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Jacien nods, and taking a deep breath, and explains his curse.

”I’m from Roshar, and while there, I visited the Nightwatcher. My boon was extremely useful, but my curse causes me lots of problems. I sometimes enter a trancelike state in which I continue doing whatever I was doing before almost mindlessly. If I get attacked, I snap out of the trance. I’m not sure if I can go under during a fight. I’m still to new to it.

”I don’t tell to many people about it because I’m rather embarrassed about it. However, you may tell those that you see fit. That goes for both of you.”

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Returned smiled, and said, "I won't share it unless I absolutely need to, but I don't see that happening."  He turned to Hasharan, "How goes recruitment?  Our army will need food, and weapons.  I'll go to trident to purchase some weapons for our men, and I expect a full status report on my return."  He smiled briefly at the pun, then left.

@Sunbringer @beantheboy12

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Returned strode to the balcony of the fortress keep.  He stood imperiously upon it, and regarded the masses below.  In a deep baritone that carried across the gigantic courtyard, he addressed the gathering, "This is the day you've all been waiting for!  The day where all; friends, enemies, kin, and allies, shall meet in fellowship!!  Today marks the inaugural opening of the first annual tournament of light!!"  The crowd below roared their approval.

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There I go double posting.  This can't be contained in an edit, however.

Returned held the telescope to his eye, observing the army that had marched to his doorstep.  To the naked eye, they looked like any other normal, if a bit disorganized, army.  When put to more focused scrutiny, however, they revealed themselves to be 25-foot tall white monsters.  Yetis.  This tribe had come down through the mountains when their numbers had exceeded the prey that could support them.  They had already destroyed Fortress Eternal's outlying town.  Luckily, the scouts had detected the approach of the army, and most of the people had evacuated to the courtyard or back to Alleycity.  Sadly they were hungry for more.  Returned put the telescope away from his eye, and handed it to a nearby lookout.  He was on a lookout tower, on the battlements of his fortress.  He noticed with idle interest that the yetis were beginning to form up on the "staging ground" outside their camp.  A "Big One" roughly translated from their language, was marching up and down the ragged ranks, shouting a chant. The chant was then repeated by the huge army, where it rose in an eerie crescendo, echoing off of the walls, before cutting off abruptly and beginning slowly again.  Returned marveled at their organization, crude though it was.  His interest turned more than idle as the army began slowly moving forward, still shouting their primitive battle chant.  The men on the battlements began to shuffle nervously at the army's gradual approach and disturbing chant.  Returned assessed the situation, then began to issue orders.  "Milton, go fetch Hasharan."  As the spindly secretary moved off, Returned shouted to the men atop the lookout towers.  "Squadleader, sound the alarm.  You, Centurion, Rouse the cavalry.  The wall guard needs to be on alert."  

The drums began to beat on the walls, and, with the crisp efficiency of an army run by Hasharan, cavalry thundered out of the front gates to harry the approaching army.  The wall guard became clogged with archers, spearmen, and Squadleaders.  The yetis' organization finally fell apart, and they fell into a haphazard charge.  Two were sporting a massive log as a battering ram.  They crashed into the staunch walls of the fortress.  The broke upon the hard stone like water on rock.  Returned noticed that they let the "frail ones" and "weak ones" go first as cannon fodder.  The defensive Aons along the wall kicked in, releasing bursts of Daa power, and consuming some of the first waves of beasts.  The two carrying the battering ram ran at the gates full force.  The log crashed into the wooden gates, and shattered into a million shards.  Strengthening Aons flashed briefly on the door.  It wouldn't take another hit like that.  The Squadleaders gave the order to fire, and waves of arrows were released on the invading army.  None of them really had an effect, but the Squadleaders gave the order to reload nonetheless.  One of Hasharan's Battalionlords gave the order to release the chull cavalry.  The armored mounts were slow, but when dealing with a pinned force, the strong units' endurance was a godsend.  The chulls flooded, or lumbered, whatever you call it, out of an adjacent gate, and drove towards the army, like a hammer to the fortress walls' anvil.  The army split, and retreated in fear, the horse cavalry harrying them back to their camp.  A preliminary attack had been repelled.  The men on the walls cheered, and the cavalry rode back in to much congratulation.

Although one attack had been fought off, it was a sign of a greater threat.  The threat of extended siege.  The hardened men of Fortress Eternal had won the battle this day, but it would take more than sheer grit to win the coming days.  Food would be hard to come by, the people would be stretched thin, and the fortress would take a rough beating.  The siege had set in.


@Sunbringer @Arky-boi @MetaTerminal (I'm still holding out hope) @beantheboy12 @Gancho Libre @Furamirionind (Also holding out hope)

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Jacien looked out of a small thicket a short distance from the Yeti camp. He had not actually been at fortress eternal when this siege had started, but had come as soon as he had heard. He didn't know what he was going to do to help, but he knew he had to do something. 

He turned toward Auri. "Auri, can you sneak past the Yeti lines and find returned for me? Ask him what I can do to help."

He watched as Auri sped off toward the fortress and climb the walls.

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Hasharan approached, still wearing his plate, to returned. He walked up beside him and removed his helm. He had sustained a nasty bruise on his right side and had cracked plate there. He should remove the plate, allow his armorers to repair it, he just couldn’t bring himself to. Those... Creatures could be back at any time. He had to be ready to fight alongside his men. 500 men. 500 storming men had died from that attack. He silently mourned their loss. Coris, with a large bandage around his head stood along with the rest of his team nearby. Ready for the command. 

