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Power Level Reform


Era Three Proposals   

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we adopt Kenod's Laws (link in OP)? (Yes: check box beside each you want adopted. No, or if you want any adjustments made: don't check box.)

    • Law of Community Approval
    • Law of Consequences
    • Law of Proportional Weaknesses
    • Law of Inverse Power Morality Correlation (the Mraize Addendum)
    • I would not like to adopt any of these laws
  2. 2. Would you like to adopt Kenod's Law of Power Increase?

    • Yes, as it is currently written.
    • Yes, in principle. But it needs adjustment.
    • No.
    • No opinion.
  3. 3. Would you like a points system to be used to quantify how powerful characters are when they are being approved? (Note: mods may still use their discretion)

    • Yes, for character creation. (RPers consciously reference list when making characters)
    • Yes, for analysis. (May be used by mods to help determine if characters are too OP, but isn't advertised)
    • No, I prefer our current system
    • No opinion.

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3 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

And if a luck compounder is tapping enough, there is nothing they could do. Any attack would fail, through one way or another.

Luck won't help you if you're in an impossible situation. It's also potentially not how Chromium actually works in light of recent reveals about the nature of Fortune.

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17 hours ago, Archer said:

Any power not mentioned on the list that people try to use shouldn't necessarily be rejected, just evaluated on a case by case basis or added to the Index when it comes up. But I'll include a generic enhancement option in the next update for you since it's relevant. 

Sorry, when I posted last I was a little rushed and tired. You don't gotta do that just because I whined.

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Why is duralumin feruchemy +30 points? - Jac

That was mostly a convenience thing on my part, to lower the number of levels I had to work with. But in its defense, you can use it to manipulate people, so it's a bit like being an emotional allomancer. Have you ever wanted to end a relationship? Just store your connection and the girl's good as gone. I think it could have combat applications. It's one of the few powers that can turn an attacker into a friend. You don't need to drop them if you can take away their reason for attacking you. 

Plus, it's handy for worldhoppers, which everyone in the Alleyverse is. Our characters get to experience its full benefits. 

Also, what is the point-addage for Shardplate? - Jac

They're pretty comparable to being a pewter misting in terms of enhanced strength, dexterity, and ability to take damage. So I'd say we're looking at around 40, maybe 35. They can't be flared and require time to put on, but they provide better speed and jumping ability than a pewter misting, so it balances out. Ways of harming them are pretty similar. They do break and need time to regrow, but that's not too different from the rest a Thug needs after taking too much. Plus, even if your plate is wrecked, it's possible the man inside is unharmed and can fight the next day. Not so for a Thug. 

Could we put the Index in a Google doc or the first post of this thread? Easier to keep track of that way. - Kidpen

Will do. 

[Lots of comments about chromium compounders]. - Itiah, Ark, and co.

Nicrosil and chromium are scored high enough they shouldn't be accessible anyway.


- Changed kandra scoring system (let me know if you think it should go even lower. Trouble is, I know what an OP kandra looks like, and am trying to make them hard to make, but want to allow not OP ones. This puts the baseline possibly higher than it should be. I'm considering switching it to be a rank system, but multiplied by 10. I'm open to suggestions.)

- Added other genetic enhancements to Centrifugal section

- Changed Returned score. Returned don't need to eat or sleep*, and are functionally immortal. They can befriend animals. They can change their appearance to some extent. They're physically in great shape. And they can sacrifice themselves to save somebody. But that's it. I think the first part gives them some serious advantages, so they still score highly, but I'm taking them out of OP range. They'd be lower than 55, but immortality has got to count for something. Given the prevalence of investiture available in the Alleyverse, and the ability to stockpile, I don't think the need to be fed it counts as too much of a weakness. 

To Do:

- Include general disclaimer about adding points for expertise, experience, and savantism, and taking them away for lack thereof in the final draft. 

- Tech and skills




Detritus (Skyward)

[Redacted while the spoiler suppression period is in effect.]

