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Odd Job Tavern


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Johnny looked between the two overly helpful people. He had no idea what either of them were talking about. The rainbow thing on the table totally freaked him out though. So there was that. Johnny looked at his hands. They were going numb. His entire face felt numb.

Oh look at that. I’m experiencing a panic attack. Wonderful. Looks like it’s finally setting in.

Johnny carefully got down from the barstool and laid on the ground as his nervous system underwent its attack. It felt like every single nerve in his body was being activated at once. He flexed and relaxed his fingers, trying to keep them from stiffening up completely. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, and Johnny guessed it likely wouldn’t be the last. Thankfully, he was finally about think calmly and clearly. It was almost like his mind dumped all its stress onto his body so it could finally work properly.

Everyone here is weirdly friendly and helpful.

This isn’t a kidnapping ring. It’s a cult. A cult with eldritch powers evidently. If it wasn’t for the fact that this was real this would be really cool.

I need to escape. Which means playing along. I need to learn how this works while avoiding entering any rituals until I can bolt out the first open door I see.

Johnny looked up at the three concerned-looking guys looking down on him. “Once I regain feeling in my limbs, I’d love to look around and see how this place works!”


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Jacien sighed as he went into a panic attack. He ducked in some stormlight and used progression to heal him. He didn’t know if it would work, but it was worth a shot.

“Let’s get you to someplace a little less stressful.”

Edited by Sunbringer
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Johnny, who was honestly so done at this point with having any semblance of free-will, allowed himself to be led wherever Jacien indicated. 



Just for smoothness purposes, y’all can go ahead and do some minor godmodding for now, I know it’s tough to try and collaborate when you can’t touch each other’s characters. Just don’t kill Johnny while my back’s turned XD

Also @Sunbringer I know it’s not what you meant but the mental image of Jacien sighing and going into a panic attack right there on the spot is making me die of laughter :lol:


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9 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

Also @Sunbringer I know it’s not what you meant but the mental image of Jacien sighing and going into a panic attack right there on the spot is making me die of laughter :lol:


Oops. I didn’t see that other possible meaning at all!

Jacien led the new guy to the back corner, and began trying to explain everything, about the cosmere, other worlds, and the Alleyverse, while trying to keep the new guy from freaking out. 

“There are people from all these different wirlds here. I’m from Roshar, as is the bartender over there. Where are you from?”

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"Dwig shoved some memories back into his copperminds and looked up. The kid had been taken into the coverner by some guy, and the two were talking. 

He made his way over, 

"Hold on, I thought I was the one to tell you about the Alleyverse." he looked at Jacien "Why don't we get a booth and continue this conversation?"

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After a long while away, KalRoon entered through the doors of the tavern once again. The kandra scanned the room, looking for Nael. The boy was nowhere to be seen.

“Rust and Ruin,” KalRoon swore. “Barkeep! Where’d he go?”



Can you remove Nael’s listing? It seems counterproductive to have it up, given that he’s gone now.


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Johnny took in everything Jacien said with surprising clarity. It wasn’t just him that had been kidnapped. They were all victims of being kidnapped. From different planets no less! 

I knew space aliens were a thing! Convenient how they’re human too.

Kidnapper Guy—a name Johnny now knew he probably didn’t go by—walked up. He looked a tad upset about Johnny being taken from him while he was spacing off.

“Hold on I thought I was supposed to tell you about the Alleyverse!”

Johnny looked between him and Jacien, who were now staring at each other.

I’m getting barroom brawl vibes from these guys.

“Why don’t we get a booth and continue this conversation?”

Johnny raised his hand timidly. “I’m cool for a booth!”


“Does this bar serve Cherry Fanta? It’s a thing on Earth, my... former home.”



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4 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

“Does this bar serve Cherry Fanta? It’s a thing on Earth, my... former home.”

"Cherry Fanta? We might have some in the back, let me go check really quick." Malu walks into the back room and looks around for a little bit. After a few minutes, he walks back out carrying a two liter bottle of Cherry Fanta. "Luckily for you, it does appear we have some!" Malu pours you a glass.

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1 minute ago, Invocation said:

"Cherry Fanta? We might have some in the back, let me go check really quick." Malu walks into the back room and looks around for a little bit. After a few minutes, he walks back out carrying a two liter bottle of Cherry Fanta. "Luckily for you, it does appear we have some!" Malu pours you a glass.

Jacien turned back toward Johnny. 

"This place has basically anything you want. Chouta, hamburgers, anything."

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Just now, Dr. Dapper said:

"What do you suggest? I want a ritch taste, to pair with the chouta." Dwig took a seat in the booth.

"Fifteen or thirty, for sure. All that time spent in the cask gives it a unique flavor, and I've got one of each that was kept in multiple casks of different woods for that extra bit of flavor-accent."

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Johnny made a face that looked something like: “:O”

This place has Fanta Cherry.

And Shwarma

The meal of Heroes. 

Okay. This place is officially cool.

Still need to escape though.

Johnny made a small sound of protest when the bartender poured the drink, but it was too late. He winced. “Thanks but, I don’t have any mon—“ he cut off at he looked down at the sudden weight in his hand. A pair of faintly glowing gems shown back at him. 

Do I question this? Is it even worth questioning? I should probably just roll with it. 

Okay I guess I do have the money to pay for it! Will this be enough to cover a plate of shawarma too?”

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1 minute ago, The Technovore said:

Okay I guess I do have the money to pay for it! Will this be enough to cover a plate of shawarma too?”

"Absolutely! Let me just go get that for you." Malu disappears into the kitchen area for a little bit, coming back out with a plate of shawarma on some flatbread with a side sampler of various extra spices and sauces. "Here you go! Hope you enjoy, it's fresh!"

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3 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

Johnny made a face that looked something like: “:O”

This place has Fanta Cherry.

And Shwarma

The meal of Heroes. 

Okay. This place is officially cool.

Still need to escape though.

Johnny made a small sound of protest when the bartender poured the drink, but it was too late. He winced. “Thanks but, I don’t have any mon—“ he cut off at he looked down at the sudden weight in his hand. A pair of faintly glowing gems shown back at him. 

Do I question this? Is it even worth questioning? I should probably just roll with it. 

Okay I guess I do have the money to pay for it! Will this be enough to cover a plate of shawarma too?”

Jacien looks at the gemstones.

”Ok that is storming cool. Are you some sort of epic? What exactly are your powers.”

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Johnny looked blankly at Jacien. “Uh... Epic? I’m not sure I know what that means...”

Does he mean the way things keep randomly appearing?

Epic is a really cool title.

Johnny Nolastname: Epic!


“Here you go! Hope you enjoy, it’s fresh!” Johnny gave the bartender a tired smile. Then he drooled over the wonderful plate of food. He hadn’t realized it, but he was ravenous! He gulped down half the glass of Fanta and began digging into the food.

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Jacien looked at how fast Johnny devoured his food. 

He walked up to the counter. "Hey Malu, can I get some more shawarma for the new guy, looks like He's going to need it. Oh, and a Roshar crab dish please?"

He went back to the table. "Which world are your from? Some form of earth, I'd guess, but I'm not sure which, if it's not Calamity Earth."

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