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How did you find your first Brandon Sanderson book?

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Just wondering, how did you get introduced to Brandon Sanderson first? Here's my story:

We were just about to start a long road trip and my dad was offered a free audible credit if he started his account again. He said to my brother, who had already read pretty much all Brandon Sanderson books, "Put on something I haven't heard before." My brother turned on Mistborn and we listened to it for hours. At that point, I was hooked and began to binge listen all the Mistborn series and then Stormlight Archive. 

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12 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Just wondering, how did you get introduced to Brandon Sanderson first? Here's my story:

We were just about to start a long road trip and my dad was offered a free audible credit if he started his account again. He said to my brother, who had already read pretty much all Brandon Sanderson books, "Put on something I haven't heard before." My brother turned on Mistborn and we listened to it for hours. At that point, I was hooked and began to binge listen all the Mistborn series and then Stormlight Archive. 

What's up with people listening to Cosmere books?

So, anecdote time: 

My dad, a gigantic fan of WoT (He personaly knows the dude who founded Theoryland) read Mistborn (I think) after reading Sanderson's Wheel of Time books. A few years later, He handed me TFE and here we are now.

I wish my dad read more Cosmere, and joined the Shard. That would be cool.

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1 minute ago, Invocation said:

Dude in middle school threw a copy of Mistborn at me and it hit me on the head. Picked it up and ran because it was his book and it was revenge. Read it. Instantly hooked. Never gave the book back.


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I actually discovered Mistborn through my seventh-grade English teacher, who mentioned it in a writing prompt for our class.

I had previously read the Rithmatist and, I think, Steelheart, but didn’t really get into his books until Cosmere.

And now I’m obsessed.

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The fight where Kelsier steals atium. It's in the very beginning of MB.

Storms, I don't remember. I wrote out something in another thread like this once. Maybe I'll go find it.

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I had to prepare a presentation for my english lesson. My teacher wanted us to read some books and had a list prepared with what he thought fitting, but allowed us to choose another one as well. As there was no fantasy volume on his list I googled a bit, discovered Elantris, liked the cover and ordered it.

I missed lots of details, but understood enough to get the story and fall in love with it. Though I read the german version after it had been translated a year (?) later. The only book of Brandon I've done this actually. But then my english wasn't that good back then...

The rest can be summed up with impatiently preordering Mistborn, Warbreaker, ... :lol:

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I had stopped reading for a while because nothing held my interest. I think I was reading the wrong type of books. I went to fantasybookreview website and saw Robin Hobb's books were recommended. I picked up the Farseer Trilogy and loved it.

I was at the airport heading to Queensland and picked up a book called "The Final Empire" which had a quote from Robin Hobb on the back. Decided to give it a go and read the whole thing whilst on holidays instead of swimming on the Gold Coast.

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My brother is a year older than me and was reading Alcatraz in fourth grade. He and my mom talked about it sometimes and I decided to read it. I read The Reckoners and The Rithmatist in middle school multiple times then finally started on the cosmere this year. I'm done with era 1 Mistborn and through WoR for Stormlight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've told this story on another post somewhere but the reason I even discovered Brandon was due to those Unbound Worlds character fights where they pit fictional characters against each other often times having the weakest characters imaginable winning against what are basically gods.

So anyways I was and still sorta am a huge Dark Tower fan, and the fight was Roland and Jake vs Vin and Elend. I thought to myself, "There's no way two Gunslingers could lose against this lame YA fantasy couple."

Well a little while after that those characters stuck in my head for some reason until I finally decided to look them up. Then like half a day after reading about Vin I went and bought the whole Mistborn trilogy haha. The rest they say, is history.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Sanderson story:

In the eighth grade, I went to a Michael Vey book release party. Four other authors were there with Richard Paul Evans, one of which was Brandon Sanderson. Steelheart had just been released, so Sanderson was talking about it. I thought "hmm, interesting." I later checked it out from the library, then unfortunately didn't finish. A few years later, I had a gift card to Barnes and Noble and didn't know what to get with it. I saw Steelheart and said "I never finished this, I'll give it a shot." A few months later, I finally started restarted it. Well, I loved it so much I had to read Firefight and Calamity, and then when I ordered Skyward online as soon as I could. And now, here I am! 

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I picked up rithmatist while randomly walking through the shelves at random at my local library.  I read it, then forgot about Brandon until I was looking for a book this lady at a bank recommended called stoneheart.  I forgot exactly what it was called, and so ended up reading Steelheart instead.

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I have to thank the fellow Aussie Shad from the youtube channel Shadiversity.

Shad talks about everything awesome about the medieval period: swords, shields, architecture...

and of course



*ahem* machicolations is what I meant

He recommended on one of his videos the book The Way of Kings by this fellow called Brandon Sanderson. I went to my local library but instead found Elantris. I took it with me on holidays and instantly purchased the Mistborn trilogy, The Way of Kings and got Warbreaker from Brandon's website.

Shad also talks about fantasy races and what weapons/armour they would use/should be used against them.

His content is excellent (Except for his TLJ video, but that's just my opinion)

So thanks, Shad!

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