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12 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

AJ allowed Calamity to shield himself from her telepathy. 

He focused on her location in the spiritual realm again and teleported there, firing strange lasers.

Thought barreled through the boundary, clawing at AJ's mind. An Epic, even one as powerful as whatever Calamity is cannot obstruct a Shard. Not completely. Thought decided not to chance it with the lasers and turned them into harmless petals.

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When the blast hit, Thought's grip was loosened for a moment as she recoiled. She then made her physical form dematerialize and returned to forcing her way into the cracks in AJ's mind. She used what little influence she had to make AJ's aim go haywire, hoping to make him accidentally hit himself.

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Thought disappears for a moment, carefully turning the projectile into mist. She doesn't let anything distract her this time. Immediately after, she returns to attacking Calamity. "Let. Go," she grunted. "The boy is mine."

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Thought refuses to be baited into using one of her forcefields. She focusses on slowing it and gently changes its past, turning into what it might have been. Turning back to Calamity, she says, "What is he to you? Let me have him and I will leave you alone. I know this pains you."

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Thought moves to the Spiritual Realm for a moment, waiting for the energy blast to pass. "I will not let him escape my grasp," Thought warned Calamity. "Either you go out, or I do. And I will turn to ash before I relent." She drives herself into Calamity's mind like a knife, clawing at him, tearing at his essence with all she has.

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