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Trident manufacturing

old man moomba

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Dwig stood from his chair in his luxurious office atop Trident Tower and looked out over the Alleycity. The reconstruction had gone well over the past year. New skyscrapers had grown up, Trident Tower among them. Some of the older buildings, which had become derelict in the 18 years since they were damaged in the Seven Day War, had been rebuilt in creative ways.

He tore his gaze away from the window and walked to the elevator. He pressed the lobby button and tapped his foot to the groovy elevator music.

The elevator doors slid open and Dwig walked out onto the lobby’s shiny floor. He strode to the doors and pushed them open, walking onto the stage that had been set up.

“Ahem, hello everyone,” he said to the crowd gathered on the street, which had been closed for the occasion. “I’d like to welcome you all to the dedication of the Alleycity’s newest skyscraper; Trident Tower. The tower itself has been open for some time, but it has gone undedicated for that time. But, the poor tower will have to go undedicated for a bit longer. Before dedicating this tower, I’d like to thank everyone who supported the idea of Trident Manufacturing, those first investors, those who saw something more in the company I proposed. I would also like to thank the Ghostbloods, for supporting this venture, indirectly. Finally, I want to thank the Alleyzon corporation,”

Dwig pointed towards the Alleyzon Tower, across the city. “for deciding to accept the contract I proposed. Now, the tower can get dedicated.” Dwig cleared his throat and continued “This tower is dedicated to everyone who works Trident Manufacturing, everyone who, every day, brings ideas to life. This company has grown exponentially in the last year, in no small part due to the workers, the engineers, and the magic users that work here. I cannot thank you enough, but I hope this tower’s dedication will suffice, for now.”

Dwig grinned, dropped the mic, and snapped his fingers. Lights burst into life along the tower’s length, transforming into colors and designs.



Welcome all, to the Alleyverse's first large non-guild company, Trident Manufacturing.

We build vehicles, weaponry, and other things, which I'll think of later. Dwig is the CEO... Um, I'll edit this with anything else I think of.




Edited by Dr. Dapper
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Benson walked into the building. He noticed the dedication the day before and was curious. He walked through the doors, admiring the fine design, and walked up to the front desk. 

"Hello, my name is Benson and I noticed that this skyscraper was dedicated yesterday. I am curious, what do you do here?"

Benson looks up at the sign and feels like an idiot.


Welcome all, to the Alleyverse's first large non-guild company, Trident Manufacturing.

We build vehicles, weaponry, and other things, which I'll think of later. Dwig is the CEO... Um, I'll edit this with anything else I think of.

The receptionist looks at him patiently. 

"I would like to purchase weaponry. What do you have?"

Edited by beantheboy12
Sorry, Dapper.
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2 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Benson walked into the building. He noticed the dedication the day before and was curious. He walked through the doors, admiring the fine design, and walked up to the front desk. 

"Hello, my name is Benson and I noticed that this skyscraper was dedicated yesterday. I am curious, what do you do here?"

Benson looks up at the sign and feels like an idiot.

The receptionist looks at him patiently. 

"I would like to purchase weaponry. What do you have?"


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"All sorts." the receptionist said pleasantly," Handheld assult weaponry, half-Shards, some Power forged items. We can also do custom orders. Now, if you're inquiring on behalf of a guild, I can set up a meeting with one of our consultants.

Edited by Dr. Dapper
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Dwig called Mack.

"Listen, friend. The idea of a trader's union is a good one, but not to undermine the government. Look how much we stand to gain with a government in place. Tax cuts, contracts, a stable monetary system, for Harmony's sake! And if we do unionize, we can demand this stuff from the government. The lawmakers good people, or at least they try to be. The Alleyverse needs a government. "

Dwig looked out the window.

"Look at what they've done so far," he said quietly "Look at the amount of construction that has occured since the government was instituted. They have already done good for the city. They really do care."


Edited by Dr. Dapper
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"Uhhh..." A new intern spoke into the telephone. Leaning over to his manager, he asked "Where's Mack?"

"I dont know, went off to newcago or something, just take the call."

"Its Trident Manufacturing!"

"Don't screw it up."

Refocusing on the telephone, the intern thought of what to say.

"Errr, two things Mr. Dapper, the first is that Mack is sorry he couldn't answer the phone, he is uhhh..." he looked around for help. The rest of the office sat quietly, hoping that he wouldn't mess this up. "currently in Newcago on court business. Second, I would ask, what government? We have no government. There has been talk of setting one up, but there hasn't been one helping the people. With that said, we would recommend you try to contact Mack in person. I am being told that he is currently dealing with flashbacks? I don't know. We are sorry. Im new here and uh..." He saw his manager giving him the hang up signal. "Uhh I have to go sorry." He slammed the phone down. "How bad was I?"

The boss shrugged. "I wasn't paying attention, I just wanted to see what you would do. That ending though, that was priceless." He walked off chuckling to himself.

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'"Somebody better do something about this fake news situation" SAYS TOP GOVERNMENT OFFICAL (Yes it exists Craftsmen. Do not deny it)'

From three years ago.

A note on the bottom of the web page read: 'Disclaimer: This edtion of Anonymous Times was written by a team of writers that can see 3 years into the future'

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When was it published 3 years ago? I don't think that we have a current government. Either they are wrong, or there is a secret government. Until the congress is elected and they take their first session, there is no government. There are promises of a government, but thats it.

