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Odd Job Tavern


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6 hours ago, Invocation said:

"Oh, yay. That's going to be fun." Apparently it was too much to ask to just want to be able to run your own tavern. "Well, guess I have to close until further notice. Can't have my customers getting hurt." Malu walks back into the tavern and delivers the news that the tavern is now closed for safety reasons until further notice.

"Nah, you don't have to close! We'll be able to help if something happens!"

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Just now, Sunbringer said:

"Nah, you don't have to close! We'll be able to help if something happens!"

"Okay, yes, maybe, but I don't want you to have to do that! I didn't want anything like this to happen! I just wanted to give people food and drink! If you really want to stay, you have to sign that I am not responsible for anything that may or may not happen to you."

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"I suppose that's reasonable. I wouldn't expect you to be responsible for something like that, unless you were the one commiting the act of violence." 

Fae looked around. "Do you have a form for that? Or at least some paper to write on?"

Edited by Karnatheon
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7 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

"I suppose that's reasonable. I wouldn't expect you to be responsible for something like that, unless you were the one commiting the act of violence." 

Fae looked around. "Do you have a form for that? Or at least some paper to write on?"

Malu smacks himself on the forehead. "Yeah, here you go." He hands you a sheet of paper and a pencil. "Anyone else looking to stay should sign on this sheet, too."

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8 hours ago, Jaywalk said:

“Honestly,” Nael said, “I don’t know. Kal was the one who enlisted me.” He leaned in closer, voice low. “You wouldn’t mind explaining what this place is, would you?”

"an annoyance," She muttered signing the paper as it was passed around the room. "Who's Kal?" 

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The Haunt paused, then wavered. People were shrugging. Ignoring it. Like he wasn’t there. Like he didn’t exist. But, did he? He spent three hundred years in complete isolation, completely abandonment, and now, they were ignoring him. He brought his hands to his face and screwed it up, and yelled, though it came out as a barely audible whisper.

The dust swirling from all around the bar coalesced in a shape of a human, in the shape of him. It was a detailed dust outline of his body, like a mist-spirit, and it was floating in the middle of the bar. Now they couldn’t not notice him. Could they. He extended his hands outwards, and the outline grew, till the head touched the ceiling. One thing about his type of spren was that he could change sizes, like an inkspren. Which meant the outline grew too.

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Malu takes a glance at what appears to be an ancient legend of Terris snowspirits manifesting in his tavern and shurgs again, pouring himself a glass of wine (tending bar is thirsty work!). After how Katki brought himself to Malu's attention, nothing else will ever phase him.

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2 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

Fae signed the paper, then glanced at the outline, attuning the Rhythm of Reprimand. "So there is a person there. You know, if you want attention you shouldn't go ruining people's day. Try being pleasant maybe?"

The outline turned, and moved closer to her. “I’ve tried being ‘pleasant’ for years,” it said in a quiet, but potent voice. “But they forget you, they go on and they forget you were there, and then, it’s like you nevertheless did anything to begin with. The only way to be memorable is to do something that will be remembered for centuries. And most of the things that are happen to go against the laws. Hence...”

Windows from around began to crack. With how much he extended himself today, he couldn’t even shatter them, but he did crack each an every window, and if he focused, he cracked each window into a pattern, a set of words etched directly into the glass.


“I must be remembered,” he said, voice slightly shaky. One person noticing him was good, it was a good thing to keep his sanity. But he needed more. More.

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"I'm sorry, but you are really starting to make this whole experience unpleasant. Now, you are destroying the property of the individual who owns this Tavern, so I would recommend leaving before someone does something about it." Fae says as she stands up, staring down the form in front of her. She wasn't sure if she could hurt a shadow, but she would try if needed.

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55 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

"an annoyance," She muttered signing the paper as it was passed around the room. "Who's Kal?" 

“He’s, uh, a kandra. Kind of weird having him around. He can change his gender, or even his species.”

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6 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:

“He’s, uh, a kandra. Kind of weird having him around. He can change his gender, or even his species.”

"Sounds like an...... interesting employer." There was some disturbance happening behind her, but she ignored it. If it was really a danger people would be more alarmed.

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23 minutes ago, Karnatheon said:

"I'm sorry, but you are really starting to make this whole experience unpleasant. Now, you are destroying the property of the individual who owns this Tavern, so I would recommend leaving before someone does something about it." Fae says as she stands up, staring down the form in front of her. She wasn't sure if she could hurt a shadow, but she would try if needed.

"I don't know who you're talking to, but trust me: nothing is there. Believe it. Live it. It makes everything better. Whatever you think you see, it probably isn't there."


It took Katki pushing him down a staircase to get him to pay attention fully.


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5 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

"Sounds like an...... interesting employer." There was some disturbance happening behind her, but she ignored it. If it was really a danger people would be more alarmed.

“Yeah. He’s a mystery. Don’t know much about him.” He held out his hand to her. “I may not know where I am, or even what tomorrow will bring, but it’s good to meet you, Sam.”

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Reylf took the paper and signed it. He wasn't about to leave now; things were just getting interesting.

He flew up until he was at eye-level with the dust-man. Or, at least, what would be eye-level if the figure had eyes.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit... upset."

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Who ya gonna call? 

"You say no has been able to harm you? Well it seem to me that the best way to do you harm would be to forget you, yes? As a Feruchemist I can store all my memories of you into a metalmind, and then destroy it to erase my memory of you entirely. I don't know why it is you want to be remembered so badly, but perhaps that would incline you to go ruin someone else's day."

Fae looked at the outline again, "Or perhaps someone with a Shardblade could put a chink in your bravado. I'm really not sure."


Not Fae apparently.


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