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Long Game 5: Noble Secrets

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Wurum was rather surprised by this latest death. She was just a stablemaster, so what purpose did her death serve them? Did the Ghostbloods hold a mortal fear of horses? Then again, Ryshadium were rather terrifying up close. He'd never owned one himself, but since coming to the Shattered Plains, he'd seen a few of the mighty beasts.


Perhaps the woman had held items that the Ghostbloods wanted? Though that gave him a thought. Perhaps Hatham would be selling his horses on the cheap, with his stablemaster dead? A man could make a tidy profit, if he acted carefully enough.Still no goal items lost, but we will REALLY feel the loss of that Emotion Bracelet. Frankly, I'd rather the Ghostbloods got the Reverser instead, since at least that would mean we know what we're up against and would still have the Emotion Bracelet as a way to check people out. What this means is that if we want to lynch someone now, it has to be a 3-vote majority to be sure, and 2-vote majority for a possible tie. It's a pain not knowing who Pailan's heir was so we can check, but they shouldn't speak out, since that would paint a target on their backs.


I too am somewhat suspicious of Jain, but I'm willing to accept forgetting the rules innocently. Stormfather knows, I've done that enough myself (not in this game, in the previous one). What I am less willing to accept is his constant surprise at still being alive at the end of every night. It just makes me feel as though he really means 'Look, I'm still alive and I am utterly surprised by this knowledge. I am certainly not a Ghostblood going around killing people and have chosen not to target myself, I must have survived for some other reason.'


Other than that though, I have few suspicions. I am still suspicious of Sprenil due to his early proclamation and then his refusal to efend himself or vote on the second. But then, there were loads of people who didn't vote on the second day - Sprenil, Alv, Ace, Humperdink, Grellin, Jain, Fnorf, Jim, Khas, Saritu (who was away) and Lucal. All save for Saritu posted in the thread. I am going to vote for Humperdink, for now, since I find the fact that the only post he made was an RP-post, and this was while voting was being discussed. If Jain or Sprenil gets enough votes to be considered for the lynch, I may change my vote to them in order to ensure the Ghostbloods do not hijack it.

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I'm going to stick to my guns and vote for Jim Bob Dirt.


I took a look back through at all of his posts and literally the only post he has made this game that hasn't been saying that he doesn't intend to vote or arguing against voting on the first day is this one:


So what I'm wondering is: why is Macen still alive? Why didn't the GB even attack him? I'm not saying he's GB, but it certainly seems suspicious. 


We are on day 3, and the most he has done (in the thread anyway) towards hunting down the GB is a single query. His fervent arguments against my information gathering still make him highly suspicious in my mind, particularly his insistence that we learned nothing from the accusations and voting. There is a difference between being cautious and sitting back and watching while the GB kill everyone.

Quite frankly, and somewhat callously, if someone who isn't voting is killed and they turn out to be innocent we haven't lost as much as if we kill someone who is actively helping the discussion. I still think Jim Bob Dirt is a GB though.

Now this is neither here nor there, but during day 1 Tors was voting for Jim Bob Dirt before his vote was changed to himself. There could be several reasons for this that do not involve Jim Bob Dirt being a GB, perhaps they wanted the irony of Tors voting for himself or  wanted to ensure that it was Tors who died even if someone else used a reverser. This is far from being any form of conclusive proof but I think this is worth noting.

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I'll admit Jain, your naivety act was starting to wear a little thin so I'm glad you've admitted it and hopefully we won't have to unnecessarily clarify things over and over anymore. The problem is that despite saying you were going to explain the inconsistencies, you went and created more inconsistencies.

I was hoping everyone would forget I had a Painrial. Thanks for putting me back into the limelight, Tion.

How exactly is Tion putting you back in the limelight? Every day you post about how amazing it is the GB didn't kill you, implying you had something important they'd want to kill you for so I don't think anyone had forgotten what you claimed to have (the GB in particular).

Just saying, I spent my Painrial last night, and it was on you, Tion.

If you really do have a painrial, the logical thing to do, now that you've admitted to not being clueless, would have been to say I was just acting like I had the painrial to draw attention from the GB since I don't have any useful items. That would have thrown them off your trail at least a little. Instead you go straight into announcing again that you have the painrial.

Why the GB went after Sphinx, I have no idea. Maybe they actually bought my act.

What act did they buy? I thought you were acting like a naive noob who accidentally revealed he had a painrial? The fact that you weren't attacked indicates to me that they did NOT buy your act and must not think you really have the painrial.

I'm starting to feel like your gameplay helps the GB more than it does our side because it just causes unnecessary confusion. I was originally thinking of continuing my campaign to flush out inactive players. The primary target was going to be Luckat since Wurum already called out Humperkink, so the other most inactive player is Luckat who, unless I am mistaken, has only made one post on the first day and that's it (if more than one person can confirm Luckat has been active in PM's, I'd take that as confirmation of participation as well). Instead, I've decided to vote Jain today at this point.

