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Long Game 51: A Traitor in the Obligators


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The game is broken down into two Turns across each Cycle of play – The Day Turn, and the Night Turn. The game begins on a Day Turn. Day Turns last 48 hours, Night turns 24 hours. The end of each turn will be 5:30 PM EST.

During the Day Turn, players vote for another player to lynch. As long as a player has two or more votes, the player with the most votes dies. If there is a tie, or no player has two or more votes, no lynch occurs. During the Day Turn, Rioters and Soothers may use their abilities. Players may send PMs to each other as long as a Tineye is alive (you will be told if they are not).

During the Night Turn, the Traitor team can use an action by one of their players to make a kill attempt. In addition, the Tineye, Coinshot, Lurcher, Seeker, Smoker and Seer may use their Role Actions at this time. Players may send PMs to each other as long as a Tineye is alive.

Players may only make one action per Cycle, regardless of how many actions they might be able to perform. Sending a PM is not an action.



Thug: The first time a Thug would die for any reason (whether at night or in the lynch), they instead survive. If it’s during the Night, their attack and survival will not be publicly noted. The Thug will know if they were attacked during the Night, however. This is a passive effect and does not require an Action to use.

Tineye: As long as a Tineye is still alive, players can send and receive PMs to each other. Group PMs are allowed. If all Tineyes die, players cannot send messages to each other anymore. As an Action, Tineyes may also send a message at Night to the GM to include within the next Day’s writeup.

Coinshot: A Coinshot can use their Action at Night to attempt to kill another player.

Lurcher: A Lurcher can use their Action at Night to save another player from being killed. The Lurcher will be aware that their target was attacked, but no-one else, including the player being attacked, will know.

Rioter: A Rioter can target a player in the Day with their Action, at the cost of nullifying their own vote, to change who another player has voted for.

Soother: A Soother can target a player in the Day with their Action to nullify their vote.

Seeker: A Seeker can use their Action during the Night to discover what Role that player has.

Smoker: By using their Action during the Night, a Smoker can protect themselves and up to one other player that Night and the following Day from Rioting, Soothing and Seeking.

The Seer: The Seer is the sole Traitor at the start of the game. The Seer begins with a number of beads of Atium depending on the number of players in the game. A Seer cannot be detected by a Seeker if they have no Atium left. Seers cannot give their Atium to other players other than as a bribe. Atium may be used in two ways:

  1.  The Seer can use their Action during the Night to gift a bead of Atium to another player and bribe them onto the Traitor faction. This takes place at the end of the Night and will fail if the target dies, not costing the Seer any Atium. Coinshots will automatically cost 2 Atium. The Seer does not have to be aware that someone is a Coinshot to bribe them. If they don’t have enough Atium, the Action fails.
  2. If the Seer would die, they instead automatically burn one of their beads of Atium if they have any left to avoid the death, to all appearances in the same way as a Thug or as if they were saved by a Lurcher. This is a passive effect and does not require an Action to use.



Obligators: The Obligators win if all the Traitors are dead.

Traitors: The Traitors win when they are guaranteed to win (the village has no kill roles and will be outvoted in every lynch).


The game will start at 5:30 EST on the 10th of December. Countdown will be posted at a later date.

GM Notes:

Since it's Ookla season, please @mention me if you change your name.

This is a rerun of LG39, so these rules were originally created by @Wyrmhero.


Kills will not be differentiated.

By default, Smokers will smoke themselves. However, smoking another requires an action. As an action, Smokers can choose to not smoke themselves.

Example of Soothing: (Orlok soothes Alvron)

Alvron (3): Wilson, Orlok, Seonid

Wilson (1): Alvron


Alvron (3): Wilson, Orlok, Seonid

Wilson (0): Alvron

Example of Rioting: (Alvron riots Seonid to Orlok):

