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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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"Um... Count Dooku was a Sith silly. He won't be able to train you in Jedi arts, you must be a sith. Perry, Doofenzhmirtz, get him instead!!"

*Retrieves {Redacted for personal safety} from where it fell next to me because Nerdy missed*

"And you thought I'd redact what could hurt me. I'd probably never mention it."

*Collapses an entire forest of small trees on Nerdy*

"And that's for trying to kill me. Perry, Doofenzhmirtz, you're next if you try to kill me. And Ms. Sedai318, you told them I was a normal platypus. You should have told them I was an immortal platypus. You've failed me. Do not fail me again or I will collapse a forest of small trees on you, too. Also, Perry, Doofenzhmirtz, I changed my mind, you can go home. Or, if you want to stay here, I always have room for more friends."


*Can we just admire that I've been this up-to-date in school. It's hard.

Edited by ImportantQuestions
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