Earth (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians)

Crystin: +25

Smedry Talent: Impure, +25, Prime, +50, Dark Talent, +150

Oculator/User of Blood-Forged Lenses: +40

Alivened augmentations: +15

Earth (Defending Elysium)

Sense: +15

Mind Blades: +40

FTL transport: +40

Earth (The Reckoners)

Epic Power: Counting primary, secondary, and tertiary powers all together and subtracting the impact their weakness has on their ability, rank on scale of 1 – 10 based on power output and usefulness. Multiply score by 10 and add 20.

Additional Prime Invincibility (High Epic): +20 (or +40 if also lacking a weakness)

Post-Calamity Epic (no Epic weakness): +5

Examples: Donny ‘Curveball’ Harrison = 30, Knoxx = 40, Refractionary = 70, Obliteration = 160

Earth (The Rithmatist)

Rithmatist: +30

Melody-level ability: +30

First of the Sun (Sixth of the Dusk)

Aviar: +10 per

Imperium (Aether of Night)

Amberite Bond: +35

Verdant Bond: +30

Bestarian Bond: +10

Ferrous Bond: +10

Luminous Bond: +25

Lukarvia (I Hate Dragons)

Knack: Rank each knack’s power on a scale of 1 – 3. Multiply by five.

Nalthis (Warbreaker)

First Heightening: +30

Second Heightening: +40

Third Heightening: +70

Fourth Heightening: +100

Fifth Heightening: +150

Returned: +55

Roshar (The Stormlight Archive)

Surgebinder: First Ideal, +60, Second Ideal, +80, Third Ideal, +100, Fourth Ideal, +120

Knight Radiant Squire: +50

Old Magic Boon/Bane: Treat like an Epic Power [see: Earth (The Reckoners)], but the minimum is 5 instead.

Fabrial that replicates surges: +30

*Dysian Aimian: +45

*Siah Aimian: +45

*Singer: +20

*Spren: 0

Scadrial (Mistborn)

Misting: Aluminum, lerasium (without access to the metal) and duralumin, +5, Level One, +35, Level Two, +45, Level Three, +55. [Note: Level distinctions are non-canon.]

            Level One: Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Gold, Malatium, Nicrosil, Tin, Zinc.

            Level Two: Bendalloy, Electrum, Iron, Steel, Pewter

            Level Three: Atium

Mistborn: +160

Ferring: Level One, +30, Level Two, +40, Level Three, +50.

            Level One: Aluminum, Atium, Brass, Bendalloy, Bronze, Cadmium, Copper, Electrum, Duralumin, Nicrosil, Tin, Zinc

            Level Two: Iron, Pewter, Malatium

            Level Three: Chromium, Gold, Steel

Feruchemist: +150

Complimentary Twinborn Combination: +10

Compounder: Level One, +100, Level Two, +120, Level Three, +140

            Level One: Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Copper, Duralumin, Electrum, Tin, Zinc

            Level Two: Bendalloy, Iron, Pewter

            Level Three: Atium, Chromium, Gold, Nicrosil, Steel

Fullborn: +1000

Hemalurgist: If using hemalurgy to replicate a feruchemical or allomantic power, subtract five from the score a ferring or misting would receive. Consider removing more points than five for additional spikes. Use discretion to judge the power level of spikes granting other abilities. 

*Kandra: Rank based on skill level and skeleton type on a scale of 1-10. Multiply by five and add 70. Examples: An experienced kandra using human bone is 85, and a kandra with extensive combat training and a carbon-fiber skeleton is 115.

*Full koloss: +20

*Koloss-blooded: +10

Sel (Elantris, The Emperor’s Soul)

Elantrian: Rank based on experience and knowledge on a scale of 1-10. Multiply by five and add 75.

Dakhor user: +80 for full monk, +30 for single limb mutation.

ChayShan user: +40

Forger: +60

Bloodsealer: +50

Solar System Near Earth (Centrifugal)

Enhanced jumping: +10

Enhanced adrenaline: +30

Both enhancements: +45

Other enhancements: Rank on a scale of 1-5 based on power output and usability. Multiply by five and add five.

Taldain (White Sand)

Sand master: Rank their ability from 1 - 5. Multiply by 5 and add 35.

