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Lifeless Mistborn


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Interesting question!


The thing to bear in mind is that a Lifeless has had it's Spiritual aspect fundamentally altered in ways we don't fully understand. The question would be, does becoming a Lifeless affect the sDNA that allows for Metallic Investiture?


(I feel like one of the Five Scholars when I talk like that.)

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Ooh or could a Lifeless be Spiked to gain Allomancy/Feruchemy?


We have a WoB that if you made a Lifeless out of someone who was about to Return, the Awakening Breath and Endowment's Divine Breath would collide and "crazy things" would happen.


Since in Hemalurgy you essentially graft a Spiritual aspect onto somebody, I believe it would function in a similarly "crazy" way.


This answer is both precise and completely unhelpful in figuring out exactly what would happen.

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So...a Returned with all the colour leached from them (from the Lifelessing), but with a BioChromatic aura? It's possible that he meant small d drab. The other thing is that they would be Invested with someone else's Breath, and not in a manner that would allow them to assimilate it. So they might function perfectly well, but whenever someone Commanded them to do something with command phrases, they would feel a compulsion to act. One they could easily repress, probably, but still a compulsion - and if you could whisper in their ear when they were sleeping, they just might obey unconsciously.

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When you die, your Spiritual self leaves your Physical self. Then someone put's someone else's Breath in you, making a Lifeless. If the Breath is Spiritual, then you would need a Mistborn's Breath to make a Mistborn Lifeless. If the Breath is Cognitive, then you would need to use Hemalurgy. Or you could just use Fan fiction, and not reveal how it happened.

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Hmm... How would the Lifeless Mistborn burn metals then? Their digestive systems would be largely useless, and most of their system composes of Ichor.

Mistborn don't really digest it however. They just put it in their stomachs and let the magic do its thing. As long as the Lifeless still has a stomach, it should be fine (and maybe even if it doesn't, since Inquisitors can burn their own headspikes).
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I doubt they could burn anything.

1) As stated above, what with their digestive systems and all that.

2) For the same or similar reasons as a kandra couldn't burn metals.

1) Again, you don't need a functional digestive system to burn metals. It just has to be in your body.

2) Kandra can burn metals.


Could you make a Kandra an Allomancer?


With the right sequence of sorts of things, you could impart those powers to them theoretically. It’s not likely to happen, but you could do it. You could build a spike that would let them Push or Pull. But you’d give the powers separately, probably.

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A Kandra with a Hemalurgic skeleton? Do you think that would work? By that I mean their skeleton, instead of being bone of stone or crystal would be made out of all the different spikes to grant Allomancy. 

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A Kandra with a Hemalurgic skeleton? Do you think that would work? By that I mean their skeleton, instead of being bone of stone or crystal would be made out of all the different spikes to grant Allomancy.

I think so. We know spikes are still functional after being melted down, reshaped, etc, so joining them together into a skeleton should be fine.
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