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Returned nodded.  He had trained for a moment like this for more than a thousand years.  He had fighting experience, of course, posing as a common soldier.  Still, he had never done something like this.  Leading his own troops into battle, facing down an enemy stronger than him.  It was surreal.  He gave the order for the wall gaurds to open the gate.  All of the troops were mounted, and they thundered out of the opening, charging towards the enemy.  Returned held his lance high, roaring his battle cry.

@beantheboy12 @Arky-boi @Sunbringer

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Hasharan pushed his ryshadium, the fastest in the stable, to cruise ahead of the rest of the crowd. Just as the Yetis noticed him coming, he soared over the ridge with his enormous iron hammer in one hand, and shard bow in the other. He leaped from his mount who had begun to trample the sleeping yetis as he cast his hammer at a large yeti. He then notched an arrow and shot it straight through the eye of that same yeti.

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Returned raised his large lance on high.  He spun it around in massive, blurred circles.  He lept over the ridge, soaring over the heads of the first few.  His lance spun in his large, dexterous fingers.  As it spun, he brought it in for strikes.  Every hit was neat and precise, directly to the throat of the beasts.  He took out dozens of them in seconds using this method.  It took years to master how to use a lance in the normal way, charging and pinning.  Using it like a gigantic bow staff from horseback?  That took a lifetime.  Returned had taken 80 years to master this particular skill.  His century poured through the hole he and Hasharan had torn.  They acted as two shardbearers, taking ground while the men behind them held it.  Returned lept off of his Ryshadium, Snowslayer, and used two short katanas to cut a path.  He used his lifetime's worth of sword training to kill his way through the army.  He threw away his katanas, and drew one larger long sword.  He stood with it in a field of enemies, surrounded on all sides.  He took a quick assessment of the number, skill, size, and position of his opponents.  They came at him.  He closed his eyes, standing poised with the sword in his arms.  As they were about to descend on him, ripping him to shreds, he moved.  His movements were a deadly dance.  All prearanged and choreographed.  His sequence of moves were so perfect, that in seconds, all of his enemies lay dead in a heap around him.  He stood again, eyeing the yetis, as if daring any to attack him.  They held back.  The reason why was soon evident.  The field grew still and silent, even the distant fighting men quieted.  The ground rumbled slightly.  Returned looked towards a disturbance near the back of the yeti ranks.  The ranks parted, and a gargantuan creature stepped out.  He was at least 50 feet tall, with a long white main.  His coat was encrusted with blood, and somehow Returned new that it would be the blood of other yetis.  His eyes went up to the eyes of the massive beast, and Returned saw something.  It looked like... respect in the eyes of his adversary.  Returned also saw the glimmer of a keen intelligence in the eyes of a beast normally so stupid.  He shivered.  This was the leader.  The head of the entire yeti tribe.  This was "The Roar".  

Returned raised his blade to his forehead in a salute.  He then unslung his bow and shot the thing in the chest.  The arrow stuck in, but elicited no reaction from the hulking monster.  The monster just raised the small tree it was carrying, and swung it with mighty force down upon Returned.  Returned dove out of the way, and shot another arrow at it.  He yelled desperately to Hasharan, "Hasharan, get your storming elites over here now!  I'm fighting the crem-rusted storming colors cursed Roar!  Adonalsiums eternal beard!"


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As Hasharan lead a small force against a large yeti, Coris heard the call of returned and broke off his team. He then lead them over behind Returned. "Oh rusts." He said. He turned to Valvin who dashed at the beast alone.

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Returned was picked up into the air, and tossed like a rag doll.  When he landed, his bow was broken.  “Pineapples!” He swore, “I liked that bow you flaming darkfriend!”  He was barely able to dodge the second blow.  “By Voidus Prime!  I need a weapon!”  He picked up a broken sword, and attacked the leg of the thing.  His sword but deep, and The Roar... well... roared in anger.  Returned dropped flat in order to dodge the kick and stabbed upward into the pad of it’s foot.  The blade snapped off, and Returned cursed, ripping off a passing yeti’s arm to use as a weapon.  He swung the arm, scratching deeply.

Edited by Vargo Seldon
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Jacien was instructed to attack in exactly one hour. So when the defenders attacked 10 minutes before the hour, he was a little confused. He shrugged, and just attacked. He charged the distracted yeti flank, and the first one fell with two swords in its back, the second with a cut achilles tendon. He slashed, stabbed and dodged through the yeti ranks, leaving swaths of slicked ground behind him, causing yetis to slip, and then be unable to get up, then knocking my over or injuring their own allies.   Confusion quickly spread through their ranks, and dozens were incapacitated in less than a minute. Most were still alive: Jacien hated to kill, even if they were attacking them. This way kept them out of the fight just as well. He would kill if he had to or if they really deserved it, but he didn’t have to right now.

