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Odd Job Tavern


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A man in a suit and sunglasses walked into the bar. He had an AK47 on his back, and his skin went transparent and green for a second. It was gone in a flash. "I need to hire mercenaries, willing to kill. Who do you have?" His voice was cool and commanding, cutting through the noise.


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6 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

A man in a suit and sunglasses walked into the bar. He had an AK47 on his back, and his skin went transparent and green for a second. It was gone in a flash. "I need to hire mercenaries, willing to kill. Who do you have?" His voice was cool and commanding, cutting through the noise.

"Well, first you're going to need to post a listing. Your name, a way to contact you, and the details of the job relevant to the mercenaries are all that's needed. From there, I'll ask around based on those details."

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"You won't get a name, the job is confidential. They can be told there is a chance of death, they will likely have to kill, and that they will be payed a thousand chysts each." He set a small card on the table. "Contact me there."

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1 minute ago, Ark1002 said:

"You won't get a name, the job is confidential. They can be told there is a chance of death, they will likely have to kill, and that they will be payed a thousand chysts each." He set a small card on the table. "Contact me there."

"Not many people are willing to work on a job that has details as vague as that, particularly with the chance of death and the high payout. That generally means it's too good to be true. I'll post it if you're absolutely sure that those are all the details you want to give, or you can change it."

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Just now, Invocation said:

"Not many people are willing to work on a job that has details as vague as that, particularly with the chance of death and the high payout. That generally means it's too good to be true. I'll post it if you're absolutely sure that those are all the details you want to give, or you can change it."

The man tipped his sunglasses. "The chance of death is small, and if it happens it is from there own incompetence. And tell them... they will kill. The payout comes from high funders who need a job done." He settled back into a chair, taking a drink from a hip flask.

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Just now, Ark1002 said:

The man tipped his sunglasses. "The chance of death is small, and if it happens it is from there own incompetence. And tell them... they will kill. The payout comes from high funders who need a job done." He settled back into a chair, taking a drink from a hip flask.

"If you're sure. I'll contact you with names once I've heard back, or they'll just contact you directly."

Edited by Invocation
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3 hours ago, Invocation said:

"Did I hear fight?" A tall-ish man seemingly made of flame and hovering a few inches above the ground rounds the corner of the building.

“And you are?” Silphio asked, not even phased by the man’s appearance

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8 hours ago, Invocation said:

"What makes you think you are worthy of my name, exactly?"

Silphio let out a laugh and started hovering in the air.

”You’re an epic. New around here, I see. The fact that you are asking me that suggests you just ended up here recently.”

Silphio looked the man up and down.

”Is that a leg injury? Looks like it. You appear confident with your powers.” Silphio coated his hand in bone-white armour that rose from under his skin, he placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, seemingly oblivious to the heat.

”So, your name?”


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The Haunt heard something near him, and hovered through the wall to behind the bar. His dust outline was stopped and dissipated, but he quickly possessed another’s outline of dust and watched the man covered in flame. “Puny,” The Haunt said, his dust outline floating upwards. “You want to see a real entity of flame. Shoot some at me.” Dust was swirling around again. Though he’d left the tavern, cabinets all over the bar were still squeaking and flying open and shut.


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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

The Haunt watched the man covered in flame enter. “Puny,” The Haunt said, his dust outline floating upwards. “You want to see a real entity of flame. Shoot some at me.” Dust was swirling around again, and cabinets all over the bar we’re speaking and flying open and shut.



Mate we’re outside the bar around the back


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10 hours ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

Sam, who had followed, hissed at him, "what are you doing?"

“I don’t know,” he said, scratching his head. “He said he needs my help. Is he dangerous? You would know better than I would.”

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7 hours ago, Nohadon said:

Silphio let out a laugh and started hovering in the air.

”You’re an epic. New around here, I see. The fact that you are asking me that suggests you just ended up here recently.”

Silphio looked the man up and down.

”Is that a leg injury? Looks like it. You appear confident with your powers.” Silphio coated his hand in bone-white armour that rose from under his skin, he placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, seemingly oblivious to the heat.

”So, your name?”


"Interesting armor... fine, you got me. My name's Volatile. Where exactly are we? I don't recognize it and got sent here at random."

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57 minutes ago, Jaywalk said:

“I don’t know,” he said, scratching his head. “He said he needs my help. Is he dangerous? You would know better than I would.”

 "How could he not be dangerous! You don't grab a group of people bring them to the back of a bar and have them fight each other unless your dangerous." Sam ran a hand through her hair. " Look.... Just be careful would you? "

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10 minutes ago, Invocation said:

"Interesting armor... fine, you got me. My name's Volatile. Where exactly are we? I don't recognize it and got sent here at random."

"You're in the alleyverse. It's a different planet from where you were from, I assume you're from Calamity Earth?" Silphio noticed the Haunt. "I've heard about you Haunt, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance"


21 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Jacien turns in surprise. 

“Alright. Do you know why?”

"No luck there, He listed three names then asked them to meet with him. Your name was on that list."

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3 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

"You're in the alleyverse. It's a different planet from where you were from, I assume you're from Calamity Earth?" Silphio noticed the Haunt. "I've heard about you Haunt, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

"Are you trying to tell me there are other Earths? Are there more other planets?"

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Just now, Nohadon said:

No luck there, He listed three names then asked them to meet with him. Your name was on that list."

“Oh. Alright then.” 

He started off toward the back, Auri growing after him. 

“Are we sure this is safe?” She asked.

”Of course not.” He whispered back with a slight smile. 

“And we’re going to do it anyway.”

Auri responded, sounding exhasperated.

Jacien smiles broadly, but sucked in a tiny bit of stormlight, to quicken his responses and rested a hand on one of his daggers.

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Just now, Invocation said:

"Are you trying to tell me there are other Earths? Are there more other planets?"

"A couple. Storms, I shouldn't have to do this, there are orientation authorities for this type of crem"

Jacien approached, Hand resting on his daggers.

"Ah good, you're here. These other two people you see are members of your team. You three have one week to defeat me in a fight. If you win, I'll pay you each 200C and you'll get more jobs from me." Silphio looked at all three of them.

"Do you accept?"


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4 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

"A couple. Storms, I shouldn't have to do this, there are orientation authorities for this type of crem"

"How would I go about getting in contact with one of those? You're literally the first person I've interacted with here. And also, what is that dust-creature over there?"

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