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Odd Job Tavern


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@The Technovore Just to alleviate your concern, Ace has about as much training as Wax. Also, the Waiter should be dealt with now

The two bullets hit the person’s head. After he confirmed that they hit, Ace turned to the man that was actually dealing with the fire.

“What can I do to help!” He yelled, shaking at the sound of the screams.

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Jacien was not in a good position. Freedom was in the way of him attacking full on, his armor was damaged, and he was running in stormlight. If he ran out, he would pass out. 

Come on freedom. Get away from him!

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Kestraal, sergeant at the Canton of Combat walked into the tavern fight. His metal fabrial leg making soft clanks as he walked

He snuck behind Jacien and opened a bendalloy bubble, tapping his nicrocilminds to make it so time nearly stopped for everyone outside of it.

”You’re needed in OASIS city, I’m here if you want me to teleport you back to the Canton of combat so you can get there and heal up” Kestraal passed Jacien a cloak that had the Canton of Combat insignia emblazoned on it.

“20 kid’s lives are endangered by this guy called Benson. You need to save them, do you want to go now?”


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Johnny gabbled something that hopefully sounded like “Help me put out the last lf the flames,” but at this point his muscles were barely even responding to his brain, so he hoped to the skies that his words formed properly. He tossed his fire extinguisher to the man and dashed to the stairs to make sure there wasn’t an even bigger problem up there. 

He decided it was best to ignore the time paradox standing next to the time bubble he passed by on his way there.


If this “Benson” issue is still going on tomorrow, I’d love to save some lives, although poor Johnny won’t be feeling too good about it. ;P


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50 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

Kestraal, sergeant at the Canton of Combat walked into the tavern fight. His metal fabrial leg making soft clanks as he walked

He snuck behind Jacien and opened a bendalloy bubble, tapping his nicrocilminds to make it so time nearly stopped for everyone outside of it.

”You’re needed in OASIS city, I’m here if you want me to teleport you back to the Canton of combat so you can get there and heal up” Kestraal passed Jacien a cloak that had the Canton of Combat insignia emblazoned on it.

“20 kid’s lives are endangered by this guy called Benson. You need to save them, do you want to go now?”



Malu would be down to help with that as well (he doesn't like seeing kids hurt), should you need a healer. I can also fix Jaicen up really quickly before he goes if you'll let me. Of course, you'll have to mention it to him.


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14 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Malu would be down to help with that as well (he doesn't like seeing kids hurt), should you need a healer. I can also fix Jaicen up really quickly before he goes if you'll let me.

This is a Canton thing only, Jacien became an operator because he found Silphio in a week.


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Just a reminder for all involved parties ;)

9 hours ago, Voidus said:

The Waiter is acting as an NPC. Given the sudden randomness of them I'd say that a level of godmodding is pretty acceptable with them, as is murdering them to death. If they're causing too much unwanted chaos then you can ask Ark to have them leave, or speak to a mod and we can discuss it.

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11 hours ago, Snipexe said:

The two bullets hit the person’s head. After he confirmed that they hit, Ace turned to the man that was actually dealing with the fire.

“What can I do to help!” He yelled, shaking at the sound of the screams.


The Waiter is skilled. That's unrealistic.

The Waiter, who had tapped the last of his gold, burnt pewter, and sprinted out of the burning building. As he left, the door fell in.

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Though I would add, without my mod hat on, that it does seem pretty realistic for the waiter to die.

He was being attacked by a couple of people, in a burning tavern, with a bunch of crud happening around him. In addition to not thinking clearly because of the smoke it would be difficult to see. It’s with in plausibility that even a trained fighter would miss a new person running into the room and shooting 2 shots at them until it was too late.

I don’t think that a person could actually dodge a well aimed bullet from across the room. The bullet is too fast and the distance too short.

*puts mod hat back on*


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On 3/7/2019 at 5:29 AM, I think I am here. said:

Lusk stood up. And kicked the waiter.

He walked away, and went to Freedom. “And that’s how you use Atium to beat someone,” he said confidently.


"Why'd you take me here?" she asked.

