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Attack of the Spam Bots!


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I'm on the east coast of america, and early morning here the bots are still pretty crazy. But point taken.

When only the Aussies and near that timezone, are online, they seem to strike during that a lot of the time. Not sure if that's a coincidence or not.
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When only the Aussies and near that timezone, are online, they seem to strike during that a lot of the time. Not sure if that's a coincidence or not.

No one take any notice of the fact that I'm also Australian.  :ph34r:

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I'm wondering if they've figured out a way into our email. I never used to get notifications in my inbox about the spam topics, but I did today. Strange. I went ahead and changed things in my settings just in case. 

I wish you all didn't have to clean it up all of the time, but thanks for doing it. We have one status spammer. As far as I can tell they have no other posts. *eyebrow raise* The username consists of a series of lowercase "t" s and has a 0 post count. 

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Well, there's now a sea of spambots again, trying to drown hurt and heal. Little do they know, H&H is a very simple, basic game, with few parts involved. It's not very dense at all, and IT CANNOT BE SUNK! DO YOU HEAR ME SPAMBOTS! OUR THREADS CAN FLOAT!

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I'm sure I'm wrong somewhere in this, but how difficult would it be to scramble the names of the registration fields? Name the Username one Email and such. Maybe add a field image-labeled as "IF YOU TYPE ANYTHING IN HERE YOU WILL BE REJECTED" and then name and label it as username. Never run a site, so I'm sure it's way harder than I make it sound, but from what I know of this kind of bot, that should at the very worst slow them down.

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Lightsworn Panda, Voidus, you guys are also Aussies? I had no idea. :o

Actually the bots targeting the state capitals reminds me of a kids book about a possum who's turned invisible and has to eat a different Aussie food from each city to become visible again.....

Not that I'm popping on here to ramble or anything :P.

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Lightsworn Panda, Voidus, you guys are also Aussies? I had no idea. :o

Actually the bots targeting the state capitals reminds me of a kids book about a possum who's turned invisible and has to eat a different Aussie food from each city to become visible again.....

Not that I'm popping on here to ramble or anything :P.


Yup. you can check it out on the nationalities thread. Aren't you in Melbourne too, Delightful? I'm pretty sure Claincy is.


... Is that Possum Magic you're talking about!? Brings back childhood memories...  :)

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Maybe we could try some 17th-shard related question that new users have to answer when registering? Like, This forum is dedicated to who? or, Brandon Sanderson wrote which book: The Final Empire or The Blade Itself? Or something more specific, like, "What is Jasnah's last name?" and "What is the name of the magic system in the Mistborn books?" and then we have a question per book/series so that the new user can just answer the ones for the books they've read?


...does that make any sense?

Edited by Atilium
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Maybe we could try some 17th-shard related question that new users have to answer when registering? Like, This block is dedicated to who? or, Brandon Sanderson wrote which book: The Final Empire or The Blade Itself? Or something more specific, like, "What is Jasnah's last name?" and "What is the name of the magic system in the Mistborn books?" and then we have a question per book/series so that the new user can just answer the ones for the books they've read?

...does that make any sense?

I really like this idea!

There should be a select box where you select the ones you've read and then the question comes up but you can pick another question on the book too.

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As long as those boxes are named Email and send an autodeny if you have a @ anywhere in them :P


EDIT: I just.....was online when while the bots were. One moment no spam, the next it was coming in. This is....new.

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