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2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

The hard parts? Nothing special. It's still sharp, though, so...


This will end badly. Lena can't escape.

Lena saw him move and his fist connected with her face, when he shoved her out of the way. The sharp parts of his fists cut her cheek open and pain exploded in her head. She stumbled to the ground and lifted a hand to her cheek, stared at the blood. He'd cut her. That was bad.

@I think I am here.

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On 09/05/2019 at 2:23 AM, Sorana said:

Lena saw him move and his fist connected with her face, when he shoved her out of the way. The sharp parts of his fists cut her cheek open and pain exploded in her head. She stumbled to the ground and lifted a hand to her cheek, stared at the blood. He'd cut her. That was bad.

Alask shuffled though the back, until he found the marked bottle and opened the cap off just as Lena was struck down. How many sips did he have to take again? One? Three? He settled for three small sips, quickly handing the bottle to Lena, who’d just been hit by the creature.

Alask quickly stood up, the painkiller taking effect and the surplus making him feel a little euphoric. He laughed a little, to his own surprise.

“What do you want from us?” He asked, stepping back. If this assault continued, Alask and Lena wouldn’t be able to defend alone.

He looked outside the open door. A man was waiting. “Hey, you!” Alask called. “Help is out here! It’s weakness is silver!” He stood between Lena and the creature.





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Warden is a woman

Warden looked inside the open door and saw what looked like a shadow attacking two people, she quickly put a disk in betweenthe man and the shadow thing and drew her gun.

will a gun even work against that? Well it's worth a shot

aiming carefully she shot at the shadow than ran inside the building looking for something made of silver.

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What about the Shade? Edahs drew blood...

The bullet sank a few inches into his side before stopping. A couple of drops of shadow-acid dripped from the wound, leaving a couple of dents in the floor, and the wound sealed over.

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Alask didn't notice. Her potion, if he'd drunk too much, or he hadn't looked.

A woman stormed into the room and shot at the Shade and Lena sliwly got to her feet.

"Listen, just leave Shade! Whatever you want to find, it isn't here, or we have no idea what it is."

Alask had said he could talk with his, so there was no reason this one wouldn't understand her as well.


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7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

What about the Shade? Edahs drew blood...


Oh yeah :) 

Alask saw the woman shoot a bullet to the Shade and it seemed to work. Standing up he saw Lena get up too. And that’s when he realised she was bleeding from the acid, and Alask looked down and he was bleeding too. Already he could feel a tug inside of him, a roar, and he collapsed back down.

But there was no hiding it. He’d promised Shez they’d get to kill some people today in exchange for not losing control at PlasmaCore, and he was sure Shez wanted this fight more than ever, the rage boiling inside, Alask’s spikes vibrating, making him feel woozy and making him wince at the same time. And besides, they weren’t winning this battle.

So instead of resisting, Alask let it happen, and the Shade flamed to life, dark tendrils waving around and his figure changing, almost like it was made of living shadow, features not seen except for a pair of blazing green eyes, slowly bleeding to a deep red. And Alask became a passenger again as he let Shez loose, praying the Shade didn’t lose control and attack his friends.


The Shade growled, hatred at the bloodshedder evident, and with one leap it pounded at Edahs, toppling them both through the open door of the Forge onto the isolated road.


Abilities of the Shade: Withering. No projectiles like Edahs, but it has superhuman strength and speed.


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Lena grabbed her bag, ran over to the new woman, grabbed her arm tried to pull her away from the windows. Last time the shade had stopped when there were no more targets. But he was outside, in a street. People would start running soon.

"Can you throw a blade? Or do you trust yourself to hit him, to draw blood, without him touching you?"

She asked urgently, sorting through her bag, bright blue, she needed the bottle with the bright blue label.


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6 hours ago, Sorana said:

Lena grabbed her bag, ran over to the new woman, grabbed her arm tried to pull her away from the windows. Last time the shade had stopped when there were no more targets. But he was outside, in a street. People would start running soon.

