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Hi, I'm a new member!


I discovered Brandon Sanderson when he was chosen to finish the Wheel of Time series and discovered this forum when I read the last chapter of Words of Radiance (had to find out others people opinions on it) :D


I've read all Cosmere books (except Emperor's Soul) and Steelheart, and I'm planning to read the rest of his books.


Since none of my friends reads this books, forums are the only way I can share my love and addiction to the Cosmere :D

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Welcome, Istra! I see you are very well read. I highly suggest you read Emperor's Soul. It provides quite a bit of cosmere knowledge, particularly the Cognitive Realm.

(And Kobold, my friend, why must you always make the funniest posts????)

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(And Kobold, my friend, why must you always make the funniest posts????)


I was going to insert a quip about the King's Wit, but I'll just leave a flattered smiley here instead. :D


Istra, are you aware that you can gain access to another Cosmere book by emailing Brandon Sanderson? Just send a message and ask for White Sand. It takes place on a world called Taldain, and while it's a bit unpolished, it makes for quite a good read. :)

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....is that a neopets account picture? :o It's really pretty. :)




I also started as the only one I know who's a Sanderfan, you just have to keep recommending books to people until others read one book and get addicted. :)

(Also, I hate how saying things like that makes it sound like we're drug dealers or something. But it's literature! So there!  :ph34r: )

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Istra, are you aware that you can gain access to another Cosmere book by emailing Brandon Sanderson? Just send a message and ask for White Sand. It takes place on a world called Taldain, and while it's a bit unpolished, it makes for quite a good read. :)


Really? Thanks!! I really wanted to read that book  :D

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I don't think I ever had a favourite, but the shark guy (jetsam?) Was scary and the jubjubs were always weird.

I haven't played on their for ages either, but I think I had like 5 separate accounts at one point..... And I spent hours beating punchbag Bob. Looking back now, I can't believe I actually did that. :D

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