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The Last Post Wins!!!!!

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11 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Man, I knew you were young, but I counted on you being at least in High school:P. (don't take offense, I'm in high school)

Eh, you're good. I'm one of the youngest in my grade. Once when I was 11, I met this guy who was 15. He thought I was 14. It's normal to think I'm older than I actually am. ;)

Edited by Shard of Thought
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Spoilered for length. 


Lunamor, having been informed that the landmark of 1500th post was approaching, decided to attempt to write the longest (non-nonsensical) post in the thread of The Last Post Wins. It would be about how the war between The Last Post Wins and The Longest Thread was pointless and needed to be stopped for the benefit of both sides. Why? Cause Luna got really bored and just felt like it. There were three major reasons to end the war. The first was that it prevented sharders from getting their post count up when they needed it most. For example, a few days ago Kidpen said that he needed to get his post count up very quickly to meet a goal of his, but was unable to do so because he had sided with the Longest Thread, and therefore was unable to get his post count up by posting in the Last Post Wins, which, due to its nature, allowed one to post in it much more frequently and easily. Had this silly war never been started, he would have had a better chance at meeting his deadline. The second reason that this war should be ended is that it forces people to fight those who are their good friends. There is even an entire thread dedicated to the fighting of thread vs thread, an annoyance that would be completely unnecessary without this war’s existence. The final reason that this war should be ended is that if someone managed to, despite constant pressuring, not choose a side, they would be forced to tread very lightly, lest they attract the ire of an entire thread. If such a person were to say how much they liked one thread in its opposing thread, they would face great hostility that could have easily been avoided had this war never been started. In conclusion, this war should be stopped because it prevents people from getting their post count up, it causes friends to fight each other, and forces those without sides to tread lightly. Having finished the impromptu essay, Luna took a bow, then realized that more likely needed to be said to make this the longest post. So Luna decided to tell a story. It would be a story about a man named Bob. Bob was a very friendly man. But not everyone was so friendly. There was also a man named Joe. Joe was not a friendly man. He was, in fact, evil. So evil that he wanted to destroy all of the apples in the world using his evil device, the Apple Destructor. Bob didn’t like this. Apples were his favorite food! So, he went on a quest to stop the evil Joe. Joe lived in the great swamps of Galvania. The great swamps of Galvania were very far from where Bob was, and he needed to go there to destroy the Apple Destructor. However, he didn’t have a method of getting there. So, he went to his local Horsemart to purchase a noble steed. After walking past many rather mean and lazy horses, he found the best horse that he had ever seen. Its gleaming white goat and silver hooves looked amazing, and it looked very powerful. But after checking the price tag, Bob quickly walked away lest he accidentally damage it. He did not have near enough money to buy it, so he had to settle for a mean and lazy horse instead. He named it Nippy, on account of how it tried to nip him whenever he got too close. To mount Nippy, he had to get a running start so that he would be on top of Nippy before he noticed him coming. Bob led Nippy to the line at the cash register. He stood in the line, which seemed to go on for nearly a mile, for servers minutes without it moving. So, he decided to use the self checkout station. The only problem was that he had no idea where the barcode was to scan on Nippy. He checked behind an ear, but it wasn’t there. He checked the top of his head, but it wasn’t there. He checked under all four hooves, but it wasn’t there. While he was searching for the barcode, he was nipped several times. This made him unhappy. However, he was determined to stop the evil Joe, so he kept on searching. Several nips later, he realized that the machine had an option where you just typed in your product name to pay for it. He face palmed, then proceeded to do so. After purchasing Nippy, he was ready to go forth and begin his quest. He got a running start, hopped up onto Nippy, and started making his way to the Great Swamps of Galvania. On the way there, he noticed a witch standing on the side of the road selling potions. He nudged Nippy to go faster, as he knew that suspicious witches selling suspicious things were never to be trusted. Bob continued along. Soon, his stomach began to rumble. So, he parked Nippy in the parking lot of a nearby McDugals and went inside. He purchased some McNugats for Nippy and a BigDug for himself. Walking outside, he gave the McNugats to Nippy and began to enjoy his delicious BigDug. But all was not well. Nippy was jealous of Bob’s BigDug. As soon as Bob got near, he snatched it out of his hands and swallowed it whole. Bob sighed, then ate the McNugats instead. Remounting Nippy, he continued on his quest. Soon, he approached the Great Swamps of Galvania. They were very smelly. So smelly, in fact, that as soon as he dismounted Nippy bolted and ran all the way back to the McDugals, where he took over and ate everyone’s BigDugs. Bob, now with his nose plugged, continued on his way. He soon discovered the source of the foul smell- stinky cheese. Instead of dirty water, the swamps were filled with liquid dirty stinky cheese. By the time that he got to the evil lair of Joe, his feet were covered in it. The evil lair was a single skyscraper that reached all the way to the clouds, where the stink of the swamps could not reach. The evil Apple Destructor was on the top floor. Bob snuck in through a window. When he got inside he sighed, as he realized that the sky scraper had no elevator. He would have to walk up all 628 flights of stairs. Determined to save the apples, he began to do so. Along the way he was forced to avoid several booby traps such as giant rolling boulders, spikes that shot out of the walls, and a (thankfully) frozen block of acid. Some time later, a sweaty and panting Bob finally made it to the top of the tower. He rejoiced, but then soon stopped as he heard the ominous battle music of a boss fight begin to play. The evil Joe rose up through a trapdoor in the floor amid smoke and flames (for dramatic affect). Bob, who couldn’t be bothered to fight Joe (he was much too tired from climbing the stairs) threw a spike from a trap at the evil Apple Destructor, impaling it and causing it to explode. The machine, having taken Joe a lifetime to build, was irreplaceable. Having accomplished his mission, Bob quickly ran back down the stairs, as Joe was chasing him. Joe got closer and closer, and Bob began to worry. Luckily, the stench of the swamps soon began to appear as they got lower and lower. It eventually drove Joe back up, and Bob was free. He returned home (on foot this time) a hero. Unfortunately, no one believed his story, so he went on to live an average life. The end.

*Note: None of this is meant to be taken seriously. :P Also, please let me know if there are any posts longer than this one in this thread so I can expand it.


Edited by Lunamor
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I could draw him for you. Give me a detailed description and I could do it pretty well. Of course, I'm a pretty big procrastinator so I don't know how long it'd take. I was actually planning on asking you for a description of Delarin eventually.

Edited by Shard of Thought
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