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Looking for MAG players in my area

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Hey all, Just wondering if there were any MAG players in the Tucson Area. I don't even know if this is the right place to post such a topic but I will trust the judgment of our Mods and be happy wherever I am placed so long as someone here plays this Storming game. I've had the book for a while but it seems I'm the only one in Tucson Realmaticly aware and had the money to buy the book. Please help, because as of right now my book is doing nothing but torturing me and helping me understand the metals a bit better.

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Nope, just a player. If you want to find mods, Claincy, Kadrok, and Herowannabe have all been given undue amounts of power THAT WHICH IS THERE RIGHT UNDER THE COSMERE.

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Nope, just a player. If you want to find mods, Claincy, Kadrok, and Herowannabe have all been given undue amounts of power THAT WHICH IS THERE RIGHT UNDER THE COSMERE.

Dang right it is ;)

I have been invested with the shard of Narration! Fear my plot hooks!

tecslicer also deserves mention on that list as the head Admin.


We are always happy to welcome new players and aside from the colour scheme (and the occasional plot point) it isn't really that dark a recess.

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