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10 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

Ikr, absolutely disgusting. Wouldn't be drinking the stuff if I didn't need to finish multiple assignments today. I will be a shambling zombified mess tomorrow.

Update: Am fully shamblified and zombling. Also very very tired.


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The thing is though, if you're a zombie, then that means that there was some sort of magic at work, meaning magic is real. which is a very much yes thing. I am totally going to be a zombie tomorrow though

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Wait wait wait that's incredible; as we all know, sleep is a myth. However, mythology involves magic. In the seeking of this myth, or perhaps in the avoiding of it, we have become a part of its tale. Sleep is a long-forgotten myth, and it turns those who can't find it quick enough into zombies. Fear sleep.

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I already fear sleep probably partially because of dreams. Dreams are quite an interesting phenomenon. I actually thing the theory about dreams that was presented in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness(if you haven't seen it, the theory is basically that your dreams are you seeing from the eyes of you in an alternate universe). I think it is easily possible that there is some truth to that, which is existentially horrifying because of the possibility that there are literal infinite universes/worlds that each contain a version of me. sorry for the rant lol

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