The Westlands (The Wheel of Time)

Channeler: Rank their power on a scale of 1 – 10. Multiply by five and add 80.

Blademaster: +15


Earth (Dreamer from Games Creatures Play)


Earth (Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine from Armored)




(Infinity Blade)


(Warhammer 40k)




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Thanks, Gancho. 

1 hour ago, King Taravangian said:

If you want, I can help you with the infinity blade part, as I'm almost done with the second book.

I would appreciate that. 

15 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

So, just to clarify, it is that only great guilds can summon armies out of nowhere, but everyone can get armies, as long as their gathering is rpd, correct?

That is a good question. I don't know how that works. 

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I'm hoping this will be the final draft, beyond additions to the sections others have volunteered to improve, and a few minor updates which I can make to this post instead of posting it again. (It feels like I just posted an update, but I don't want people to miss these new additions.) After that, this can go to live in the Character thread or Guide thread or wherever it's going. 

EDIT: @Snipexe wrote the bulk of the updates. The Equipment list and skills section are his creation. All I did was edit them. A huge thanks to him. 

At first glance, the points for skills seems high. I was tempted to half all of them. But then I got to thinking that if someone spent fifteen years training with a gun, they would end up being better than some of the magic users on the list. That said, like everything here, I'm open to revisiting them. 

Because of the skills, I'm seriously considering either upping the cap to 125 or, or allotting more points for weaknesses when I score. I've decided I'm going to try out this version on the submitted E3 bios, to see how the average character scores. If it's higher than I'd like and they're not OP in my opinion, I'll tweak something to make it work. Most weakness lessen character's ability to use their skills anyway, so I expect people will score lower on that section than they'd expect. 

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. 

EDIT: The points cap for a character is 150 points. 100 of these may be used for points from any category, like magic. 50 of the points may only be used for skills. 




The Index is a resource created for the analysis of Era Three characters. Moderators may consult the Index during the approval process, but are encouraged to use their discretion above all.  The recommended cap for a character is 150 points. 100 of these may be used for points from any category, like magic. 50 of the points may only be used for skills. 

Characters who are overpowered but entirely non-combative should be given exemptions and allowed to exceed this value. Characters who are savants or otherwise more capable than the average person at using their magical power should be assigned additional points for their proficiency. Similarly, weak users of a power should see their score diminish. The suggested scores are meant as a guideline only.

Powers not listed on the Index should still be considered. Assigning them scores based on the point allotment for similar powers is recommended.


To subtract from a character’s score, the tabulator should take into account their weaknesses. Since even the same weakness can affect different people in drastically different ways, it is up to the person scoring to decide how many points to take away. For example, a character with a temper who becomes incapable of functioning when angry should have many points subtracted, while one with the same weakness who becomes violent and determined in similar circumstances should have few points deducted. The tabulator should consider how the characters weakness effects their ability to use their powers, act they way they would like to, exert influence over others, function regularly, and anything else of relevance.

Technology and Tools

Resources which are widely available and not very powerful do not need to count towards a character’s score. For example, swords are commonplace. Shardblades, on the other hand, are rarer and more powerful, so they add points to a character’s score. The Index measures deviation from the capabilities of a regular human, so if most humans are able to acquire and use an item, it need not be considered.


Special Skills

[Shout out to Snipexe for doing the hard work putting this section together. All I did was edit it. – Archer]

The skills listed are skewed towards those which are useful in combat, but that is understandable as the Index measures how much better a character is than the average human. Most people have basic skills like the ability to cook, do what they were taught in school, and preform their duties at their place of employment. It is assumed that everyone will have a base level of ability. If they do not, that could be considered to be a weakness. But the average person does not have extensive combat training, hence points are assigned to those who do.

Skills of note that are not listed may still be allotted points. For example, excellence in acrobatics or being an artifabrian could add to a character’s score.

