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“Thanks a ton!” Johnny said in-between mouthfuls. As it turned out, Shwarma was a really good comfort food. Really took the edge off being kidnapped. 

“Yea I’m from Earth, never heard of a Calamity though. I mean I know the word obviously but you say it like a title and I haven’t gone through a ‘Calamity’ so... Wait there are people from Earth here?”

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1 minute ago, The Technovore said:

“Yea I’m from Earth, never of a Calamity though. I mean I know the word obviously but you say it like a title and I haven’t gone through a ‘Calamity’ so... Wait there are people from Earth here?”

"There are people from multiple Earths here, yes. One of them is an Earth where people gained powers due to a sort of divine intervention, and those people are called Epics. They're somewhat common around here."

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“Epics...” A headache flashed through Johnny. Suddenly memories came flooding back.

Running home from the school dance, Derek Mandes chasing him with an aluminum bat.

A blow to the head.

Being bathed in Red.

A warm voice. Friendly. Compassionate.

An offer of power.

An offer of change.

A name.

”Invocation. Invocation did something to me. He’s the reason I’m here.”

Oh specks. I’m an Epic.


That answer your question Sunbringer? ;)


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Hasharan walks in the a tavern. “Greetings!” He proclaims. “For all those in here who are itching to fight something, or want to enter a tournament to win stuff, come to the tournament of light, where people will fight with no side effects!”

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For the first time in a while, Jacien is confused. He had never heard of an Invocation. 

"Well. You might be one of a kind here. As far as I know, there is nobody else here from and Invocation Earth."

EDIT: Jacien salutes Hasharan as he came in the door.

He turned to Johnny. "He's the leader of my guild's army."

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4 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

”Invocation. Invocation did something to me. He’s the reason I’m here.”

"Katki, that sounds familiar. Do you remember what from?"

'Let me think...oh, right, dimensional rifting. On Calamity's Earth, there was a power that let people access other timelines. One of them had a being called Invocation that served the function Calamity did, but left sooner.'

"Right, right. Thank you, spren memory."

"I see now. Thanks to my kindly spren's wonderful memory, I've been refreshed on where you came from, and I have to admit: I don't know off the top of my head if there is anyone else from your version of earth. The Epics you see were given their powers from Calamity, another timeline's version of Invocation, but Calamity was not as nice as Invocation. Consequently, his Epics aren't as nice either."

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Johnny put his head on his table, pressing a cold pack to his temple. With a start he sat up and looked at the cold pack, before dropping it like it burned him. A guy burst into the room declaring a chance for everyone to fight. It made him sick to his stomach. 

People here that enjoy fighting.

No one else here from Invocation Earth.

My Earth.

No friends.

No family.

Of course there’s a dozen Earths, why wouldn’t there be?

I wonder how many there are.

I wonder how different they are.

So Calamity Earth lives up to its name. Perfect.

“Why... what are most Epics like?”

“And... what does your guild specialize in?” He said to Jacien.

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Just now, The Technovore said:

“Why... what are most Epics like?”

"Cruel. Each use of their powers corrupts them a little bit more with Calamity's dismissive attitude toward other life. They also have the downside of a weakness that drives their powers away, lessening Calamity's influence on them. For some, it's the only way to kill them."

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Johnny nodded dully. “Oh.”

Specking wonderful.

So... my being an Epic is why stuff keeps appearing.

I can’t control it.

I can’t control my own Epic powers.

Maybe that’s a good thing. What if I corrupted if I tried?

He said Invocation Epics are nicer than Calamity Epics

Note to Self: Don’t meet anyone else from Earth.

I’m so tired.

I haven’t even slept from that dance.

And I fell from the roof.

Hehehehe, that must’ve looked hilarious.

No, focus! 

So pretty much everyone here has powers.

I need to avoid fights. I need allies.

These guys are really nice.

“I... should probably sleep. Does this facility support lodging services?” He said, slurring from his sudden energy drop.


XD Look what you did to my poor boi Invocation ;)


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Suddenly, Auri the cultivation spren appears. 

"Sorry. Jacien went into his Nightwatcher trance again. He'll probably wake up again in about ten minutes. But before you go, take this."

She pointed toward a small device with a gemstone in it. 

"If you need help, twist the gemstone, and it will light up, and it will light up a paired device that me and Jacien carry, and we'll try to come and help."

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Dwig gobbled down his chouta, nodded to everyone, tossed a few crysts on the table and stood up. He scribbled at note hastily and handed to the barkeep.

"Give this to the kid when he gets up." he whispered "I think he's had enough for one night."


Contact me when you get the chance. I'd love to study your powerset. When your ready, find Trident Tower. Tell 'em Dwig sent you.

Dwig smiled and left.

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Obviously this occurs between Sunbringer and Dr. Dapper’s posts. Man managing the order of events to make sense is trickier than you would think huh? 

Johnny took the ring from the strange... spren, it was called? He was too tired to question it. He thanked the bartender profusely, bid goodnight to the three incredibly friendly fellow-kidnapping victims, and practically crawled up the steps to the room the bartender had directed. He collapsed on the surprisingly plush bed, and fell asleep in record time.

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