A huge one stepped into his path. It roared, swinging his club at him. Jacien danced out of the way, then activated division on it, destroying half and catching the rest on fire. He ran past it as it panicked as its fur began to catch on fire also. It was sufficiently distracted, he thought. 

Jacien heard Returned call for Hasharan, and spared a glance. He seemed to be fighting the biggest one of all. Well, that seemed like fun! He sprinted over, dodging between several Yetis and having to slick himself to escape another large one’s grasp. He stabbed one, then used it as something to jump off of, then leaped off, stabbing both swords into the enormous yetis hairy back.

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Returned nodded to Jacien as he arrived, nearly getting sliced in half in the process.  He swung the disembodied yeti's arm at The Roar, and slashed through the flesh easily.  The weapon was ungainly though, and took a lot of effort to get a good hit.  However, Returned new one thing that may easily take down such a beast.  The perfect sword patterns were a series of moves.  There were thousands of variations, each dependant upon the opponents number, size, skill, and position relative to you.  It took several lifetimes to master.  There was one or two concerning an opponent larger than 50 feet.  Returned stood in his stance, and performed the form perfectly.  Each stroke of his blade (or yeti arm) was perfectly placed, each one hit its mark.  It was a dance, perfectly executed and crisply choreographed.  When he was done, The Roar wasn't dead, however, it was covered with numerous cuts and deep gashes.  

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I’m double posting again, because I don’t want to wipe out the entire army with one counterattack.

Returned still fought like a wildcat, but he was tiring.  The monstrous hulk he was fighting, however, showed no such strain.  A few seconds before, he had tried the wrong series of perfect sword patterns, and received a major gash on his back for it.  He needed to pull out.  The men he was leading were also showing signs of wearying.  A distant horn alerted him to a greater danger.  A man rode up, deftly dodging a furious swing by The Roar, to deliver a message.  “Sir Most Holy,” he yelled desperately, “Rhe yetis have reinforcements!” 

“What?!?!” Returned exclaimed, nearly getting his head taken off, “Yetis don’t share battles with other tribes.  It just isn’t done!”

”Yeah well,” the scout said wryly, “Tell that to these guys.”

Returned yelled desperately at the scout, “Get a message to Hasharan, tell him to pull out.  After that, sound the retreat!”

The scout nodded grimly, and turned away.  That moment of inattention cost him, however, when the scout was cut in half by a yeti behind him.  Returned stared for a moment, before cutting down the beast and rushing to find Hasharan himself.


You can join the battle now Grey Knight.

@beantheboy12 @Grey Knight

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Hasharan has noticed the second army before Ruturned had even reached him. “Storm it! The men are already in retreat! The inner men have moved to the outer wall. My cadmium misting will slow them while writ escape. Go!” 

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Belay that order, Captain, said a voice in Hasharan's head. It was deep and rough, and sounded strained. A demi-company of Clan Raukaan is inbound to reinforce you, but you must hold the field outside the walls in order for us to land. The Emperor prote-.

The strange connection cut off, leaving Hasharan's mind.


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Hasharan was confused. He sent the main body of troops back, but kept his elites engaged. His cadmium misting froze along with a great deal of yetis. Cubes he had fueled before were cast at the approaching yetis. There was a big lull as the yetis and his misting slowly approached them. “Whoever you are,” Hasharan said, “You better hurry. He stepped forward as Coris escorted the uninvestes forces back to the fortress to defend. He kept a bendalloy misting with him. Once those bubbles fell, he would need to evacuate everyone fast. He removed a piece of paper and scribbled on it, “Once something ‘lands’ put down the bubble. He folded it, then threw it at his brave misting, then watched it freeze in midair.

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Returned was supervising the retreat from the field.  He noticed Hasharan's elites were still engaged and were trying to hold off the invaders with bendalloy bubbles.  It wouldn't hold for long.  Returned turned back to the bulk of the army and began to yell marching orders.  The retreat became an organized, tactically sound, extraction under Returned's orders.  The men hadn't made it halfway to the safety of the walls when their flank was attacked by a massive disturbance.  It was The Roar.  The gigantic yeti had decided to finish off Returned and his army once and for all.  Returned spurred his Rhyshadium back along the column to where fifty men with giant riding lances were trying to fend off the monster, and doing a reasonable job at it.  Returned yelled orders to tighten the circle, and to begin use of the Aon-inhanced projectile weapons.  A row of men behind the lancemen began firing arrows with Aon Daa inscribed into them.  Wherever they hit, a burst of Dor was flung out of the cognitive realm to strike the yeti in a burning torrent.  Slowly, the beast submitted to the pain and limped away in shame.  Returned looked towards the horizon.  He had been promised a regiment of superlifeless from Alleycity, but it had not come.  Where was it anyway?