Intelligence (Ability to learn new skills, ability to understand complex subjects, etc.):
Average: 0
Smart: 15
Intelligent: 30
Genius: 45
Mastermind: 65

Skill Levels:
Amateur: 3-11 months of training
Average: 1 year to 5 years of training
Skilled: 5-10 years of training
Expert: 10-15 years of training

Amateur: 20
Average: 40
Skilled: 60
Expert: 80

Hand to Hand Combat Training (Martial Arts, Boxing, etc.):
Amateur: 10
Average: 20
Skilled: 30
Expert: 50

Melee Weapon Combat Training (Swords, Knives, Staffs, etc.)
Amateur: 20
Average: 35
Skilled 50
Expert: 75

Poison Mixing:
Amateur: 5
Average: 15
Skilled: 25
Expert: 40

Projectile Weapon Combat Training (Guns, Bows, Knives, etc.):
Amateur: 30
Average: 45
Skilled: 60
Expert: 80

Scholarship (Analysis, Base Knowledge, etc.):
Amateur: 10
Average: 20
Skilled: 30
Expert: 40

Amateur: 10
Average: 25
Skilled: 40
Expert: 60

Magical Abilities

Entries denoted by an asterisk are powers that come from having a non-human physiology.

Detritus (Skyward)

[Redacted while the spoiler suppression period is in effect.]

Earth (Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians)

Crystin: +25

Smedry Talent: Impure, +25, Prime, +50, Dark Talent, +150

Oculator/User of Blood-Forged Lenses: +40

Alivened augmentations: +15

Earth (Defending Elysium)

Sense: +15

Mind Blades: +40

FTL transport: +40

Earth (Dreamer from Games Creatures Play)

Body Stealing Ability: +500

Earth (The Reckoners)

Epic Power: Counting primary, secondary, and tertiary powers all together and subtracting the impact their weakness has on their ability, rank on scale of 1 – 10 based on power output and usefulness. Multiply score by 10 and add 20.

Additional Prime Invincibility (High Epic): +20 (or +40 if also lacking a weakness)

Post-Calamity Epic (no Epic weakness): +5

Examples: Donny ‘Curveball’ Harrison = 30, Knoxx = 40, Refractionary = 70, Obliteration = 160

[Consult Voidus about Epic characters. He has a system.]

Earth (The Rithmatist)

Rithmatist: +30

Melody-level ability: An additional +30

First of the Sun (Sixth of the Dusk)

Aviar: +10 per

(Infinity Blade)

Deathless: Rank by their amount of experience.

New: +50

Old: +75

Veteran: +100

Very Experienced: +150

Witnessed the Creation of the Civilized World: +200

Imperium (Aether of Night)

Amberite Bond: +35

Verdant Bond: +30

Bestarian Bond: +10

Ferrous Bond: +10

Luminous Bond: +25

Lukarvia (I Hate Dragons)

Knack: Rank each knack’s power on a scale of 1 – 3. Multiply by five.

Nalthis (Warbreaker)

First Heightening: +30

Second Heightening: +40

Third Heightening: +70

Fourth Heightening: +100

Fifth Heightening: +150

Returned: +55

Roshar (The Stormlight Archive)

Surgebinder: First Ideal, +60, Second Ideal, +80, Third Ideal, +100, Fourth Ideal, +120

Knight Radiant Squire: +50

Old Magic Boon/Bane: Treat like an Epic Power [see: Earth (The Reckoners)], but the minimum is 5 instead.

Fabrial that replicates surges: +30

*Dysian Aimian: +45

*Siah Aimian: +45

*Singer: +20

*Spren: 0

Scadrial (Mistborn)

Misting: Aluminum, lerasium (without access to the metal) and duralumin, +5, Level One, +35, Level Two, +45, Level Three, +55. [Note: Level distinctions are non-canon.]

            Level One: Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Gold, Malatium, Nicrosil, Tin, Zinc.

            Level Two: Bendalloy, Electrum, Iron, Steel, Pewter

            Level Three: Atium

Mistborn: +160

Ferring: Level One, +30, Level Two, +40, Level Three, +50.

