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5 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Imagine how terrifying general life would be if you were just thrown into it after having been unexposed your whole life. Social life, work/academic life, etc. has so many facets that we have to get used to over time. Whenever something like that gets disrupted, like with COVID, it throws us for a spin. Trying to get accustomed to everyday life with no prior experience would be a nightmare I could never imagine.

.....Is there a specific reason you bring this up?

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2 hours ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

Imagine how terrifying general life would be if you were just thrown into it after having been unexposed your whole life. Social life, work/academic life, etc. has so many facets that we have to get used to over time. Whenever something like that gets disrupted, like with COVID, it throws us for a spin. Trying to get accustomed to everyday life with no prior experience would be a nightmare I could never imagine.

Covid wasn’t that different for me honestly. Cuz I’m homeschooled. My only out of the house activities were church related or outings—same up until this school year. I’m accustomed to school already, but it was sort of devastating the first day. I almost cried when I realized how few hours I had left—would have left for the rest of every day until summer. That faded after a few days, but I’m still in awe that school takes so much out of the best years of youth. And then, of course, there’s the problem of learning density. In my opinion, the amount of things we LEARN doesn’t justify the time we spend at SCHOOL. 

Sorry… one of my passions :D 

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¡Yo tambíen puedo escribir en dos idiomas! ¿O están todos usando un translador? Sabes, es difícil escribir con acentos cuando usas un teléfono. Probablemente hice un error gramático. No se si error es una palabra femenina o masculina.

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9 minutes ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

¡Yo tambíen puedo escribir en dos idiomas! ¿O están todos usando un translador? Sabes, es difícil escribir con acentos cuando usas un teléfono. Probablemente hice un error gramático. No se si error es una palabra femenina o masculina.

I'm using a chinese keyboard, but I did take chinese for the last two years in school, and I still remember a thing or two.

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4 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I'm using a chinese keyboard, but I did take chinese for the last two years in school, and I still remember a thing or two.

¡Pues, bien hecho! Yo he estudiado español por varios años. Como dije, mi gramática no es perfecta, pero es aceptable. Ya voy a hablar en inglés.

*Screaming, cackling ensues*

Was that the spanish demon again? Oh well.

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