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Anna, finished with the food, went over to congratulate the married couple. "Congratulations on your wedding," she said, giving a small smile, "I hope you have a wonderful life together, and thanks for all the food."

Nodding to herself, she turned away. "And now I should probably be off... I'm a very busy person, after all."

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Ambrosia smiled, leaning on the good leg, have Melody a hug. "Yes, you'll have to come over some time."

@Blessing of Potency


Anthony turned with a smile on his face as a new man entered the room. Something about him made Anthony hate him. But Anthony smiled at him. "Hello good sir. Welcome!"

@Darth Woodrack

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Tena squinted at the guy who had just gotten here. She remembered something about him, didn't she? His name was Dusk... and that war a while ago had been between him and Hellbent, hadn't it? Her face went a little cold, and she set her hand protectively on Anthony's shoulder. She would not let him try to fight Dusk, if it came down to that.

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All of the Precursors made a wide circle and got some of the prowlers ready to get Dusk out of the line of fire in case Anthony had a relapse.

"Hello to you as well good sir. Having a happy wedding?" Dusk said.


"Yeah we should," Walker said, pulling away from Silas.

@#Voidapple @Blessing of Potency @Ax is NOT Sherlock

*Off Site*

The Jackal walked up to Darkhold's house, and walked in through the front door, "I have a job for you,"

"Oh, you do? And what would that be? You want me scare someone? Rough them up and make them fear you?"

"What? No. When have I ever asked you to do that?" The Jackal said, surprised.

"Never. So, what do you want me to do? Take out some Precursors?" Darkhold said.

"No, I told you, I have a plan for the Precursors that won't make them into a martyr," The Jackal said.

"What's a martyr?"

"A martyr is... Oh never mind. I need you to go kill a man named Walker Drown, but I need everyone to believe that you were hired by the DA," The Jackal said before showing Darkhold a picture of Walker.

"Okay. Quick question; who is DA?"

"The DA, or the Dark Alley, the most powerful guild in the Alleyverse. Just get going,"

"Okay, You're the boss DA," Darkhold said, before leaving to go kill Walker.

"That works I guess," The Jackal said, rolling his eyes under his helmet.

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"Well, I should probably go stop Dusk from getting himself kill-" Walker was interrupted from finishing his sentence by Eric Darkhold showing up and saying, "I HAVE COME TO KILL WALKER DROWN! POINT ME TO HIM, AND I WILL LEAVE YOU ALL ALONE!"

"Huh. Anyone want to help me beat this guy up?" Walker said ro Melody and Silas, as he new Ambrosia was an extreme pacifist.

@Blessing of Potency @Ax is NOT Sherlock

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"Well, i should probably get going. I need to represente the Citadel at the Republic of the Alleyverse meeting," Dusk said, before turning around and leaving.



Ark, could you please remove the Dusk bent from your title?

"Anyone?" Walker said. Eric was looking around. The Precursors made a loose circle around them instead of Dusk, as Dusk a had smartly left.


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"Okay. thanks," Walker sadi smiling, "How do you want to play this? I attack, you come in when you have a clean shot and take him out?"


@Blessing of Potency

Edited by Darth Woodrack
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Maq looks to the side, having heard that someone was claiming that the DA wanted some Walker fellow dead. That just wasn't true! 

"Take me over toward that fight," He whispered to Mackc.

They made their way over to where a fight was starting, and Maq sized up the man claiming to be from the DA. Facing Makc, he mouthed the words, "three times the strength and speed. F steel and pewter." He then turned to the crowd. "As a member of the DA I would like to say that we do not want to kill this Walker fellow! We could really care less about him honestly. We only have active death warrants out for Sudiov. That's about it. Thank you for your time."

Makc didn't hear Maq's announcement, but he was watching the fighters with his finger on his revolver. The gun was loaded, and ready to fire. If things broke out, he would shoot the attacker first, then toss a rioting grenade toward him rioting all of his emotions. With 7 or 8 spikes in him he wouldn't be able to stand.

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"Okay. Wait for an opening," Walker said before having both his katanas in his hands and running around and slashing at his leg. Eric fell on the ground face first.

"What hit me?" Eric said, getting up.

"You just threatened to kill a steel compounder," One of the onlookers said.

"Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?" Eric responded.

"Oh for the love of- How much of an idiot are you?" Walker said.

"Ah, Walker Drown. I'm here to kill you," Eric said before charging at Walker while taping moth his metalminds. He missed.

"How can one move that fast, and still be so slow?" Walker said, taunting.

"Well, I'm not a compounder so I can't tap as much speed as you,"

"I'm done."