"I figured you may as well know the truth," Caywren said. "Our family has been cursed for generations. There's a reason you've got so many siblings. If history goes the way it has for generations many of them'll be dead before long."

Freedom glared at her then blinked. 

Oh, rusts. she thought. Right. The Waiter. Lusk. Blood. 

There was fire burning. She was on the floor. Lusk was looking at her. 

“And that’s how you use Atium to beat someone,” he said.

"Along with cubes, other people, and many guns," Freedom noted, still figuring out from context what had happened.

The Waiter ran off then. 

"And he's still able to get away."


Couldn't quite tell from reading through this. Was she hurt or not?

I love when stuff happens when I'm asleep. ^_^



Ignore this post. 


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6 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Though I would add, without my mod hat on, that it does seem pretty realistic for the waiter to die.

He was being attacked by a couple of people, in a burning tavern, with a bunch of crud happening around him. In addition to not thinking clearly because of the smoke it would be difficult to see. It’s with in plausibility that even a trained fighter would miss a new person running into the room and shooting 2 shots at them until it was too late.

I don’t think that a person could actually dodge a well aimed bullet from across the room. The bullet is too fast and the distance too short.

*puts mod hat back on*


With that, I'd say that it's also unrealistic Ace can make the shot through the smoke.


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17 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:



I'll give you that. Snip didn't say how long he aimed, he just said that he sighted down the barrel. But it doesn't matter.

If we are going for realism, honestly everyone in there will probably die from smoke and heat damage.


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Johnny stumbled downstairs, numbly positioned a chair behind him, and collapsed into it. Smoke still filled the room, but thanks to him, Malu, and that other guy that had stormed in, the inn was still standing. Sort of. Johnny had gotten upstairs right as flames started cropping up from the smoking floorboards. Johnny watched a clump of foam drip from the ceiling and smiled dully. He’d won his battle. Sort of. 

The front door was on the floor. Gashes of char decorated everywhere the maniac had stood. Two thick pillars of chalk held up the roof, since one of the supporting pillars was now in two pieces on the floor, still smoking. The ceiling was black, tables and chairs lay in shattered heaps on the floor, and he couldn’t even see to the other end of the room. He coughed into his shirt, his eyes stinging. Strange how he just now noticed the effects of the smoke. The adrenaline must be wearing off. Which meant he had only a few minutes of conciousness left.

Johnny looked at Malu, suddenly feeling extremely drowsy. Poor man. This morning business was booming, and now all that attention’s just brought him this. Is this what happens to every high profile place in this city? Everything’s going great until some nut storms in and makes a mess? At least he’s de—

Where’s the body?

There was no body. Johnny looked again at the downtrodden faces in the room. He escaped?! Specks! What’s stopping him from coming back in the dead hours of the night now?

Johnny slumped in his chair, quickly falling asleep. The last thing he saw was Malu downing a clay jug of some kind of alcohol. He seemed to wince slightly before wiping his mouth. Must be strong stuff. He sagged onto the bar and took another swig.

Johnny faded fast. His mind slipped away, voices and shouts overlapping as he began to sleep. Over all the noise, a quiet voice stood out.

Help them Johnny...

Help them...


I do hope I’m not being presumptuous on Malu’s reaction to his trashed inn, @Invocation?

Also @Dr. Dapper should you come and witness the events of this brawl, I’m still very interested on what you have planned for Johnny back at your tower ;)


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4 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:



The Radiants will live, considering Light doesn't need you to breathe said smoke.

Also, Techno, Malu is the kind of person to (instead of collapsing) go back to the bar and pour himself a big glass of something you shouldn't pour big glasses of, then just chug it. Rinse and repeat until he blacks out, Stormlight or no Stormlight.

@The Technovore

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28 minutes ago, Invocation said:



I see, well allow me to make the appropriate narrative changes, I would hate to misrepresent others characters.

Edit: Fixed it, hope I did him justice. I’ll try to avoid that form of godmodding in the future, and I hate to disrespect, but it’s difficult to set a narrative scene when you can’t even see what everyone else in the room is doing.


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