Edit: Formatting issues

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I don't really suspect you, but we need to have a sizable majority so the GBs don't choose for us. There's a 50% chance that they have two reversers, and since we have a lot of votes spread out right now, they could choose to lynch someone. That is extremely dangerous, and if we go down that road, we will lose. I'm open to suggestions, but voting someone who we choose is our best idea at this point. Also, Jain, make sure you have an heir.

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Ok, guys. I am genuinely sorry for my inactivity over the past few days. I had a lot of stuff come up and was only able to get on to read the posts every now and then, but not to really absorb them, and I didn't have the time to actively and thoughtfully post so did not do so. I would have voted if I had been able to accurately assess the situation.

I agree with some of the arguments made against Jain at this point; the whole feigning ignorance ploy is not helpful to anyone, and his play in general has not been helpful to the game. I'm not going to cast a vote yet, however. I want to see how today plays out. We have another 24 hours yet.

Faialen, obviously I would like to know your rational behind my very likely being a GB. I know my name has been tossed around quite a bit during this game, but as far as I can tell, most of those who have suspected me at one point or another seem to have lowered me on their lists. Voting without explanation is always suspicious, so I ask that you do that. While I tend to assume statements about out of game occurrences are true (such as mine) your computer problem could well be a way to cover up voting without an actual explanation. I could be reading too much into that, of course.

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I'm going to stick to my guns and vote for Jim Bob Dirt.


I took a look back through at all of his posts and literally the only post he has made this game that hasn't been saying that he doesn't intend to vote or arguing against voting on the first day is this one:



We are on day 3, and the most he has done (in the thread anyway) towards hunting down the GB is a single query. His fervent arguments against my information gathering still make him highly suspicious in my mind, particularly his insistence that we learned nothing from the accusations and voting. There is a difference between being cautious and sitting back and watching while the GB kill everyone.

Quite frankly, and somewhat callously, if someone who isn't voting is killed and they turn out to be innocent we haven't lost as much as if we kill someone who is actively helping the discussion. I still think Jim Bob Dirt is a GB though.

Now this is neither here nor there, but during day 1 Tors was voting for Jim Bob Dirt before his vote was changed to himself. There could be several reasons for this that do not involve Jim Bob Dirt being a GB, perhaps they wanted the irony of Tors voting for himself or  wanted to ensure that it was Tors who died even if someone else used a reverser. This is far from being any form of conclusive proof but I think this is worth noting.

Oh yes, we've gained so much information. I mean, we learned that Tors and Xanas were innocent, right? Shame we had to lynch them  to learn though.


And are you really claiming people are suspicious based on how much they contribute to your arbitrary lynchings? That's ridiculous.

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Adolin_Dustbringer: I am noticing your posts are getting increasingly rude and inflammatory. Can you please try to be a little more civil in what you say? There is no reason to call another player's beliefs or reasoning ridiculous just because you disagree with them.

About lynching. Unfortunately they are a part if the game. If we don't try killing whomever we find suspicious, the game goes nowhere. They lynchings are the one of the main avenues through which we gather information: Who votes with whom, the reasoning people provide, etc. We will not get every vote right, but that is just part of the game. And at the end of the day, a game is all this is.

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Adolin_Dustbringer: I am noticing your posts are getting increasingly rude and inflammatory. Can you please try to be a little more civil in what you say? There is no reason to call another player's beliefs or reasoning ridiculous just because you disagree with them.

About lynching. Unfortunately they are a part if the game. If we don't try killing whomever we find suspicious, the game goes nowhere. They lynchings are the one of the main avenues through which we gather information: Who votes with whom, the reasoning people provide, etc. We will not get every vote right, but that is just part of the game. And at the end of the day, a game is all this is.


Fair enough. I'm not actually angry or anything, I just think his argument regarding my supposed suspiciousness is a bit tenuous. I can see how my post seems a bit flame-y though, my apologies.

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Fair enough. I'm not actually angry or anything, I just think his argument regarding my supposed suspiciousness is a bit tenuous. I can see how my post seems a bit flame-y though, my apologies.

Thank you very much, kind sir. :)

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I'm going to beg to differ on this opinion Jim Bob. I have learned quite a bit from the lynchings, and ultimately we have benefited. Taking things at face value - someone died, we lost x items - without taking the knowledge gained (there is a lot there if you look in between the lines of other peoples posts and do a little digging).

Someone died for our gain in knowledge. Not perfect, but it helps. Maybe that knowledge won't bear fruit for a few cycles, but I promise you it will.

This is especially true in a game where communication is limited. The span reed holders have to put themselves at risk by contacting anyone and there is no other way to speak in private (other than the Ghostbloods, who can speak on their document).

Would you rather us gain information from lynchings that actually give us information, or from deaths that the GB got to pick, that give us next to no information. Not to mention the 1/4-1/5 chance that we get a GB...

