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Dawn of a New Era

Lord Meeker

Senate poll  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Great Guilds have how many additional representatives?

    • 1 additional representative
    • Depend on member count
  2. 2. Which rules, listed in post, should take effect?

    • Rule 1 should take effect
    • Rule 2 should take effect
    • Rule 3 should take effect
    • Rule 4 should take effect
    • Rule 5 should take effect
    • Rule 6 should take effect
    • Rule 7 should take effect
    • Rule 8 should take effect
    • Rule 9 should take effect
    • Rule 10 should take effect
  3. 3. Which shoud the elected Chancellor be from

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Well, I would expect that booksBeforeDeath and TFA would register for GB. And there is a 100% chance I would switch to a differant guild if I can't get a second in the keepers.

TUBA only needs to recruit one more, and there are several people left who havent spoken up.

Another thought is maybe we should lower the Great Guild number to 4 people.  That way, it may encourage more guilds to exist. I dont really think we can reasonably drop below 4 though.

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That means keeping the Great Guild number at 5, we should have 2 great guilds once everyone gets on.

There will be some shuffling, but I think that 2 GGs should be good to start. People wont combine to make a third as we will be losing overall Gov spots. With 2 GGs, we will have 5 gov spots, which seems like a decent starting point. (Each minor guild will get 2 votes as there will be 3 elections)

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3 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Well, ambassadors.

The newcago ambassador? I wasnt counting that as a gov spot as it doesn't have any direct power. Only influence.

1 minute ago, kenod said:

The DA might also be sending ambassadors.

Heh, that might make sense.  The DA gets to send an ambassador, but not a rep... so they dont get any power in the gov, but can still influence things towards their favor (if and/or when they care to)

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Yeah, that was basically our idea as well, although we're still thinking about how certain parts of it will work. It would make sense though, not in the least because normal people can't really enter our territory safely, so we kind of need somebody on the outside to talk to people.

Edit: This was in response to Furamirion.

Edited by kenod
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19 minutes ago, Ookla the Palindrome said:

I'm joining the Keepers as my main, assuming that doesn't prevent my characters from delving into Hemalurgy. If it does, I'm joining the DA.


The DA aren't participating in this government, so you might want to have a secondary guild for the purposes of this vote at least if you do join.

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