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The Happy Inquisitor: A Restaurant


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Thaidakar finished the song, he held up the solid gold lightning bolt, "this won't kill you, it hasn't killed anyone since... well that's another story for another time." he tucked the bolt in his pocket and started singing the legend of world stone keep.

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5 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"I think we have to pay in stories and since the proprietor is gone just leave a sign with your story on it."

Lunamor stuck his head out of the kitchen door.

”The proprietor is here and he must be paid in a story. I will not have anyone, uh… what’s the word…”

He mumbled for a moment.

”Stiff! Yes, stiff the establishment!”


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"Ah yes. I have an amazing story." The old man laughed. "The story of how a wise old man got some naïve youngsters to get him a free drink." Cackling to himself, he hobbled out of The Happy Inquisitor surprisingly quickly.

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The old man walked back in. "Actually, I feel a little guilty, so I'll tell you a different story instead." He pulled out a seventy-two stringed harp, and futilely attempted to play it for a few moments. "Blast it. I don't suppose you have anything around here that's slightly deadly, do you?" He shook his head, setting up a record player instead. "Alright, gimme a second. Almost gooot iiiiiit... There! Perfect. Alrighty, let's get started." He rubbed his hands together in anticipation as the record started playing a morose tune. "The night was as black as pitch, and the hour was late, when the rider entered the town." 

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8 minutes ago, Nameless said:

"Ah yes. I have an amazing story." The old man laughed. "The story of how a wise old man got some naïve youngsters to get him a free drink." Cackling to himself, he hobbled out of The Happy Inquisitor surprisingly quickly.

Lunamor cursed in Unkalaki as he bolted for the door. Being the language that it was, it took him until reaching the door to finish his curse.

”I am not a younger! And you are a foolish old man! Do not make me get my Shardbow!”


Stiffing someone means not giving them a tip :)

Edit: Got ninajaed!

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The old man nodded appreciatively to Lunamor. "Impressive vocabulary. Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, the rider." He paused as the music made a dramatic flourish. "The rider was none other than the legendary Adelas the Highborn, ruler of the noble city of the same name. He had come on word from his spymaster, who had contacted him with a cryptic message: Lagons spotted. Make necessary preparations immediately. Desiring to know what these 'Lagons' were and what 'preparations' needed to be made, the intrepid Adelas hurried to the inn in which the spymaster worked, riding day and night to reach his goal. At last, in the dead of night, rain pouring down in sheets, the heroic noble arrived at his destination." Just as Mentor finished this last sentence, the door to The Happy Inquisitor slammed open, revealing a hooded figure silhouetted by a flash of lighting in the darkened sky.

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"I've got a story for ya!" The shadowy figure says."The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start." Then the man bolts.

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Mentor watched the shadowy figure go in annoyance. "Young folks have no sense of manners these days. Interrupting my story like that, really! Back in my day, he would've thought twice before opening the door like that! Yes he would. Anyways, let us continue with the story." The music reversed itself as Mentor settled back into his seat. "So, Adelas burst into the in-" The door slammed open again, a gust of wind blowing rain into the room and soaking everyone inside. A cloaked figure walked up to the bar and spoke in a gravely voice. "I'm looking for someone called 'Halder'. Do you know him?"

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"Oh, we have some food. Stew and cookies! Would you like something that...didn't mysteriously fly in through the window? And as for drinks, we've got lots that's way better than dragon pee. I...don't actually think dragon pee is safe to drink, and I was told not to let you folks die."

Edited by DramaQueen
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