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Odd Job Tavern


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Sure, that's a logical choice, but he didn't do anything to disturb other customers yet

A hard looked passed the mans face. "And how did I disturb the other customers?" Slowly, he stood, a dangerous look on his face. "I have as much right to be here as any."

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Watching a dude suck down a mug of Horneater white disturbs people, and that's the first thing he did. Plus, y'know, he stomped in and plunked a mug down wearing a veil. That doesn't inspire confidence in people that things are going to be peaceful for much longer.

"You came in here, drank one of the hardest drinks I've got, and generally just look like a pretty scary dude. This tavern is supposed to be a place of relaxation for the weary. You can come back when you are peaceful and non-threatening."

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Jacien notices the man seems to be getting a little angry. So, ignoring the tiny voice in the back of his head that was his common sense, he walked up to the bar, standing right next to the man.

"Hello Mallu. Could I get some dinner please?"

Hoping to distract the large man.

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Just now, Sunbringer said:

"Hello Mallu. Could I get some dinner please?"

"Yeah, sure, what do you want? We have fish, lamb, steak, a lot of shellfish, and pretty much everything else you could want."

Just now, Ark1002 said:

Slowly, he grinned. The grin was obviously forced, and abnormal. "I'll take you #&%* bread and leave then."

"Thank you very much. Remember, you're welcome back once you can not disturb the air of relaxation."

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The Haunt was here.

He - it - couldn’t blow things up. It couldn’t lift tables and throw them across the room. But it was invisible. Incorporeal. It could cause havoc. And havoc it would cause.

“Fear us,” it said. It sounded like it was a hushed statement, like it was whispered into the ears of everyone in the tavern.

“Fear us!”

Drinks started floating and shattering. The Haunt could only control light things, and even that exhausted him. He floated and invisibly charged himself against a stool, knocking it over. He flew up to the lights and messed with the circuits slightly, dimming the light.

Dust from every corner of the tavern started to fly around in a circle, forming a shape. Intimidation was key. If he was ignored, he... he would be done. As long as they kept their attention on him, as long as he wasn’t ignored, forgotten. Maybe then he could prove he existed.

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15 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Nothing seemed to be happening, so Sam took the opportunity to sit at Nael's table. "Never a dull moment." She grunted. "Here on a job? Or looking for a job?" She asked Nael. hoping he wouldn't run away this time.  

“Honestly,” Nael said, “I don’t know. Kal was the one who enlisted me.” He leaned in closer, voice low. “You wouldn’t mind explaining what this place is, would you?”

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9 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

The Haunt was here.

He - it - couldn’t blow things up. It couldn’t lift tables and throw them across the room. But it was invisible. Incorporeal. It could cause havoc. And havoc it would cause.

“Fear us,” it said. It sounded like it was a hushed statement, like it was whispered into the ears of everyone in the tavern.

“Fear us!”

Drinks started floating and shattering. The Haunt could only control light things, and even that exhausted him. He floated and invisibly charged himself against a stool, knocking it over. He flew up to the lights and messed with the circuits slightly, dimming the light.

Dust from every corner of the tavern started to fly around in a circle, forming a shape. Intimidation was key. If he was ignored, he... he would be done. As long as they kept their attention on him, as long as he wasn’t ignored, forgotten. Maybe then he could prove he existed.

Malu just shrugged and turned back to wiping glasses. Not the strangest thing he'd ever seen, and he didn't have the will to deal with another problem customer right now.

12 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

A hunchbacked old lady entered and walked up to the counter. "Sir, you might want to come look. There's something on your wall."

"That's never a good sign. I'll check it out after close. Thank you for the tip."

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She hobbled on her cane out the door, pointing to a message on the side of the wall. It was slashed at least half a foot in, as if with a large knife, in huge letters, and then burnt until the inside was pure black.

I'll be back.

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"Oh, yay. That's going to be fun." Apparently it was too much to ask to just want to be able to run your own tavern. "Well, guess I have to close until further notice. Can't have my customers getting hurt." Malu walks back into the tavern and delivers the news that the tavern is now closed for safety reasons until further notice.

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Fae pays attention to the commotion going on, and as it doesn't seem to be harming anyone, ignores it. Upon hearing the Tavern will be shutting down, she pipes up, "Hey, I'm here waiting for a contact. I don't see how some waiter is enough to make you want to close you doors. I'm sure most of us here can take care of ourselves."

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