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7 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

I feel dumb just sitting and doing nothing but watching something. There are a few exceptions, but still. 

I get that, I guess, but the theorizing and the shipping and the roleplaying! :P

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Sorry about this being a bit late (by that I mean just a day or two, but dozens of pages) but did Thought get Thanos snapped in TLT? 

Should I use Balefire on one of the Stones, or the Gauntlet if we can’t find the stones?

Edited by Ethan_Sedai
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Why not? However, if possible, I’d prefer to use Balefire on the gauntlet and not a narrator or character, because then everything that they did for a while back gets undone. But using it on the gauntlet would just undo everything that the gauntlet did.

Edited by Ethan_Sedai
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Just now, Ethan_Sedai said:

Why not? However, if possible, I’d prefer to use Balefire on the gauntlet and not a narrator or character, because then everything that they did for a while back gets undone.

Well, I don't think you'll have to use it. Star wants to die but I'm not going to let her. Not until Xino returns and I understand what's going to happen. After that I'll use Ember as my primary avatar. She'll be an interesting Narrator. 

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