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The Other Side of the World


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While it is true that the alleyplanet doesn't act much like a planet, I do feel like there should be something on the other side of the world. I had an idea about islands brought to life by the alleystorm, but I'd like to hear the ideas of other people. So, what do you think is on the Other Side of the World?

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Might I suggest a land mass made of solid gold? It would be populated with augurs who spend their time getting high on the metal, looking at their hallucinations to try to gauge how many extra pounds they've gained recently. We could call it the 'count-yer-weight continent'.

Obviously, that wasn't a serious suggestion. If we want this to be a realistic planet, the other side should mostly be made up of the backside of four elephants. 

Edited by Archer
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I like the idea of having the other side of the world have more non-human races. Maybe have two supercontinents seperated by ocean.

In addition, I came up with a sea at the North pole (called, rather uncreatively, the North Sea). It's full of Alleycanes and islands that are alive. I'll write up the rest later.

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There's a lot of area. We can have a lot of things.

Here's one of my suggestions.



The Floating Islands of the North Sea

Far in the north – in fact, as far north as there is –- lies a sea, aptly named the North Sea. Contained within that sea are majestic floating islands, mutated by the alleycanes that pass over the area. They feed on stormlight to grow to enormous sizes, and fill both the air and sea.



Each island is supported by a layer of rock on the bottom. On top of that rests dirt, which supports the many plants that grow on the surface. In the center of the island is the island’s gemheart, which holds the spren that lets it float. The gemheart is fiercely guarded, as its destruction would almost certainly result in the death of the island.


Flora and Fauna

The mix of plants and animals on each island is specific and unique. They live in connection with each other and the island. The sapience of the island depends, in a large part, on these organisms. It, in turn, can influence or control them, depending on their level of sapience.


Life cycle

The creation of a new island begins when one island shares some of the organisms that live on it with another island, providing a connection between them. Using this connection, they form a new gemheart and place it in a new form. Once this is done, they will find a spren of the right type to bond the gemheart. After this, the island is released from its parents to rise into the air. Eventually, the island will become too big to float any longer and will sink from the air into the water.


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One of the things that I think would be cool would be the existence of otherworldly entities/ things that are completely different. 

The alleycity area has a lot of humans. The alleys have a lot of eldritch horrors. Other areas could have a lot of cognitive entities, or something completely new, like floating islands.

I would be supportive if we tried to make things that weren’t Brandon related at all, that are completely different. Like, what if there was a place in the planet where we ( the players) existed, like a mount Olympus for the alleyplanet, where the gods that control them reside. 

I think we should try to make the other side of the world as different/weird  as possible. 

Edited by MacThorstenson
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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

Like, what if there was a place in the planet where we ( the players) existed, like a mount Olympus for the alleyplanet, where the gods that control them reside. 

That would be where the 17th shard touches the alleyverse. One of my characters is going to go there, but he doesn't know that yet.

I imagined some of the islands would have sentient species, but not necessarily human. Koloss or kandra would be really interesting, what with having spikes and all.

Edited by xinoehp512
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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

What about tribes of those DAbominations Voidus made as real species in the 16 Year Peace?

Cool idea! If they were to breed they could maybe change their abilities over the course of generations and develop their own culture.

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