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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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Okay. Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was a performer and she was quite good at it, but she always wanted something else. She found her way into a group of people searching for something similar, but things got a bit out of hand for her and some time later, she Ascended along with the rest of the 16, becoming the Shard of Thought. She lived in her Shardic form for a long time. She was an unmatched warrior of the spear and defeated many threats against her reign. Until one day, she was met with a challenger. The challenger in question was an Epic named AJ. At first, Thought assumed that it would be easy to defeat this man - make him kneel before her with her incredible mind-controlling powers and cut off his head with a swipe of her spear. But AJ had a secret. His teleportation abilities were hard enough to get around, but he had a force protecting him from Thought's control. Calamity. She tried to reason with his guardian to no avail. She saw only one way to escape. She latched onto her enemy, fighting with all she had. He shot at her, trying to make her let go, but she would not yield. She would burn to ash before she would admit defeat. Finally, AJ fired one last thing at her. She refused to let go. Her last Shadic mistake. The projectile allowed Calamity to enter her, ripping her apart from the inside. She held out for a time, wishing she could lure AJ closer, ram her spear through his heart and be done with him. But it was not to be. She had not the strength. Calamity and AJ's minds melded together and they became one, attacking her relentlessly. They gave her a choice. Give up her Shard; become mortal and they would let her live. Or die. Be Shattered. Sobbing against the pain, she shamefully let her Shard go. And as Calamity took her mind, self, and soul, she fell. Becoming the fallen. 

But she was not the only one who fell that day. Calamity let go of AJ, betraying his servant. AJ was left with the guilt of all the things he had done under Calamity's rule. And Thought, once the majestic lavender-eyed diety had lost what made her who she was. She looked to the emerald-eyed man beside her and begged him to kill her, but he refused. He left. Having nowhere else to go, Thought decided to follow him to wherever he was going. He had no home and he was being hunted by several people. They narrowly escaped the Westen Village and, after finding that they both enjoyed each other's company, the went to the City of the Lake, Edopus, where they were met with a surprising revelation. Thought too was being hunted. She had done things in her past, things she could not remember, that made her a target for some of the most powerful people on the planet. But one friend, a certain Tom Joebob, was willing to help her. They were met by a fearsome assassin named Oradon who almost killed Thought. The shot her fired hit her shoulder rather than her head and after their mysterious kandra friend SepLar took a shot at the assassin and AJ showed him how he felt about his girl being shot at, AJ took Thought away and she was able to heal using a metalmind. They decided to take Tom's offer. But just as a pair of handerfles showed up to take them to Tom's ship to potential safety, a constable, constable Csilen from the Western Village, arrived. He attacked. 

And that's about where we're at. If this sounds fun, I highly recomend you check it out!

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5 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Okay. Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was a performer and she was quite good at it, but she always wanted something else. She found her way into a group of people searching for something similar, but things got a bit out of hand for her and some time later, she Ascended along with the rest of the 16, becoming the Shard of Thought. She lived in her Shardic form for a long time. She was an unmatched warrior of the spear and defeated many threats against her reign. Until one day, she was met with a challenger. The challenger in question was an Epic named AJ. At first, Thought assumed that it would be easy to defeat this man - make him kneel before her with her incredible mind-controlling powers and cut off his head with a swipe of her spear. But AJ had a secret. His teleportation abilities were hard enough to get around, but he had a force protecting him from Thought's control. Calamity. She tried to reason with his guardian to no avail. She saw only one way to escape. She latched onto her enemy, fighting with all she had. He shot at her, trying to make her let go, but she would not yield. She would burn to ash before she would admit defeat. Finally, AJ fired one last thing at her. She refused to let go. Her last Shadic mistake. The projectile allowed Calamity to enter her, ripping her apart from the inside. She held out for a time, wishing she could lure AJ closer, ram her spear through his heart and be done with him. But it was not to be. She had not the strength. Calamity and AJ's minds melded together and they became one, attacking her relentlessly. They gave her a choice. Give up her Shard; become mortal and they would let her live. Or die. Be Shattered. Sobbing against the pain, she shamefully let her Shard go. And as Calamity took her mind, self, and soul, she fell. Becoming the fallen. 

But she was not the only one who fell that day. Calamity let go of AJ, betraying his servant. AJ was left with the guilt of all the things he had done under Calamity's rule. And Thought, once the majestic lavender-eyed diety had lost what made her who she was. She looked to the emerald-eyed man beside her and begged him to kill her, but he refused. He left. Having nowhere else to go, Thought decided to follow him to wherever he was going. He had no home and he was being hunted by several people. They narrowly escaped the Westen Village and, after finding that they both enjoyed each other's company, the went to the City of the Lake, Edopus, where they were met with a surprising revelation. Thought too was being hunted. She had done things in her past, things she could not remember, that made her a target for some of the most powerful people on the planet. But one friend, a certain Tom Joebob, was willing to help her. They were met by a fearsome assassin named Oradon who almost killed Thought. The shot her fired hit her shoulder rather than her head and after their mysterious kandra friend SepLar took a shot at the assassin and AJ showed him how he felt about his girl being shot at, AJ took Thought away and she was able to heal using a metalmind. They decided to take Tom's offer. But just as a pair of handerfles showed up to take them to Tom's ship to potential safety, a constable, constable Csilen from the Western Village, arrived. He attacked. 

And that's about where we're at. If this sounds fun, I highly recomend you check it out!

Thank you very much! I can’t get over how it was super serious until it was invaded by TLT and Tom Joebob and the handerfles showed up.

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9 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

And that's about where we're at. If this sounds fun, I highly recomend you check it out!

Wonderful story.  Sadly I could never join in such fun as I wouldn't be able to keep up. :(  I'm barely able to keep up with all the threads I follow now.

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1 hour ago, Lunamor said:

Thank you very much! I can’t get over how it was super serious until it was invaded by TLT and Tom Joebob and the handerfles showed up.

If you can believe it, it's actually still quite serious once you get over Tom's name. 

Edited by Shard of Thought
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