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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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The knights of valor ride forth from their home of bravery, to face thine foe, who hast challengesteth them.  The bear down on their terrified foe, thou is shaking in his booteths.  They die, and the win is won.  The win winning knights who won the win of the winning, ride the glory of the won win with the win won, and return to their home of glory, celebrating the won win with winning won that was win with won.

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As the Knights of Valor ride off with the win that they won, they are ambushed by a band of rogues wielding crossbows.  The Knights are killed to a man and their hard-fought-for won is stolen by the rogues who the fade back into the undergrowth from whence they came.

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*starts a war against the commite who decides the winner*

*gathers crowd, who have been won over to my side by my moving speech, into a giant mob which swarms onto the stage and makes its way backstage*

Edited by Lunamor
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