*EDIT* I'm going to vote Alv. You have been active in previous games, were on less than 2 hours ago, and it's been 4 days since you posted. I'm just curious if there is a reason, or if you're just taking more of a back seat. Contact me through a span reed holder if you would prefer (i'm in contact with all of them) or post here.

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Just a reminder that the dead cannot post at all once killed. The death cry must be relayed through me.

24 hours remaining in the day.

Awes, your new Profile pic messed me up for a minute there. :P

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Wyrm, why I posted was to show I am still active, and to add to my character in case I die. One of my personal problems in the other games is I create stories that I can never finish. I am going with Mac. That is reason enough to please even me. In other words, Alv, what's your excuse for not being on?

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“Moelach moves! Tell Taravangia - No, the night comes and consumes all! The everstorm aided by the blood in the living and looked on by the Ghosts of the dead.”

- Recorded thirty seconds post-death by a… Torturer of Heralds, Chach Nan Vev

Subject was a light-eyed Kharbranthian diplomat to the Kholin House who had both a pain knife and a spanreed in his possession.

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Thought it would be nice to have a list to help. I am going to vote for Jain for reasons other people already suggested. Also a majority vote is needed with those Reversers out there.

Alv 2: Ace, Humperdink

Jim Bob Dirt 1: Fnorf

Jain 4: Tion, Awes, Saritu, Cara

Grelin 1: Faialen

Sprenl 1: Jost

Humperdink1: Wurum

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Since The Gleeman has posted actual discussion this time, I'm going to remove my vote from Humperdink and apply it to someone else. As Jain currently has four votes so far, I will put mine back on Sprenil again to try and get a response.


Just flagging up though that we want a 3-vote gap if we want to lynch someone for sure. But that can be dealt with later in the day - There's no point in us going overboard so early and getting that definite majority now, or we won't get as much discussion. We have another 24 hours to discuss, after all. :P

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Looks like everyone is intent on voting me out.


That's funny. The second objective of the GB are to obtain the Soulcaster and Shardblade. So why aren't they knifing Macen and Joe? Macen, after all, has a Soulcaster.


Tion, or someone in contact with Tion, I need to urgently speak to you via spanreed. I have a plan, and not much time.

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It's almost night time. I have the most votes, so I'm gonna kick the bucket. First, then, let me voice my suspicions.


I suspect Macen and Joe are GB. Both are/will be in possession of a Soulcaster, but no one has killed them. remember the second goal: Obtain a Shardblade and Soulcaster.


Aonar has a spanreed. I was in contact with him.


I had a plan, but I don't have time.


Ave Maria, everyone.

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Why would they kill Joe, Jain? What information are you apparently privvy to that the rest of us are not? Why will Joe come into possession of a Soulcaster?

Also, you are forgetting that Macen claimed to have one on the first day, so if that were true and he does have one, he must be innocent and not GB. I suspect he is still alive because either they assume he has passed it on, or he still has it and they know where it is.

I would guess the GBs don't care about their secondary objective yet. They're likely to stumble across such items in their random killings, after all. No need for them to over-complicate things for themselves this early, after all.


EDIT: Fixed things I couldn't fix on my phone (colour, spelling and grammar).

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I did Ask for Clarification at one point. If I were to Say That I declare <Player Name> the Heir of My <Item>, then they would be My Heir of all my Items, Whether or Not I had an <Item>.


Just because Macen and Jain said they had a Soulcaster and Painrial doesn't mean they Do. Also Jain, I've been defending you. Please Stop casting Suspicion on Me. Why would the Ghostbloods Kill me anyway?


And please don't announce the Identities of the Spanreed Holders, It just makes it Easier for the GB.

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We'd need a five vote majority actually, Wyrm. But if we actually got that, it may as well be a bandwagon. :P Right now, I'm suspicious of everyone who voted Jain to, "make sure the Ghostbloods can't tamper with the vote." That's... rough reasoning, to say the least. If the Ghostbloods do have a Reverser (or both of them) then we'll learn a lot more if they do use it then if they decide that there's no point. 


Grellin: Alright. Cut down to the bare essentials, my post was effectively an analysis of the potential reasons for Pailan's death. She never suggested that she had any items, and there seemed to be more appealing targets. Now, because there were more appealing targets, their continued survival would make them appear suspicious, something the Ghostbloods wouldn't mind. However, that still leaves a good number of players that would be candidates for killing.


So, we come back to the question: Why Pailan? In her last few posts, she suggested looking closer at the semi-actives. I.E., anyone who has posted, but hasn't voted or contributed much to the discussion aside from suspicions involving themselves. That means Dirt, you (Grellin), Saritu, Khas, or Lucal. Now, of this group, you and Dirt have acted the most suspiciously. That makes up the gist of what I was going to post earlier. If you want more clarification, I'll PM you. Or you'll PM me... ; )

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