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Odd Job Tavern


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4 minutes ago, Voidus said:

A portly man pushed his way into the tavern, his head held up high as he examined his surroundings down his nose as though already sneering at them. He briefly adjusted his waistcoat before sauntering in a few steps and taking a careful look over each of the individuals present.

"Can I get anything for you, sir?"

1 minute ago, Inky said:

Pearl takes the gemstone and breathes in the Stormlight. Sofya finishes up her bread and butter.

"Thank you, Malu." She says. "It was nice to meet you."

"It was nice to meet you too. I might pop into your library and check out your selection sometime."

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Metronome looked the bartender over for a moment, searching deep within to see if this was a man worthy of his mighty words, or would this be another disappointment, another fool who could not see the majesty of the figure they were speaking to?

"A bottle of your best." He said finally, with a brisk nod.

He pulled a pocketwatch from his waistcoat and began the minute corrections to it until it was accurate once again. Poor mechanics could barely hope to imitate Metronome's own mighty powers, they could never keep up for long. He made sure to be obvious as he was correcting the pocketwatch, taking it out with a great sigh and grand gestures. It may have been a little too intimidating for such an ordinary environment but if he was going to let these people know who he was then he needed to start with shock and awe tactics.

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Metronome perked up as the bartender spoke, he was at the least, someone who could recognize his greatness. But then he'd also failed to comprehend the meaning of his speech, should he destroy the man and his bar in retribution?

No, the fault this time lay with Metronome himself, clearly he had not been filtering himself and the man had been unable to comprehend the meaning of his own wise counsel, it was something Metronome would have to forgive. No one could be expected to truly understand someone such as him.

"Soda." He clarified. "I'm sure that whatever you have to offer will be satisfactory."

Let the man see that Metronome could be gracious as well as fearsome, he was no Steelheart to rule through fear alone. That was the tool of petty bullies, Metronome was something far greater than that.

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2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

"Soda." He clarified. "I'm sure that whatever you have to offer will be satisfactory."

Malu was now suitably confused. Soda did not generally rank among the best things he had to offer, but to each their own. He pulled a large pitcher out and poured a glass, setting in front of the confusing man. "I hope you enjoy this. Is there anything else I can get you?"

2 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:



Nope, not a bit.


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And I am somewhat free at the moment so if you make one I can probably approve it pretty quickly.


Metronome accepted the glass with a gracious nod, satisfied that his host was suitably in awe.

"I hope you enjoy this. Is there anything else I can get you?" The bartender asked.

For a moment, Metronome was a little suspicious. Granted his might should be obvious to any who looked upon them but surely this man was a little too fast to begin offering his servitude like this?

Ah. Of course. Metronome realized, noting the pocketwatch still in his hands. The bartender must have seen him adjusting the time and become so fearful that he would offer anything to appease Metronome to avoid his wrath coming down upon him. It may have been too much after all, I don't want just fear. He must understand that I am not merely a tyrannical deity here to wreak vengeance and mayhem.

He smiled back towards the bartender and took a seat at the bar.

"That will be all for now, thank you." He said.

His kind and gentle words should reassure those present that their lives were not in imminent danger at least.

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

"That will be all for now, thank you." He said.

"If you need a refill, or want some food, just get my attention and I'll do my best. Also, you look like an important person. Is there someone you're looking for or planning on meeting here? I would like to request any potential destruction happen outside of the tavern, if so, as we've only just recovered from the last time someone decided to become a force of chaos in here."

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I know the feeling, luckily I don't have too much actual work to do today so I can sneak in some Shard time. Whenever you get around to it.

Metronome continued sipping his soda, looking at the bartender with a little concern. Was his power so obvious that even when he was attempting to show his kinder side that this man still worried about his bar being torn apart?

"Do not worry, I have not come to your establishment to cause any chaos, and it is in no danger while I am here."

An offer of protection was best, who would dare to interfere with a building that had Metronome's own personal protection upon it?

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Just now, Sunbringer said:

Jacien passed Sofya as he walked in, his glassweave tunic in tatters, stormlight almost completely drained, and spirits crushed. He went over to a table and slumped over, head on the table.

"You don't look so good, my friend. Want something to perk you up?" Malu asked, walking out from the bar to the table.

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Jacien looked up. 

“No thanks. Just had a really long night.”

He looked down at himself. He probably should change into a new glassweave outfit, but he just couldn’t muster the will to do so. If he had just been able to end his fights a little faster, maybe he could have stopped Vestivus. 

He looked back up at Malu. “Could you actually just tell me what time it is? I’ve just gone through three fights in a row.”


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Just now, Sunbringer said:

He looked back up at Malu. “Could you actually just tell me what time it is? I’ve just gone through three fights in a row.”

"Three fights in a row is rough. It's early morning right now, well before noon, seeing as I've only just recently opened up. You sure you don't want any coffee or some strong tea to shock you awake a little?"

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30 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

Thank you voidus for having metronome do that. I was hoping for it!


I assumed :P

Metronome smiled, it was nice to give meaning to the lives of those less fortunate sometimes. They went around all day, with no idea of what time it was, but for one brief moment he could enlighten them of their position in the grand scheme of the universe. But without exception they all became quickly unenlightened once more, time shifting as it did and beyond the comprehension of lesser minds. Only he was uniquely qualified to know at all times, what precise time it was.

"Of course you have." Metronome said, a pleased smile broke out over his face. "I can hardly avoid drawing attention to myself can I?"

He punctuated the rhetorical question with a gesture towards his pocket watch. Of course others had heard of him by now, he'd made several demonstrations of his power in the city by this point, no doubt those who worshipped him were spreading the good news around the city like a wildfire.

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4 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

He looked back up at Malu. “Do you know anyone that could help me track someone down?”

"Please tell me that was a rhetorical question. I always know someone. Give me details and I'll look into it and see who I can find for you."

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