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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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Here’s a list of things I want:


Ice cream


Buff muscles

All Sanderson’s books 

My own phone

My own IPad

My own laptop

A finished draft of Echo of Memory

A contract with a publisher 

Seminary at a time that actually allows you to get half an ounce of sleep

A rental house

A billion dollars in silver

A beautiful forest with caves and an ancient subterranean throne room

A portal into the worlds in my head

An in-person friend group of both girls AND boys (BEST kind of friend group)

Artistic talent

Time to work on my book (like, ACTUALLY)

A good grade on the Bio and Spanish tests tomorrow

A clone of me for three days, to see what it’s like

Three months with all my friends, ever, even the ones I’m not sure I’m friends with anymore :( 

A school that holds session every other day (Think about jt, jt makes sense)

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Ok, I'm going to make a list now.

I want to...

Be happy

Play cello more

Have time to read

Have more inspiration and motivation to write

Understand why people think the way they do

Be able to directly hear the thoughts of others

Better be able to turn off my emotions

Be unable to feel pain, but only when I don't want to

Be able to fly

Have a giant rabbit steed

Be able to truly express myself in words, both spoken and written

Have some form of social skills

Tell my friends how much I appreciate them

Actually be able to help my friends with their problems

Cook well

A room that I can teleport anyone I wish to for ten minutes at a time, so that I can interview and talk to them one on one, but not miss anything outside since time would be weird

Draw music

Have perfect pitch

Be me

Make someone happy

And a lot more.


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2 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

Have a giant rabbit steed

I don't think I would want this.  All that hopping would make it difficult to stay in the saddle.

As for me, I would simply like a day off where others don't want me to help them with something. A day where I do nothing but read.

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Big listses! How about three wishes?

1. All the knowledge required to effectively pursue the career of my choice.

2. An unmarked bank card connected to a bank account existing beyond known banks, which contains an infinite amount of any currency desired. Untraceable, and nobody is able to question or really think about it. (To preserve it's safety, of course.)

3. The ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward the time around me and everything else I choose. (E.G., everywhere is time-paused except China, or, everywhere is time-paused except the electrical wires powering my house, etc.)

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5 minutes ago, Sequence said:

Big listses! How about three wishes?

1. All the knowledge required to effectively pursue the career of my choice.

2. An unmarked bank card connected to a bank account existing beyond known banks, which contains an infinite amount of any currency desired. Untraceable, and nobody is able to question or really think about it. (To preserve it's safety, of course.)

3. The ability to pause, rewind, and fast-forward the time around me and everything else I choose. (E.G., everywhere is time-paused except China, or, everywhere is time-paused except the electrical wires powering my house, etc.)

That is an extraordinarily good list. I would really like to be able to turn invisible and reaper at will. Powers over time would also be so cool.

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Here's a list of things I wish I had or be able to do:

Be able to actually get the ideas in my head onto paper

Have self control when it comes to Brando Sando books

Actually know WHAT THE HECK I am doing in the future

Be able to complete my Studio Arts work

Have lower stress levels

Have two cats (I have one, but I want another)

Actually have some musical talent

Not anxiously think I'm annoying in conversations

Be able to figure out my existence

Get a Brando Sando writing class

Know everything about Hoid and solve the mystery

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1 minute ago, Telrao said:


Here's a list of things I wish I had or be able to do:

Be able to actually get the ideas in my head onto paper

Have self control when it comes to Brando Sando books

Actually know WHAT THE HECK I am doing in the future

Be able to complete my Studio Arts work

Have lower stress levels

Have two cats (I have one, but I want another)

Actually have some musical talent

Not anxiously think I'm annoying in conversations

Be able to figure out my existence

Get a Brando Sando writing class

Know everything about Hoid and solve the mystery

That is an EXTORIDINARALLY good list.

I'm in VCD rn (like pre Studio arts) and I have to get my work done:wacko: My rendering skills are nonexistent so it is not great. Also I wish I could have a cat. My brother and my dad are both extremely allergic though, so I have to settle with occasionally chilln' with my friends cats.

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Just now, Cinnamon said:

That is an EXTORIDINARALLY good list.

I'm in VCD rn (like pre Studio arts) and I have to get my work done:wacko: My rendering skills are nonexistent so it is not great. Also I wish I could have a cat. My brother and my dad are both extremely allergic though, so I have to settle with occasionally chilln' with my friends cats.

Good luck in VCD! I'm in an accelerated course - but my final artwork is due NEXT WEEK and I still have to finish potential directions argh!

Anyways, it's GREAT. Sorry you can't have a cat tho - they're wonderful therapy. There are non-shedding cats (like, they only shed a leetle bit) and hairless (but they sweaty). I'd suggest some kind of rex - cornish rexes are pretty cute!

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Three wishes:

The ability to infallibly spread a little sunshine in the lives of others.

The ability to annoy all of the people in my life who cause problems to the extent that they stop being a pain, but don't have their day ruined.

The ability to do both what I want and what I need to do.

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8 minutes ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Three wishes:

The ability to infallibly spread a little sunshine in the lives of others.

The ability to annoy all of the people in my life who cause problems to the extent that they stop being a pain, but don't have their day ruined.

The ability to do both what I want and what I need to do.

Those are all amazing.

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11 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

Oh, are we wishing for things now? I wish for a billion dollars :D

Really??????????????????? What about this?

"An unmarked bank card connected to a bank account existing beyond known banks, which contains an infinite amount of any currency desired. Untraceable, and nobody is able to question or really think about it. (To preserve it's safety, of course.)"







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Ok, my three:

1. Be able to instantly transport anyone anywhere. Y’all wanna come have a sharder party?

2. Be able to pause time. I know it seems like I’m copying Sequence, but I’ve actually had THAT EXACT WISH for a long time, 

3. Snap and have my first draft all set up for me to write (like an outline), with exactly the plot I would have decided on if I’d thought about it for three years. 

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6 hours ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

1. Be able to instantly transport anyone anywhere. Y’all wanna come have a sharder party?

I would love to have a Sharder Party!

OK. My three wishes

1: The ability to enter any novel I so wish, at any time, without any danger of dying.

2: The ability to make everyone around me feel pure HAPPINESS (and, of course, you wonderful humans through the screens!)

3: And finally, I wish that everyone will have a wonderful day!

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1 hour ago, Telrao said:

I would love to have a Sharder Party!

OK. My three wishes

1: The ability to enter any novel I so wish, at any time, without any danger of dying.

2: The ability to make everyone around me feel pure HAPPINESS (and, of course, you wonderful humans through the screens!)

3: And finally, I wish that everyone will have a wonderful day!

You stole mine!!:D The first and last were on my list! My other one was for all the Brandon leatherbounds and swag

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