"Can you throw a blade? Or do you trust yourself to hit him, to draw blood, without him touching you?"

She asked urgently, sorting through her bag, bright blue, she needed the bottle with the bright blue label.


" I can throw it but it probably won't hit, and which one am I supposed to hit?" She asked.

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46 minutes ago, Turtle373 said:

" I can throw it but it probably won't hit, and which one am I supposed to hit?" She asked.

Lena cursed under her breath.

"The one with the glowing eyes is ours."

She explained.

"If we're lucky he'll stop in time. If he can't see us, we're prey. Running is bad, silver works against both of them."

She looked around the corner at Alask. This was bad.

"Welcome to the forge, I'm Lena by the way."

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10 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Lena cursed under her breath.

"The one with the glowing eyes is ours."

She explained.

"If we're lucky he'll stop in time. If he can't see us, we're prey. Running is bad, silver works against both of them."

She looked around the corner at Alask. This was bad.

"Welcome to the forge, I'm Lena by the way."

looking at the two shades fighting she saw the one with the glowing eyes.

"I'm Warden, do you have silver knife or something I can use?"

she had no idea if she could hit the shade with a knife, but she couldn't sit here doing nothing.

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2 hours ago, Turtle373 said:


looking at the two shades fighting she saw the one with the glowing eyes.

"I'm Warden, do you have silver knife or something I can use?"

she had no idea if she could hit the shade with a knife, but she couldn't sit here doing nothing.

"No. There are some silvery beads over there."

Lena gestured towards the pot where she'd taken the beads from.

"But don't attack the one with the glowing eyes. He's a good man. He's just unfortunate.  Hopefully he'll turn back soon."

Lena drew her own knife and carefully dropped a tiny bit of the content of the bottle on it. Calculated his body weight again. Batrachotoxin. Fast and strong but if Alask really attacked them. She grimaced and then filled a syringe with a bit of thinned Tetradotoxin, to have it ready. Deadly both, but as always it depended on the dose.

Edited by Sorana
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7 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"No. There are some silvery beads over there."

Amara gestured towards the pot where she'd taken the beads from.

"But don't attack the one with the glowing eyes. He's a good man. He's just unfortunate.  Hopefully he'll turn back soon."

Amara drew her own knife and carefully dropped a tiny bit of the content of the bottle on it. Calculated his body weight again. Batrachotoxin. Fast and strong but if Alask really attacked them. She grimaced and then filled a syringe with a bit of thinned Tetradotoxin, to have it ready. Deadly both, but as always it depended on the dose.

Warden ran over to the pot and grabbed a handful of beads, then ran outside and threw one of the beads at the shade, but it fell a foot or two short. She threw the next one right at the shade.

@xinoehp512 @I think I am here.


I'm probably going to have to use Warden's powers soon so heres her power, I copied it straight from her sheet

Power: Epic, can create disks of "air" (not really air just the best way to describe it) a foot in diameter and half an inch thick, they are nearly impossible to break or move once placed, she can place them anywhere she can see, can have up to 3 at a time, they look like a disk of very thin glass, a tineye could see it if they were looking for it, but most people won't be able to.


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Edahs struggled to resist his attacker's grip, droplets of shadow-acid falling from his hands. Whoever his attacker was, they were strong- stronger than he was. their touch felt strange, too, as though it was trying to suck all the life out of him. It didn't seem to be having any effect that he could discern, but it was very unnerving.

A bead of silver bounced off his arm, leaving a withered mark where it touched. In retaliation, he excreted shadow acid from every inch of his skin, coating himself in the oily black liquid. His attacker might be stronger, but they'd still be hurt just as much by the dark substance.


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10 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:
A bead of silver bounced off his arm, leaving a withered mark where it touched. In retaliation, he excreted shadow acid from every inch of his skin, coating himself in the oily black liquid. His attacker might be stronger, but they'd still be hurt just as much by the dark substance.