Wilson (2): Orlok, Alvron

Alvron (1): Seonid

Orlok (1): Wilson


Orlok (2): Wilson

Wilson (1): Orlok, Alvron

Alvron (0): Seonid



1. Ookla the Phoenix (AKA xinoehp512(Neddih)
2. Ookla the Guacless (AKA I think I am here) (The Legendary Guacless)
3. Araris Valerian (Ookla the Inherited)
4. Malliw73 (Matarn Wachtrot)
5. Alvron (Nameless Obligator #5)
6. Ookla the Lumgol (AKA Lumgol) (Teraval)
7. Coop772 (Ihcnoux)
8. Ookla the Ring (AKA Karnatheon) (Bessum)
9. Ookla the Gambler (AKA Nohadon) (Velrond Tarot)
10. Amanuensis (Xemalun Renaud)
11. Ookla the Duck (AKA Cadmium Compounder) (Palessi)
12. Ookla the Libre (AKA Gancho Libre) (Erbil Ohcnag)
13. Rathmaskal (Lord Flamingo)
14. Ookla the Heretical (AKA Devotary of Spontaneity) (Jesorden)
15. Ookla the Skeptical (AKA Snipexe) (Snipexe)
16. Jondesu (Remart)
17. STINK (Flans Mastic)
18. Ookla the Walinevitable (AKA Walin) (Nedran)
19. Furamirionind (Furamirionind)



1. Ookla the White-Cloaked (AKA Fifth Scholar)
2: Ookla of Positivity (AKA Steeldancer)
3. Ookla of Ookla (AKA Ark1002)

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Edited by Fifth Scholar
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Alright, alright. I’ve been looking for a simpler game to play and this looks perfect. I love the Seer twist too, is that new to this game or has it been done since I’ve been gone? 

I’ll join as Matarn Wachtrot, from the northern dominance. 

As a personal favor, can everyone post their normal usernames when they sign up at least? These ooklas confuse me. 

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Just now, Mailliw73 said:

Alright, alright. I’ve been looking for a simpler game to play and this looks perfect. I love the Seer twist too, is that new to this game or has it been done since I’ve been gone? 

I’ll join as Matarn Wachtrot, from the northern dominance. 

As a personal favor, can everyone post their normal usernames when they sign up at least? These ooklas confuse me. 

This is a rerun of LG39, which happened when you were gone, and I believe that similar mechanics have been implemented in other conversion games.

I'm going to edit normal usernames into the player list, so you can check that. :)

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50 minutes ago, Ookla of Light said:

This is a rerun of LG39, which happened when you were gone, and I believe that similar mechanics have been implemented in other conversion games.

I'm going to edit normal usernames into the player list, so you can check that. :)

Gotcha! I have played some conversion games but I’m excited to play this one. It seems a bit different than the others I’ve played. 


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30 minutes ago, Alvron said:

You know, I don't think I've played a Straw game. :o  This needs to be remedied.  Sign me up as Nameless Obligator #5.

You actually played in my first game (you were a serial killer and died D1).

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8 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Alright, alright. I’ve been looking for a simpler game to play and this looks perfect. I love the Seer twist too, is that new to this game or has it been done since I’ve been gone? 

I’ll join as Matarn Wachtrot, from the northern dominance. 

As a personal favor, can everyone post their normal usernames when they sign up at least? These ooklas confuse me. 

Mailliw is back???




Why aren't more people screaming? Am I just the only one who didn't know?

Either way, now there's no way I don't sign up for this game. As I use this post to welcome Mailliw back into the community, let's all welcome Yesika Renaud, the estranged daughter of Lord Xemalun Renaud, into the game.

How ya been, Maill?

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7 hours ago, Ookla the Phoenix said:

If you receive a piece of Atium do you get to use it for an extra life?


3 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Mailliw is back???




Why aren't more people screaming? Am I just the only one who didn't know?

Either way, now there's no way I don't sign up for this game. As I use this post to welcome Mailliw back into the community, let's all welcome Yesika Renaud, the estranged daughter of Lord Xemalun Renaud, into the game.

How ya been, Maill?

Mailliw has been back for a while. :P

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7 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Mailliw is back???




Why aren't more people screaming? Am I just the only one who didn't know?

Either way, now there's no way I don't sign up for this game. As I use this post to welcome Mailliw back into the community, let's all welcome Yesika Renaud, the estranged daughter of Lord Xemalun Renaud, into the game.

How ya been, Maill?

Haha thanks, Aman! I played MR31 as my first game back and am a lot busier now than before, so this is only my second game back but I pop on the forums here and there. 

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9 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Mailliw is back???




Why aren't more people screaming? Am I just the only one who didn't know?

Either way, now there's no way I don't sign up for this game. As I use this post to welcome Mailliw back into the community, let's all welcome Yesika Renaud, the estranged daughter of Lord Xemalun Renaud, into the game.

How ya been, Maill?

Wait, did we all forget to tell Aman?
I'm kinda highly surprised we all forgot.

I'll sign up as Lord Escell 

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