes in and boom, Fiend gone. 

:P I jest. Nice going Mac.

As for the fate of the Fiend... I don’t know. I’m sure if I owned the Fiend I wouldn’t want it unusable after one encounter, but still. Darth, maybe if you agreed not to misuse it after the war, Mac could change his mind? Idk, but to make you feel better I won’t directly attack you anymore. Max’s one goal was to prevent the destruction of AlleyCity, and he succeeded.


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17 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

"I'm leading an army to avenge my son. You knew of him. Atticus Voidlight. He asked for training, but never got it."

"Atticus never came to me for training! He killed one of my pupils!" Devaan called out to Hellbent. 

Then the fiend dissapeared. Devaan noticed Mac

"Alleymasters." Devaan muttered, gliding over to Mac.

"Hey Mac, I heard rumours about you guys giving a hedgehog a bunch of speed spikes so it could run around at the speed of sound, so I was thinking you open a pet shop with some creatures."

Devaan landed next to Max.

"You ok kid? A warzone ain't exactly the best place for you right now. Especially not on Hellbent's side."


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3 hours ago, Nohadon said:

Devaan landed next to Max.

"You ok kid? A warzone ain't exactly the best place for you right now. Especially not on Hellbent's side."

“I was just thinking of leaving. I came so I could prevent AlleyCity from being destroyed, and now that the Fiend’s gone, I guess the mission’s over.” Max turned to Hellbent, who was standing in the distance.

“I never really fought for him. But if preventing another Seven Day War meant siding with him, I guess that’s what I had to do.”

Max took a deep breath, a looked back to Master Sheonar. Max was insane. He denied it, but no sane man heard screams every time he took off the calming Aons. Did Devaan know? Did Max have to tell him? He wanted to.

“Master Sheonar, I’m...” Just a few words. I’m insane. But what would Master Sheonar think of him? Would he look at Max the same way? Would he reject him? “Nothing. Nevermind.”

A distant look in his eyes, Max left Master Sheonar and left the battlefield, waving goodbye to Althea and walking away, distant screams yelling in his head.


Well, I guess I don’t know what to do now.


21 hours ago, Arlin said:

I don’t think Rashan ever called Li TaiRu anything other than “the small man” in his post. 

:P That was fun.


Edited by I think I am here.
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Althea saw Max waving a goodbye and then walk of the battlefield.

"I'm sorry."
she told Ko Tiel.
"I need to try this."

She hesitated, he's already told her that he didn't want to talk, and yet. Cursing under her breath she ran after him.
"Max. Wait. You don't have to talk, not a single word. But maybe we could go and ... drink something?"
She improvised. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know what was wrong, no she was sure she didn't really want to know but she felt like he shouldn't be alone right now.
"I promise I'll be quiet?"

@I think I am here.

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16 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“Master Sheonar, I’m...” Just a few words. I’m insane. But what would Master Sheonar think of him? Would he look at Max the same way? Would he reject him? “Nothing. Nevermind.”

Devaan watched Max leave, still with his helmet on.

He follows in his teacher's footsteps The voice told him

"In what way?" Devaan asked, troubled

He's not sane

Devaan saw the signs too, Max had refused to take off his calming Aons, he had been shaken and closed off. He was wondering what Devaan would think if Max told him about his condition, before Max walked away, Devaan slipped a note into his pupil's pocket.

When you're ready to talk, find me at the training grounds. It read.


Astiel wandered the battleground, searching for anyone in a condition to fight

@I think I am here.

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Max heard someone call his name behind him, and looked back. Althea was running to him. Ghostblood woman. Lady with the red eyes. Bearer of insanities. Oh, wait, that last part was him.

She asked if he wanted to drink something. Max had a suspicion, but it was confirmed when she said she wouldn’t tell anyone. Max wanted to deny her. He wanted to say ‘no thanks, I’m sane,’ and walk away.

But out of everyone Max had met, she was the only one who knew of his... problem. The Kandra knew too, of course, but he was of the DA and probably saw weirder things daily, such as the remains of Voidus’ ex-anger management councillor.

She knew. If Max accepted her offer to talk, he would be able to empty his mind. He’d be able to open up to someone who already knew.

“Sure,” He said, after a long pause. Cocking his head to the side, he looked around. “Where?”

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6 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“Sure,” He said, after a long pause. Cocking his head to the side, he looked around. “Where?”

"I heard that a new restaurant opened. It's name remided me of some kind of instrument. But I haven't been there yet."
She combed through her mind, looking for other places.
"There should also be a Waystop in the Horneater Peaks, that would be far away from the city and the troubles here?"

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10 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“I...” Max considered his options. Who was he kidding, he didn’t have many options. He was here to talk about his insanity, the least he could do was not be picky.

“I’m fine with the instrument place,” he said, smiling.

Althea returned his smile and tried to cover her surprise. Someone smiled at her?
"Alright. Let's go? It shouldn't be far."



Moving over to the Didgeridoo.


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To answer the question about alleymatics, Mac wasn't controlling the fiend, he was controlling the space the fiend occupied, which is not the same as the fiend. The difference is that his powers of complete spatial manipulation are confined to the alleyverse. If this were in roshar, then he couldn't mess with it.

Again, if you didn't want to piss off a god entity, don't invade his city. Unless I'm very much mistaken, it reads like you were the first one to come to the city.

I will make it useable after the conflict. I have teleported it into the mountains somewhere that you wont be able to find until after the war.


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8 hours ago, DarthWoodrack said:

My only grievance is that he ripped it in half. Beyond that I was mad at Ark, because he is allowing, and encouraging God entities to assist him, when he agreed with me that they would remain impartial. I wasn't mad at you guys, I was mad at Ark. I am very annoyed that every one is citing a need to defend the city as their motivation. These are people that are siding with someone who tried to start a murder guild. I'm not the threat to the city. Mac? I had long term plans for that thing. Could you teleport it to roshar instead, or something? Just, out of my reach, but retrievable? I won't get it until after I fight hellbent, I swear. I also hope that a certain mudkip would agree to this. Please? It wouldn't be a threat to the city a, even though it wasn't in the first place. I just don't want to lose it.


That is completely unfair. I had this as a main plot because it is a giant guild war! How can that not be a main plot?!? And again, I had nothing to do with this.

Hellbent looked at him.

"I need to meet the elite. Before then, no deal."

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