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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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Today sharders I'll leave those of you who did not see it yet my 17th poem written in approximately 3 weeks which is a personal best.


Chasing into Eternity

Upon a plain once so verdant and lush now sit the shattered husks of orchards and vast silos of grain abandoned to become dust. Blight creeps across the realm from this place and steals even the vitality left in the recently dead. Earth shattered and without form descends into the dark while malevolent destruction names itself king and conqueror. The divine forces can do nothing to halt this wraith that consumes without end. Jove, Zeus, and Ra stand side by side unleashing fire and all of the forces of the heights to no avail. While the earth burns Thanatos, Osiris, Anubis, Horus, Hades,  and Mars fall to the ground and are called into a death most eternal. Geb and Gaia scream in agony as the fates fade away. Poseidon releases all of the denizens of Tartarus and watches as their spirits writhe for a moment before being swallowed by this most victorious and evil gluttonous power. Oceans boil and steam combines with smoke taking even Apophis into its maw before leaving behind diseased bones and little else. Ares and Athena stand side by side with the twins when their world ends in shadow.

Life springs forth from the earth where the blight touches even as the screams of this kingdom are replaced by something else. Music vibrant and full of passion saturates the air and forms armies clad in heavy armor of blinding light. They charge forward weapons aglow with power drawn pushing back the anathema and drawing cries from it that clash violently with the tune that is purging the very souls of the earth sky from this venom. A general and commander who flies upon the notes that come from everywhere and nowhere calls forth those whose lives were laid down battling this scourge. From the aether the lost come forth intact and more alive than they were prior to this resurrection which was beyond the skills of even the most elder of gods. Hues return to the whole of this place even as the armies corner their quarry. It is desiccated now and fading more by the moment. Before it goes a single strain banishes it to a place of light and song for all time from which it cannot return. She who commands with her unnatural beauty and skill is crowned goddess above all and a new epoch begins. 

Edited by Nathrangking
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