            Level One: Aluminum, Atium, Brass, Bendalloy, Bronze, Cadmium, Copper, Electrum, Duralumin, Nicrosil, Tin, Zinc

            Level Two: Iron, Pewter, Malatium

            Level Three: Chromium, Gold, Steel

Feruchemist: +150

Complimentary Twinborn Combination: +10

Compounder: Level One, +100, Level Two, +120, Level Three, +140

            Level One: Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Copper, Duralumin, Electrum, Tin, Zinc

            Level Two: Bendalloy, Iron, Pewter

            Level Three: Atium, Chromium, Gold, Nicrosil, Steel

Fullborn: +1000

Hemalurgist: If using hemalurgy to replicate a feruchemical or allomantic power, subtract five from the score a ferring or misting would receive. Consider removing more points than five for additional spikes. Use discretion to judge the power level of spikes granting other abilities. 

*Kandra: Rank based on skill level and skeleton type on a scale of 1-10. Multiply by five and add 70. Examples: An experienced kandra using human bone is 85, and a kandra with extensive combat training and a carbon-fiber skeleton is 115.

*Full koloss: +20

*Koloss-blooded: +10

Sel (Elantris, The Emperor’s Soul)

Elantrian: Rank based on experience and knowledge on a scale of 1-10. Multiply by five and add 75.

Dakhor user: +80 for full monk, +30 for single limb mutation.

ChayShan user: +40

Forger: +60

Bloodsealer: +50

Solar System Near Earth (Centrifugal)

Enhanced jumping: +10

Enhanced adrenaline: +30

Both enhancements: +45

Other enhancements: Rank on a scale of 1-5 based on power output and usability. Multiply by five and add five.

Taldain (White Sand)

Sand master: Rank their ability from 1 - 5. Multiply by 5 and add 35.

The Westlands (The Wheel of Time)

Channeler: Rank their power on a scale of 1 – 10. Multiply by five and add 80.

Blademaster: +15

[Dr. Dapper has offered to improve this section. TBC.]


Earth (Heuristic Algorithm and Reasoning Response Engine from Armored)




(Warhammer 40k)

TBC [Grey Knight has offered to improve this section.]


Additional Equipment List: (first draft)


Nalthian Objects:

Sentient Awakened Object: 90 points

Item with 100 breaths: 20

Item with 200 breaths: 30

Item with 300 breaths: 50

Item with 400 breaths: 70

Lifeless: 30

Kalad Phantom: 70

“Super” Lifeless: 80

Tear of Edgli: 1

Rosharan Objects:

Shardplate: 40

Shardblade: 30


Altering Fabrials:


Heatrial: 5

Half Shard: 30

Grandbow: 10 (But requires Radiancy or Shardplate to be used)

Painrial (Pain Increase): 20


Painrial (Pain Decrease): 20

Pairing Fabrials:


Spanread: 5

Warning Fabrials:


Basic Alerter (Rysn Interlude): 15

Emotional Detectors: 10

Ancient Fabrials:


Zephyr (Translucent Gas, Air): 15

Vapor (Opaque Gas, Smoke, Fog): 25

Spark (Fire): 30

Lucentia (Quartz, Glass, Crystal): 20

Pulp (Wood, Plants, Moss): 20

Blood (Blood, All non-oil Liquid): 25

Tallow (Oil): 20

Foil (Metal): 25

Talus (Rock and Stones): 25

Sinew (Meat, Flesh): 25

Radiant Fabrials:

Adhesion (Full Lashing) (Windrunner): 25

Adhesion (Spiritual Adhesion) (Bondsmith):15

Gravitation (Basic Lashing) (Windrunner): 35

Gravitation (Reverse Lashing) (Windrunner): 25

Gravitation (Basic Lashing) (Skybreaker): 35

Gravitation (Reverse Lashing) (Skybreaker): 25

Division (Decay) (Dustbringer): 45

Division (Unknown) (Skybreaker): ?

Abrasion (Slicking) (Edgedancer): 25

Abrasion (Unknown) (Dustbringer): ?

Progression (Regrowth) (Edgedancer): 40

Progression (Growth) (Edgedancer): 25

Progression (Regrowth) (Truthwatcher): 40

Progression (Growth) (Truthwatcher): 25

Illumination (Lightweaving) (Lightweaver): 40

Illumination (Unknown) (Truthwatcher): ?