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On 1/26/2019 at 11:41 PM, Dr. Dapper said:

Dwig stood from his chair in his luxurious office atop Trident Tower and looked out over the Alleycity. The reconstruction had gone well over the past year. New skyscrapers had grown up, Trident Tower among them. Some of the older buildings, which had become derelict in the 18 years since they were damaged in the Seven Day War, had been rebuilt in creative ways.

He tore his gaze away from the window and walked to the elevator. He pressed the lobby button and tapped his foot to the groovy elevator music.

The elevator doors slid open and Dwig walked out onto the lobby’s shiny floor. He strode to the doors and pushed them open, walking onto the stage that had been set up.

“Ahem, hello everyone,” he said to the crowd gathered on the street, which had been closed for the occasion. “I’d like to welcome you all to the dedication of the Alleycity’s newest skyscraper; Trident Tower. The tower itself has been open for some time, but it has gone undedicated for that time. But, the poor tower will have to go undedicated for a bit longer. Before dedicating this tower, I’d like to thank everyone who supported the idea of Trident Manufacturing, those first investors, those who saw something more in the company I proposed. I would also like to thank the Ghostbloods, for supporting this venture, indirectly. Finally, I want to thank the Alleyzon corporation,”

Dwig pointed towards the Alleyzon Tower, across the city. “for deciding to accept the contract I proposed. Now, the tower can get dedicated.” Dwig cleared his throat and continued “This tower is dedicated to everyone who works Trident Manufacturing, everyone who, every day, brings ideas to life. This company has grown exponentially in the last year, in no small part due to the workers, the engineers, and the magic users that work here. I cannot thank you enough, but I hope this tower’s dedication will suffice, for now.”

Dwig grinned, dropped the mic, and snapped his fingers. Lights burst into life along the tower’s length, transforming into colors and designs.


A man from the back of the room yelled, "Crank up the Disco!!"

Edited by King Taravangian
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Returned walked through the doors, and inspected the building beyond.  He walked over to the receptionist, and struck up a conversation.  "This place is hard to find," he said, "Had to dig through a few pages before I finally found it."  He smiled, then went on to other business, "I need weapons.  Enough to outfit at least 5,000 men.  No investiture." 

@Dr. Dapper

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Aleva slipped carefully through the front doors, approaching the front desk with her sweetest smile. "I'd like to purchase a pair of blasters," she said, tossing her hair as dramatically as she possibly could. "Dwig, is it? Oh, and an aluminum lined helmet, if that can be arranged."

@Dr. Dapper

Edited by Jaywalk
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13 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

The receptionist rubbed his eyes.

"One at a time please. About the weapons, I have a form. As for you," he said to Aleva "I can let you talk to the bossman, if you want. I'll buzz you up."

“I’d appreciate that.”

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22 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

The receptionist pointed to an elevator. 

"That'll take you up to his office." 

Aleva thanked the receptionist and walked into the elevator. She pressed the button, took a breath, and watched the door close befor her eyes. After a while, she became bored, and began filling her ironmind, lightening herself in an effort to make the elevator move faster. She tapped her foot as she ascended, becoming quickly impatient, but quickly realized that was counterproductive. Soon, there was a high-pitched ring and the door opened again.

”So you’re Mr. Bossman?” she asked, putting on her best interested smile.

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Dwig continueed to scribble in his notebook, drawing something in incredible detail. He surveyed it, nodded to himself, and committed the image to memory. He quickly shoved the memory into his copperminds to ruduce degradation. The memory was just a backup, in case his notebook was lost or stolen.

It always payed to be careful.

@The Technovore

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I see you’ve taken the initiative! I was going to show up here later this afternoon but alright, good on ya. ;) Let’s get this moving!

*looks again* ah. You’ve been waiting for a while... sorry XD

Johnny slowly opened the imposing doors at the bottom of the tower. It had taken hours of wandering through the alleys, stumbling into rooms he didn’t belong in, and being spared by unexpectedly friendly people before he’d finally made it to the bottom of the tower. He’d eaten the sandwich a dozen alleys back, but if anything it only increased his hunger. Before him stood a shining lobby, imperiously decoracted with the finest luxuries. 

Some of these metals look like nothing I’ve seen on earth! Are those glowing lines... metal?

The receptionist smiled at him and wordlessly pointed toward the elevator. Johnny thanked him—stumbling over his words a bit—and entered. The elevator closed and began moving up on its own accord

Ooh, automatic elevator. Nifty.

Wow. This place is insane! Kidnapp—I mean—Dwig works here? This is a seriously awesome tower!

Johnny only had a few seconds for his tumult of thoughts to cycle before the elevator dinged and the doors slid open again.

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*cough* :ph34r:

Johnny nodded vapidly. His mind whirled with questions, dozens upon dozens of them. Underneath the whirling torrent of thoughts, there was a vague sense of danger. Dwig had been friendly so far, warm sure. But now Johnny was in his office, in his tower, alone, and there was a mostly-assembled gun on Dwig’s desk. 

Taser’s aren’t going to help me if he turns out to be sinister after all.

Despite the terror gripping him, Johnny managed a semblance of a smile. “Are you... the boss here?”

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