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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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On the longer side of flash fiction.

Here it is!


Why hello there.

My name is Chris. Not shocking. Doesn’t stand out. I know that all too well.

Naomi stared at the problem in front of her. 

It was a hard one. She was, of course, struggling to muster to brainpower to begin considering it. 

Given: ∠ABC≅∠DFE

Prove: GBE∥CAB

She stared, her mind probably wandering. Too far.

Naomi placed her head on her hand, trying to think. As it did for everyone, the mind failed to find the most efficient way to start the problem. It was obnoxious.

She looked at the mind-numbing group of shapes. Her eyes flicked to “Given:” And she started writing. As she did, another student leaned over, glanced at her paper, and jotted down the same thing as her. She barely noticed.

*     *     *

Naomi stood in line for lunch. Unlike most school lunches were thought to be, IHS's food was pretty good. At least, that’s what everyone seemed to think.

And I would know what everyone thinks, if anyone does.

Naomi glanced around, looking for something to tell Joni for the school newspaper. Joni was obnoxiously lazy, but somehow had managed to become the writer for the school paper. She was too lazy to actually do anything for her job, so she relied on Naomi to get her information. Naomi, for some reason, let it happen. Naomi looked around, not seeing anything interesting. Why do I even stay here? It’s not like anything happens.

Naomi’s eyes found me. 

“Hello there,” she said. “I haven’t seen you before. What are you going to get for lunch?”

She noticed me.

Nobody notices me.

Nobody sees me.

I’m the seer. I’m the rememberer. She can’t know me. Nobody ever does… but…

I ran.


Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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5 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:


I doubt it, there are periods of lower activity, but I don't think this thread will ever end.

5 hours ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

Also nobody commented on my story.


There's like a narrator character, cool.

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I just read Amari and the night brothers. It was good, I really liked it but I figured out EVERY SINGLE TWIST. I’m a bit older than the intended middle grade audience though so perhaps that’s why. :ph34r: 

that makes 5 books I’ve finished this Christmas holidays! Halfway to my goal.


You misunderstand.

This thread, and also TLT, can never die. It's impossible. Someone will always, always return to make a random post.

The just fall asleep for a little bit.


Edited by Ookla the catastrophizer
Da quote waz not wurking
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I would imagine not, I don’t think fish would have the same religions as us and therefore different holidays. Although on the other hand they may notice lights and decorations that pop up around every season and understand that it’s something while not necessarily ascribing the words ‘Christmas’ or ‘The holidays’ to it. Then again do fish have words?

You are weird Thaidakar, and I mean this as a compliment of the highest degree. I will be thinking about fish culture for a long time to come.

Edited by Ookla the catastrophizer
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