Transformation (Soulcasting) (Elsecaller): 30

Transformation (Soulcasting) (Lightweaver): 30

Transportation (Elsecalling) (Elsecaller): 35

Transportation (Unknown) (Willshaper): ?

Cohesion (Unknown)(Willshaper): ?

Cohesion (Unknown) (Stoneward): ?

Tension (Stoneward): 35

Tension (Bondsmith): 20

Scadrian Objects:

Hemalurgic Spikes:

Allomantic Spikes:

Steel Spike (Physical Powers):

Iron Granting Spike: 50

Steel Granting Spike: 50

Tin Granting Spike: 40

Pewter Granting Spike: 50

Bronze Spike (Mental Powers):

Zinc Granting Spike: 40

Brass Granting Spike: 40

Copper Granting Spike: 40

Bronze Granting Spike: 40

Electrum Spike (Enhancement Powers):

Aluminum Granting Spike: 10

Duralumin Granting Spike: 10

Chromium Granting Spike: 40

Nicrosil Granting Spike: 40

Cadmium Spike (Temporal Powers):

Gold Granting Spike: 40

Electrum Granting Spike: 50

Cadmium Granting Spike: 40

Bendalloy Granting Spike: 50

Feruchemical Spikes:

Pewter Spike (Physical Powers):

Iron Granting Spike: 50

Steel Granting Spike: 60

Tin Granting Spike: 40

Pewter Granting Spike: 50

Brass Spike (Cognitive Powers):

Zinc Granting Spike: 40

Brass Granting Spike: 40

Copper Granting Spike: 40

Bronze Granting Spike: 40

Gold Spike (Hybrid Powers):

Gold Granting Spike: 60

Electrum Granting Spike: 40

Cadmium Granting Spike: 40

Bendalloy Granting Spike: 40

Bendalloy Spike (Spiritual Powers):

Aluminum Granting Spike: 40

Duralumin Granting Spike: 40

Chromium Granting Spike: 60

Nicrosil Granting Spike: 40

Ability Spikes:

Iron Spike (Points based on the physical strength of the person spiked):

Physically Weak Person: 20

Physically Average Person: 35

Physically Strong Person: 50

Tin Spike:

Eyesight Spike: 30

Smell Spike: 15

Hearing Spike: 25

Touch Spike: 20

Taste Spike: 10

Zinc Spike (Points based on the mental strength of the person spiked):

Mentally Weak Person: 15

Mentally Average Person: 30

Mentally Strong Person: 50

Copper Spike (Points based on the mental strength of the person spiked):

Mentally Weak Person: 10

Mentally Average Person: 25

Mentally Strong Person: 40

Spiritual Spikes:

Chromium Spike: ? (Due to the unknown nature of this spike.)

Nicrosil Spike: 60

Aluminum Spike: 60

Duralumin Spike: 25

God Metal Spikes:

Atium: 80

Lerasium: 150

Note: If one has 2 or more spikes, for the point value, add both spike’s point values together and multiply by 1.5

God Metal Vials and Bracers:


Atium Vial: 50

Atium Bracer: 80

Malatium Vial: 25

Malatium Bracer: 40


Lerasium Bead: 300

Alcatraz (Earth)


Bestower’s Lenses: 20

Courier’s Lenses: 10

Discerner’s Lenses: 5

Disguiser’s Lenses: 15

Educator’s Lenses: 20

Firebringer’s Lenses: 25

Frostbringer’s Lenses: 25

Harrier’s Lenses: 20

Oculator’s Lenses: 0 (Come with becoming an Oculator)

Oracle’s Lenses: 20

Shamefiller’s Lenses: 25

Shaper’s Lenses: 20

Shatterer’s Lenses: 15

Shocker’s Lenses: 25

Tracker’s Lenses: 20

Translator’s Lenses: 10

Traveler’s Lenses: 20

Truthfinder’s Lenses: 25

Torturerer’s Lenses: 20

Warrior’s Lenses: 15

Windstormer’s Lenses: 15

Voidstormer’s Lenses: 15

Reckoners (Earth)


Prime Invincibility: 50

Movement Ability (Teleportation, Increased Speed, etc.): 30

Defensive Ability (Defensive Force Fields, Object Deflection, etc.) : 35

Offensive Ability (Energy Blasts, etc.): 40

Example Character Bio (scored): 


Name: Frederick Fortarn the Third. Goes by ‘Fred’. As far as he knows, only three people know his true name: himself, Nei’an (his butler back in Scadrial, who Fred does not know is dead), and a not-so-dead Inquisitor.