Walker dashed forwards, in an attempt to ram Darkhold through, but was met by a swing of his shield, that hit him in the arm. Darkhold may be stupid, but he could fight. Walker slid to a stop several feet to the side. Eric summoned hsi shard blade. Walker  calmy got gup, pulled out a devastator pistol and shot him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Eric got up, and charged at Melody, sword at the ready, tapping his steel. Wakerran into his side before he could hit him and rolled off of him, leaving Darkhold on the ground, and himself out of the line of fire. The Precursors opened fire.

@Blessing of Potency


Umm... Potency?

Family: Parents are dead, Dating Walker.(What should be in Melodies character profile)


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Erick speeds up, getting hit dozens of times by Precurosors on the way up, before dashing around, slicing most of them in half before Walker jumped over him, kicking him in the face and slashing at his back. He fell to the ground, got up, and swung around swing his shardblade at the ground, missing Walker by a hairs length and slashing deep into the ground. Walker kicked him in the face, and grabbed his steel mind, which was a steel band on his upper left forearm, and ripped it off. It came off easily as Eric had glued it together and hadn't even bother to put needles on the inside to have it touching his blood. Walker then proceeded to spi around him, slashing at him kicking him, and punching him. Then he was hit a spinning obsidian staff.

"Oh Walker, why must we play this game," The Jackal said, catching his staff as it flew back to him, "We both know that if you were to ever truly get in my way I could kill you without a second though. I admit some of my associates are a little bit... over enthusiastic about ending those that oppose me, but if I never wanted you goen, you would be gone. Give up, or the next person who tries to kill you won't only not stop at you, they will be much more successful."

"Well, I would leave you alone, but you beat me up, alliead with Hellbent, and are a criminal. You're also a murder, and have tried to kill me more times than I can count," Walker said, getting up.

"I have never tried to kill you. You heard that man; DA hired him, and I believe he is to stupid to come uo with a lie like that," Eric was looking at him confused. Than a strange wraith burst out of Walker's shadow grabbed him, and disappeared carrying Eric.

"The heck was that!" Walker said, surprised.

"Wraith is just the tip of the iceberg," The Jackal said, backing into a shadow, "I would stick around, but I'm out numbered here, and  don't feel like committing mass murder today. If you bother me again Walker, it won't be more head that we'll be after."

The Jackal disappeared into the darkness.

"So he has a teleporter now, brilliant!" Walker said, "Well, we should get back to the part Melody."

@Blessing of Potency

*Off site*

"Of all the stupid things you could have done, that Eric was the worst!" Jackal yelled, "If you got caught, there would not be shadow od a doubt who wanted Walker dead! At least now there will be some extreme TUBA members who I have in my pocket who will still push that it was the DA! YOU NEVER GO FOR THE GIRL! I TOLD YOU TO LIMIT COLLATERAL DAMAGE! SLASHING YOUR WAY THROUGH PRECURSORS IS NOT LIMITING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!"

"All right, all right! I get it! I did the wrong thing!" Eric replied, "So I don't get paid."

"Oh, you definitely don't get paid," The Jacka said, "I want you permanently working here. I point, you kill. I'm not paying you for the first week, but you'll get regular pay from then on."

"Oh, you aren't killing me?" Eric responded.

"Why in the blazes would you even suggest that?" Warren said, "Don't give him ideas!"

"Wraith, I mean Warren is right. Never give me ideas," The Jcakal said, "As for you, you were amazing Warren.We need you silent and behaving like a specter,"

"All right, your the boss," Warren said, "You don't suppose Alchemist will have any of those eclipse bombs ready, do you?"

"i do not have them ready quite yet," The Alchemist siad, hobbling into the room, "they will be ready soon enough though,"

"Great!" Warren said, "I'll need them as soon as possible. Oh Boss, do you actually think Drown will leave you alone?"

"Of course not," The Jackal said, "That was just to get him feeling worried about his loved ones. He's protective, he's vulnerable,"

"Ah, right," Warred said, "Beer anyone?"

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"I really got to get going to Mel," Walker said, and kissed her, "Love you. By!"

Walker left, and Thel fell in behind him, "He's getting a team. We've got to get one to,"

"Sarah will help," Walker said, "That sandling probably will to, and Silva was in,"

"That puts us outnumbering them," Thel said smiling, "Let's go hunt a Jackal,"


And I am going to go start the Hunt for the Jackal thread. Rules for joining in the hunt will be displayed there.


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"Okay, honey," Tena said to Anthony, walking over to him and giving him a smile that she hoped didn't look cautious, "all the guests are going home, so I think we should too. I can't stay any longer anyway, I feel like all the people are collapsing in on me." She got up on her toes to give him a kiss on the jaw, then went back down and gave Asa back to Silas. I hope he can carry two at once... She walked back over to Anthony, and said, "Whenever you feel like coming home, remember that your card to the house is in your pocket. Bye, hun." She took out her own Tia card and tapped it, teleporting to her house.


Edited by Sherlock Holmes
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