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Suddenly, a small perpendicularity appeared on the wall of the chamber. Nultūk stepped out and landed on the floor, making no sound as he landed on the ground. He glanced around, a look of confusion on his face. His lips began to move, almost as if trying to speak words, but no sound came out of his mouth. He appeared to curse, and instead, he hastily signed to his right, where his spren appeared, starting to translate his sign language.

"Storms, where am I? This looks nowhere near Elendel" the spren said, addressing Jacien. Turning to Nultūk, she said, "That was the last of our stormlight, you know. We, more specifically you, really need some more."


Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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Returned yelled a battle cry as he charged, driving the yetis from his homeland.  This would not end here.  He would pursue them to the ends of the Alleyplanet.


I'm continuing the campaign in another thread.  I will @ you all.  


Edited by Vargo Seldon
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19 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Suddenly, a small perpendicularity appeared on the wall of the chamber. Nultūk stepped out and landed on the floor, making no sound as he landed on the ground. He glanced around, a look of confusion on his face. His lips began to move, almost as if trying to speak words, but no sound came out of his mouth. He appeared to curse, and instead, he hastily signed to his right, where his spren appeared, starting to translate his sign language.

"Storms, where am I? This looks nowhere near Elendel" the spren said, addressing Jacien. Turning to Nultūk, she said, "That was the last of our stormlight, you know. We, more specifically you, really need some more."


Xena looked up at the new arrivals. "Uh..." she said. 

Darn. These people had interrupted her embroidery session. That always threw her off guard.

Edited by Gancho Libre
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3 hours ago, Gancho Libre said:

Xena looked up at the new arrivals. "Uh..." she said. 

Darn. These people had interrupted her embroidery session. That always threw her off guard.

Nultūk looked at Xena, surprised to find another person in the room. 

"What's going on here?" Nultūk's spren inquired.

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A very dead one, yes. We generally try to avoid necroing threads like these unless its members decide to get it up and going again. 


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