Gender: Male

Investiture/Powers: Hereditary Allomantic Pewter (+45)


- Tall, just over 6ft, muscular, broad-shouldered, and a smallish head covered with a mop of unruly brown hair. (+5 [height and build])

- Looks to be about 20 years old.

- He doesn’t have any arms. There aren’t even stumps. The shoulders end so abruptly that he just looks like a rectangle. (-30)

- He likes to wear tough brown pants and an armless, open vest. His Pewter keeps him warm.

Non-Investiture Abilities:

- Has mastered the sacred art of ‘Giraffe fighting’. This method, the art of swinging your head at your enemy like a mace, is his preferred style of combat. (+30 [hand to hand combat])

- Plays the kazoo

- Can do a headstand. It’s a very impressive feat (pun intended) without arms to help stabilize. However, he cannot maintain it for long without burning Pewter for balance.

- He has some experience in the Thieving industry, but because of his lack of grace, he’s only adequate. (+25)

Equipment: He commonly carries several vials of Pewter and whiskey. He also has a kazoo.


- He is of slightly above average intelligence, something of a slow thinker, (-5) but able to comprehend pretty complicated concepts. (+15)

- He puts on a happy, carefree attitude, but it is a sham. He not only suffers from PTSD, but from several minor and major concussions due to banging his face around. (-15)

- He also seems to have a phobia of running water, which has preceded his PTSD. This phobia does not include oceans, lakes, or even underwater currents specifically. The phobia includes faucets and drainage, but in a minor way. The major players are rivers, which he will not cross unless properly conditioned. (-5)

Guild Affiliation: Ghostbloods


Fred had known Nei’an personally. Fred was a full-blooded nobleman from Scadrial, owning a large sum of money and a lavish keep. Ever since he had been a young man, Nei’an had been around as the Fortarn butler, and, almost immediately, a close friend to Fred.

One day, Nei’an vanished. Fred waited for Nei’an to return. It never happened.

On Scadrial, Fred did some poking around. Nobody nearby knew where Nei’an had gone, so Fred went on a journey that started as a week-long ride to some of the outer parts and turned into a month-long trip. He found out many things about the nature of Scadrial, some of it questionable, but also discovered that Nei’an wasn’t 100% Scadrian. During his search to find out what this meant, he happened upon the Scadrian entrance to the Alleyverse. He did not enter, however, for he had been away from home for too long and wished to go back to his normal lifestyle.

However, back at his keep he was met with a stunning reality: koloss raids. His keep, being out of the protection of any major city, had fallen to the koloss while he had been gone. Nobody remained of his family, or of his friends or servants. The keep was broken and looted, and the only living beings in sight were several larger koloss prowling the area.

Fred attacked, using nothing more than a dueling cane, his Pewter, and his anger, and killed three koloss before an Inquisitor arrived, and did away with Fred’s arms, but didn’t have the chance to kill him. He escaped, was bandaged up, and finally crossed into the Alleyverse, there being no more reason for him to remain on Scadrial. The experience never left him, however.

This was one year before the beginning of Era 3. Since his arrival, he made contact and joined, the Ghostbloods, putting on a cheerful face to cover up the boiling mass of anger, regret, and loss underneath.


Score: +45 magic points +70 skill points - 50 weakness points = 65

[My thanks to Gancho Libre for making this bio! - Archer]


Edited by Archer
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I'm slightly concerned about the values given to intelligence and scholarship, because it kind of ignores the power of knowledge. Like, Mack could take all he's learned in centuries, stick it in a book, and then anyone who is good at the AonDor could replicate what he's done without having to spend additional points.

I would like there to be someway to measure how much people know of a given thing, or just in general, to use as a metric for measuring OP'ness, because a lot of the time, knowledge is power.


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