“They’re dangerous,” Hasharan warned. “It takes the lives of at least two men to defeat a single yeti. We must regroup. The outnumber us anyway.”

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Hasharan bowed his head. "We lost half our defense force. The rest have fallen back into the inner fortress. We left a few men on the outer defenses, but not enough to stop another attack. Maybe just be intimidating at least."

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Xena looked at the army over the top of the wall. She... wasn't sure how she felt about being inside of a besieged city, especially when she probably couldn't even kill one of the monsters out there.

She sighed and went looking for Returned. He'd know what to do.

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6 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Hasharan bowed his head. "We lost half our defense force. The rest have fallen back into the inner fortress. We left a few men on the outer defenses, but not enough to stop another attack. Maybe just be intimidating at least."

Returned nodded.  He had feared as much.  "Hasharan, look out that window."  When Hasharan looked, he continued.  "Do you see all of those people?"  He gestured out the courtyard, which was rapidly filling with people from the outer town, which had been destroyed earlier.  "They believe in us.  They are what supports this fortress, with their economy, and their production.  They supported us when we needed it, now we need to support them because they need it.  They are invested in this fortress just as much, or perhaps more than we are.  They're the families of the soldeirs, the providers for the table.  And there's not enough room for them all in the inner fortress."  He turned back to Hasharan, a hard light in his eyes.  "Hasharan, that outer wall needs to hold.  Make it happen.  I don't care if you have to draft the women, and make the wounded fight.  We need these people, and now these people need us.  So that outer wall will hold, and you will make it happen."


Sorry about the godmod, I hope you don't mind.  


3 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

Do you mind if the Black Crusade joins the battle?


I'm not really sure.  It looks dire for us right now, so maybe, but let's wait a little and see how the battle goes.

2 hours ago, Arky-boi said:

Edalb spoke to Returned. "Can I engage personally? I've been trained as a Knight for this day, I think."

@Vargo Seldon

@Grey Knight

Returned, after finishing with Hasharan, turned to the knight.  "You may engage personally with us and a few thousand men at your back.  I'm not losing one of our best men.  I do want to lead a strike force in to the camp, to take a few thousand of them out."

Turning back to Hasharan, he said, "How soon can you gather your elites?"

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“My elites have all gathered. 100 well trained men and a few minorly invested people. They gathered the second the call was made. I’ll send the word to move the militia back to the outer wall. But just know, if those things get around us, there’s nothing between them and the town.”


- Bruce Banner :P


And I don’t mind godmoding if it is for a good purpose. This is fine ;)


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Ok, thanks.

Returned nodded.  He said, "The outer wall is the last defense.  If it falls, half of the nonessential villagers will be slaughtered.  That's why I want to strike at them first.  Gather your elites in the North courtyard."  Turning to Edalb, he said, "Come down to the courtyard.  I want you to lead a century.  Each of us shall lead a century of men."  He left them to prepare, and walked down to the courtyard.

@beantheboy12 @Arky-boi

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Auri grew up a wall nearby Returned and the others and made herself visible to all of them.

“Hello. How are you? My name’s Auri, I’m Jacien’s spren. Umm, so he was wondering what he should do.”

That sounded like the way humans talked, right? She should probably talk to people other than Jacien more often. And if she was being honest with herself, he probably was to eccentric to be a good model for human conversation.

@Vargo Seldon@beantheboy12@Arky-boi

Edited by Sunbringer
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She's your second, you know. Wouldn't he refer to her as something different then "The Knight"

Edalb grinned. "Best woman, thank you very much." Then she jumped off the side, blade coming out of the sheath.

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57 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Edalb grinned. "Best woman, thank you very much." Then she jumped off the side, blade coming out of the sheath.


I really need to pay better attention to my guild members.


1 hour ago, Sunbringer said:

Auri grew up a wall nearby Returned and the others and made herself visible to all of them.

“Hello. How are you? My name’s Auri, I’m Jacien’s spren. Umm, so he was wondering what he should do.”

That sounded like the way humans talked, right? She should probably talk to people other than Jacien more often. And if she was being honest with herself, he probably was to eccentric to be a good model for human conversation.

@Vargo Seldon@beantheboy12@Arky-boi

Returned jumped when he saw the spren come out of the wall.  He drew his crescent-shaped blades and had the zipping towards it before he stopped himself.  He self-consciously put his blades away, then greeted the spren.  "Hello Auri.  Jacien's spren...  Is he blocked by the army?  If he is, tell him to attack the flank on my mark.  You should be able to carry the message in time... Tell me, does he feel as though he could attack the flank alone if we attacked from the front?"

After recieving answers, he continued on his way to the North Courtyard.  When he arrived, Hasharan's elites were assembled.  It was an impressive sight.  He stepped to the front, and gathered the reins of his horse.  Good Ryshadium stock.  The horse had chosen him on an extended visit to Roshar.  He had learned good things there.  He had stayed for 200 years.  One of his longer visits.  He turned the horse around, and spoke to Hasharan.  "Are we ready to attack?  Me and Edalb have our centuries.  You have your elites."  He then turned to Jacien's spren.  "Tell Jacien to attack in an hour.  No more, no less."

@Sunbringer @Arky-boi @beantheboy12

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