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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Jasnah, as she is being sucked into the void, calls in Dalinar, who creates a perpendicularly and brings forth the armies of Roshar.

Sadly your armies become useless as the divine julius inspires terror in them they stampede back through the perpendicularity with thousands being crushed in their haste. Many survivors are cut down by my scorpions and ballistas as they flee. Dalinar is neutralized by the power of the divine julius, bound with manacles of gods, and tossed into the depths of the underworld.

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1 hour ago, whattheHoid said:

Hoid throws pineapples and exploding jelly beans to help Bridge Four!

Pretty fireworks. Though ineffective.

1 hour ago, Lunamor said:

Kaladin thanks Hoid, then, as he is unable to wield weapons against Nathrangking, lashes pineapples many times in his direction so that they crash into his head at the speed of light.

Clever indeed. The scorpions and bellistas shoot down the pineapples which are hardly moving at the speed light. Those which reach me I pull from the air and toss into a bowl of fruit punch. Your stormlight quickly runs out and then a dozen bolts take you out. I am Victory.

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"Nooooo!" Yelled Hoid. whattheHoid gathers her infused spheres and tosses them in Kaladin's direction. He inhales the Stormlight and looks back at whattheHoid and winks. whattheHoid blushes and makes Shallan draw a distraction.

Nathranking is suddenly surrounded by giant ants! The ground trembles! Chasmfiends and Santhid abound! 


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20 minutes ago, whattheHoid said:

"Nooooo!" Yelled Hoid. whattheHoid gathers her infused spheres and tosses them in Kaladin's direction. He inhales the Stormlight and looks back at whattheHoid and winks. whattheHoid blushes and makes Shallan draw a distraction.

Nathranking is suddenly surrounded by giant ants! The ground trembles! Chasmfiends and Santhid abound! 


I tip my helmet in respect for your courage. However, I am the one before whom others bow. Bolts of lightning strike down your ants upon my command. Terra stills the earth at my word. Mars Ultor, Minerva, Diana, and Bellona slay your chasmfiends and santhids in moments. I reward your courage with  golden wreath, and have the winds take you and Kaladin to a tropical island to live out your exiles.

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7 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

The ants, santhids, and chasmfiend are all illusions, however, so they appear to rise from the dead and terrify Nathrangking so much that he surrenders and flees.

I step back a step confused, but I the figure out what is happening. I ignore them and then I reward your courage and ingenuity with  golden wreath. I have the winds take you and Hoid to a tropical island to live out your exiles.

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4 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Kaladin is there, and his is the master of the winds and sky so he takes us back.

Kaladin finds the lords of the winds do not allow fools to exist in their realm. As a result every time you rise into the air you are beaten down by wild tempests. Kaladin cannot help you here.

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Kelsier comes and decks all of the gods on your side, as that is a personal goal of his.

Edit: This kinda feels like Cosmere vs Mythology

Edit #2: This is the 4000th post in this thread! WOOT!!!

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