@Darth Woodrack @Arky-boi @beantheboy12 @Sunbringer

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Edalb reached the position of the yeti, ignoring the fact that it was retreating, and smiled cockily, warrior's lenses flashing in the sun. "Let's do this." She attacked with her sword, and it bellowed. She attacked again and again, leaving it nearly dead. Finally, she backed off. She would fight it again later, and assert dominance. One attack against him wounded wasn't enough.

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Silva Rey, Space Marine, came in from the base of the mountain with Dusk's regiment of Super Lifeless. Honestly, she only took this job because she was bored. She ran up to Returned and said, "Here are your Super Lifless! The temporary command is," She lowered her voice so only he could hear, "Fire of the Dawn,"

@Vargo Seldon

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A pair of dark shapes shot past the top of the fortress. They rapidly pulled upwards, firing missiles from their underbellies as they swerved. The ranks of the yetis blossomed into flames as the missiles hit their marks, throwing the entire horde into disarray and easing the pressure on Hasharan's elites.

The black gunships circled back around, flying straight toward Returned.

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The black gunships suddenly swerved above Returned, the engines roaring as they strained to halt their momentum. They slammed into the ground with their landing gears extended, one gunship skidding across the ground before it came to a screeching halt. The front ramps dropped down. Space Marines charged out of the Thunderhawks in a wave of black and silver ceramite, rapidly forming a perimeter around Returned and his retinue.

One Space Marine strode towards Returned. "Brother Trajan," he said, stamping his cog-toothed axe on the ground. The sounds of bolter fire began to crack through the air. "Where do the lines need reinforcing?"

@Vargo Seldon

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On 3/6/2019 at 0:33 PM, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

Silva Rey, Space Marine, came in from the base of the mountain with Dusk's regiment of Super Lifeless. Honestly, she only took this job because she was bored. She ran up to Returned and said, "Here are your Super Lifless! The temporary command is," She lowered her voice so only he could hear, "Fire of the Dawn,"

@Vargo Seldon

Returned nodded in affirmation and strode towards the superlifeless.  He whispered, "Fire of the Dawn" then commanded the regiment to attack in the places where the line needed shoring up.  


Just now, Grey Knight said:

The black gunships suddenly swerved above Returned, the engines roaring as they strained to halt their momentum. They slammed into the ground with their landing gears extended, one gunship skidding across the ground before it came to a screeching halt. The front ramps dropped down. Space Marines charged out of the Thunderhawks in a wave of black and silver ceramite, rapidly forming a perimeter around Returned and his retinue.

One Space Marine strode towards Returned. "Brother Trajan," he said, stamping his cog-toothed axe on the ground. The sounds of bolter fire began to crack through the air. "Where do the lines need reinforcing?"

@Vargo Seldon

Returned greeted the marine, and pointed towards the sections that needed reinforcement.  "Thank you, whoever you are, for your assistance.  We may win this day yet because of you."

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Zekuri bursts out of the woods being chased by a smaller yeti and with a flick of his wrist his rope flew up and caught the yeti by the neck bringing him down where Zekuri could finish him off with his sword.  He then walks up to the line of space marines.  "Lord Ruler, your in a mess!  Need help?"


Hey guys, can Zekuri join the fight?


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Silva ran into the horde of Yeti's, slashed her way forwards several meters, before jumpbacking back out of their line. She repeated this process, and then started hammering them with her bolter, before going around behind them and charging through their flank, before ending up back where she started, a couple hundred dead yeti's before her.


Edited by Darth Sir Woodrack Groot
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On 3/9/2019 at 9:16 AM, Clever Username said:

Zekuri bursts out of the woods being chased by a smaller yeti and with a flick of his wrist his rope flew up and caught the yeti by the neck bringing him down where Zekuri could finish him off with his sword.  He then walks up to the line of space marines.  "Lord Ruler, your in a mess!  Need help?"


Returned greeted the strange man with a nod, and pointed to the spot on the line where he should join.


21 hours ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

Silva ran into the horde of Yeti's, slashed her way forwards several meters, before jumpbacking back out of their line. She repeated this process, and then started hammering them with her bolter, before going around behind them and charging through their flank, before ending up back where she started, a couple hundred dead yeti's before her.


Returned strode over to the woman who had just single-handed wiped out an entire battalion's worth of yetis.  "We are strong here, but the yetis are stronger, and more numerous.  Despite our apparent advantages, We will not last if we keep the fight on the field.  We need to retreat to the strength of the walls.  They are our only hope."  He mounted up on his Rhyshadium, and rode at a breakneck gallop towards where the bulk of Fortress Eternal's garrison was holding.  "Hasharan!" He bellowed, "Get the men out of here!"  Without waiting for Hasharan to respond, he wheeled his horse about and rode for the rest of the reinforcements, the knight at his side.


I apologize for the forced retreat, but I want this battle to turn into a war.  A good long RP.

@Ark1002 @beantheboy12 @Darth Sir Woodrack Groot

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