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Quick Fix Game 35: The Melee


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34 minutes ago, Lumgol said:

Maill, you know that I'm afraid of you now, right? :P 

In all seriousness, I'm totally down for negotiating deals/temporary truces with players, if they want to - just hit me up in PM!

Oh Lum, this is a totally different style of game than the last. If you want to be afraid of me in these games, I’d recommend you read some of my past games. I’m not as skilled then, for sure, but my gambits are...let’s say, unpopular. 

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"No, no, no. That won't work," Tahrie grumbled.

She flipped frantically through the pages of a book. More books were scattered haphazardly around her, most of them open and showing charts of various Rithmatic strategies.

"Maybe..." She grabbed another book and found the section about the Sumsion Defense. "No. Not enough. So many people. Why so many?"

The melee had come much faster than she expected. She'd spent weeks upon weeks studying, preparing, but she still didn't feel ready. She knew what defense she wanted, but kept second-guessing herself. If only things were as easy as exams.

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6 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

Hey... that’s my thing. :P

Sorry, got to it first :P

I mean, you could partner with me, if you'd like, though.

4 hours ago, Sart said:

Basically, don't use outside sites to hash and encode messages.

I will also be following this! If you decide to try and get me to use an outside code or program...
Too bad.


You do not need to give me any information at the present, so simply sending me a PM and working on a code could prove useful later, and there may come a time where you regret not having it, but there will likely not be a time where you regret having an information source.


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Logmul of Sdrawckab opened a dust-covered eye and attempted to reorient herself. What was this? A competition? She was supposed to kill people? By drawing things with chalk? How? Where was she, anyway? She's have to ask where she'd ended up afterward, if she survived. Looks like everyone was hastily starting already - tracing their first lines, rushing over to each other, rivalries and alliances crystallizing among the crowd, only to be shattered as the game would progress.

Hesitantly, Logmul of Sdrawkcab picked up a piece of chalk and silently watched the intricate shapes being drawn. She watched, and she drew her first lines...

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 Tendin Throk was drawing. he was never very good at accuracy under pressure and his circle was slightly warped on one side. he glanced up and started examining his opponents.  his eyes were immediately "drawn"    (yay puns)  to a strange person yelling at the ceiling about "the outback",  whatever that was. tearing his eyes away, he started to focus more on drawing. 

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"Tahrie! Why aren't you out there already?"

She tore her eyes away at the sound of her name. "Oh no. It's starting? Already?"

"Not quite, but pretty much everyone is out in the arena." Her brother appeared in front of her, and picked up one of the stray books. "You'd better go."

"Can I --"

"No. No books," he chided.

Tahrie sighed and hesitantly closed the book she'd been reading. "Fine. Not like I'm going to win."

"Not if you don't try. You'll do fine! I'll take care of these."

Tahrie shrugged, but stood and made her way to the arena. This was going to be terrible.

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47 minutes ago, MrakeDarshall said:

ollay esyay etslay oday tiay

obodynay illway nowkay hatway eway reaay ayingsay

Maybe because no one will want to take time to actually figure it out. That was too hard.


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Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you've waited for! It's time for the melee!
21 Rithmatists enter, but only 1 will emerge victorious. I can't handle the excitement.
Ready, set, melee!!!

PMs are now closed. Please submit in your role PMs what action you are taking. This cycle ends on Friday, January 10, 4:00 PM EST.

Good luck everyone.

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Normally, as there’s no longer terribly much to discuss other than odd developments, it’d be a great time for me to RP. Unfortunately, I’ve never gotten around to reading the Rithmatist, so I likely won’t be participating much in the story, which is unfortunate. All we can hope to do then is simply all submit our actions and hope for the best. 

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13 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

The person we discussed used the Taylor Defense .

This is written to read like you chose Matson and are revealing the results to your PM partner, but I can also imagine that this is a ploy to make it look like your Matson when you’re actually Ballantain or Taylor.

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Just popping in to say that I am here
(But I am not 'I think I am here' I simply am here)
Not much to say at this point unless someone would like to start throwing around accusations about someone doing something that everyone else should be mad about... because it's a free for all.

Should be interesting.

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Tahrie knelt, her hand trembling as she placed her chalk to the arena floor.

"Not good," she muttered as she began to frantically draw her defense. She hesitated, trying to remember the design she'd seen so often in her books. "Is this right?"

Her brother's words came to her mind. No second-guessing. You can do this. She took a deep breath and just kept drawing.

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