The Shade, or Shez, as Alask has named it, snarled and jumped back as some liquid burned its skin. It landed on its feet some distance, eyes burning red. The creature, it looked like Shez. Shez found it curious, that he could even think at all, that he could even notice that. It was what Alask had called the ‘bond’. Shez could think. But right now such a field of anger permeated Shez, it was hard to focus on anything else.

Jumping forward the Shade became a blur in the night and with one pounce it tried to jump at Edahs again, to throw him to the ground.


Hearing the commotion a few people went outside and yelling pursued. But among that they saw the Shade with the red eyes, the one that had become an urban legend in these areas, systematically killing the gangs that threatened them. And so some of the public cheered. The Hunter Shade was here!

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Warden carefully threw two more silver beads at the shade, "there's got to be something more we can do" she said to Lena. When she saw the crowd gathering she yelled "all of you need to leave, you aren't safe!"

@xinoehp512 @Sorana @I think I am here.


Xinoehp you can decide if the beads hit or not.


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Looking around Lena tried to think about something, anything they could do. She had no intention to touch any of the two, and they were out in the sunlight. The crowd cheered Alask on, and she smiled when she realized, that he was the one who'd killed the criminals.

"I'm not sure."

She told him and then started to search the forge.

"If we find some acid, nitric acid, or even better sulfuric acid as well, we could mix them and then throw the beads into that."

"Nitric acid alone can work."

A forge, Laonin had created some beautiful things, to find some acid here was possible. Both were used to etch metal.


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10 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“The Hunter Shade will protect us!” Someone shouted, though a few people scampered off.

"He's enraged, cant you see that!"

18 hours ago, Sorana said:

Looking around Lena tried to think about something, anything they could do. She had no intention to touch any of the two, and they were out in the sunlight. The crowd cheered Alask on, and she smiled when she realized, that he was the one who'd killed the criminals.

"I'm not sure."

She told him and then started to search the forge.

"If we find some acid, nitric acid, or even better sulfuric acid as well, we could mix them and then throw the beads into that."

"Nitric acid alone can work."

A forge, Laonin had created some beautiful things, to find some acid here was possible. Both were used to etch metal.


Warden ran back into the forge, looking around for flasks or something similar, "where would they be?" She asked Lena.

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5 hours ago, Turtle373 said:

Warden ran back into the forge, looking around for flasks or something similar, "where would they be?" She asked Lena.

"I have no idea. I've never been inside the forge before. Alask would know."

Hastily she opened one cupboard after the next, looked inside.

"Etching. You might need some place, something to sit down, not too close to the ground -"

She opened another door and grinned at a bottle with an orange looking liquid.

"That one looks -"

She opened the bottle, fanned the air above towards her nose,

"And smells right."

Grinning she grabbed an empty bottle as well and halfed the liquid, then added some of the silvery beads and swirled the liquid with the the beads around. They dissolved, until they were gone.

"I have no idea if that works. But it will be fun to try it out. Just don't hit our shade. With some luck he'll calm down once the other one is gone."


There is now some silver nitrate (AgNO3) in the bottles. I know it's not pure silver, but then it's something Lena would try. I've got no idea if you can hurt a shade with that ooc.


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Edahs picked himself up off the ground, which had been partially eaten away by his acid. He was just in time to see his opponent, glowing green, charge him.

Instinctively he threw up his hands, releasing a massive burst of shadow-acid all over Shez, the street, and anyone who happened to be standing besides him.

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9 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Edahs picked himself up off the ground, which had been partially eaten away by his acid. He was just in time to see his opponent, glowing green, charge him.

Instinctively he threw up his hands, releasing a massive burst of shadow-acid all over Shez, the street, and anyone who happened to be standing besides him.

Any bystander who got hit suddenly screamed and lots of the public scrambled, realising whoever this person the Hunter Shade was fighting was, they were dangerous.

Shez extended his arms before him, letting them take the bulk of the hit and the bulk of the pain. Twirling Shez grabbed a large vehicle tire and launched it at Edhas, throwing debris towards the minster and charging with them.

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