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2 hours ago, Sequence said:

I agree :)

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1 minute ago, Shining Silhouette said:
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Ack! I hate that! (So, you can put a ton in there if you insert multiple spoilers?)

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4 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:
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There are enough that I can't even see what you put in the later ones.

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15 hours ago, Shining Silhouette said:
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It looks like The Tower when you open it up enough. (I can't spell it's name right.)

Edited by Potato's Wit
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2 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Back on the topic of rabbits...


That is mostly correct. Usually there's a different way to enter the nobility. Size doesn't really matter that much, though Flemish Giants are usually lower ranking due to their more pacifistic natures and Terris-like way of living.

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No rabbit is that small! And there aren't really any spiked bunnies nowadays anyway. In the Supreme Declaration of 1988, it clearly states that 'no bunny is allowed to be spike, for it is most dubious.' Some older bunnies still have them though. It's a weird business and I won't get into the nitty gritty details of how the Supreme Declaration of 1988 came about. It has something to do about weasels, though.

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You know 

The first time I read mistborn i dnfed it. 

Second time i read it i loved.it, but i swore i wouldn't read the other cosmere books cause they seemed so complicated 

Look at where we are now :lol: 

Sometimes the best things in life are unexpected aren't they

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I am so grateful for all of you! 

You guys will always be my dearest friends! 

I am so glad i got to know such wonderful people, and get my mind opened to so many new ideas and perspectives 

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