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The Happy Inquisitor: A Restaurant


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22 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

"Have you looked at yourself recently?" Asked Wizard. "As you're still changing colors. But here's a shot containing one liquid ounce and don't die."

Sequence blinked, then pulled out a handheld mirror. She looked at herself, and gasped. "I'm colorful! This is amazing!" Sequence grabbed the shot and drank it in one gulp, collapsing face-first on the table again. She sat back up four seconds later and started to do a happy color dance.

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  • 1 year later...

In a happy corner of the restaurant, Thaidakar smiled to himself, thinking of memories and people. Ahhh, the many people who had come and gone for various reasons. If only they could come back. Then he remembered that they had things to do, places to be, hobbies to peruse, books to read, and to write for that matter, people to meet, careers to follow. And, yet, even with this knowledge, it was still sad to him that certain people were inactive. Inactive despite how amazing they were and are to this day. He lifted a glass of horn eater white to his lips, having a nostalgic sip. Ahh, a good taste, that. Some people said it burned through your tongue; the solution to that is to not be an airsick lowlander. Thaidakar lifted his cup slightly into the air, toasting quietly to people long gone, people who would leave, and people who were going to come back. Ahh, if only he could talk to them again, chat with them, see how they were doing, laugh together again...

"I miss you, old friends..." he said, smiling sadly down into his drink. "I hope you are doing good... I'm doing fine, certainly. Days like these I miss you more and more... But, I'm doing good. I hope you are too." Thaidakar had another sip of the drink. 

And, he lifted his drink once more, feeling the pangs of sadness but also the feeling of hope. Hope that good was coming, a sort of knowledge. A smile grew on his face as he whispered, "To a journey well run. Life before death, my friends, life before death."

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  • 4 months later...

Lunamor shook his head, coming out of a stupor. He glanced down, finding that he was wearing an apron proudly emblazoned with the words “I WENT TO THAYLEN CITY AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS APRON”. It was surprisingly not very tacky.

What on Roshar… How long have I been gone?

He found a bottle of Horneater White tightly gripped in his hand, with only dregs remaining. When had he grabbed that? He swished it around, carefully peering inside. Horneaters, they were never affected by this drink. But inside, he saw a gently swirling mass of darkened light. 


Perhaps his new voidlight concoction wasn’t the best idea. He carefully stowed the mostly empty bottle on a shelf built into the backside of the bar, just in case. He scanned the restaurant, hoping that his absence hadn’t allowed it to be entirely destroyed.

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7 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor shook his head, coming out of a stupor. He glanced down, finding that he was wearing an apron proudly emblazoned with the words “I WENT TO THAYLEN CITY AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS APRON”. It was surprisingly not very tacky.

What on Roshar… How long have I been gone?

He found a bottle of Horneater White tightly gripped in his hand, with only dregs remaining. When had he grabbed that? He swished it around, carefully peering inside. Horneaters, they were never affected by this drink. But inside, he saw a gently swirling mass of darkened light. 


Perhaps his new voidlight concoction wasn’t the best idea. He carefully stowed the mostly empty bottle on a shelf built into the backside of the bar, just in case. He scanned the restaurant, hoping that his absence hadn’t allowed it to be entirely destroyed.


Is this still going on and available to join?


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4 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

A person walked into the Happy Inquisitor.

Lunamor smiled, hiding his relief. The restaurant wasn’t completely destroyed.

”Hello, customer! Have you come for a drink? A meal? Both, perhaps?”

He gestured behind him at the glittering menu displayed on the wall.

”Our stew, he is delicious. We have many types, and can make custom ones if a customer wants.”


Sushi is blasphemy to Lunamor. It has crabs, but no shells!

Also, please make sure to put non-rp stuff in quote boxes.


Edited by Lunamor
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2 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor smiled, hiding his relief. The restaurant wasn’t completely destroyed.

”Hello, customer! Have you come for a drink? A meal? Both, perhaps?”

He gestured behind him at the glittering menu displayed on the wall.

”Our stew, he is delicious. We have many types, and can make custom ones if a customer wants.”



okie dokie :P 

Another customer walked into the Happy Inquisitor. *character looks like Veil*

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2 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor smiled, hiding his relief. The restaurant wasn’t completely destroyed.

”Hello, customer! Have you come for a drink? A meal? Both, perhaps?”

He gestured behind him at the glittering menu displayed on the wall.

”Our stew, he is delicious. We have many types, and can make custom ones if a customer wants.”


The person looked at the menu.

"Uh... can I have some plain stew? And some uh, apple cider please?"


Are you accepting new employees?


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10 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

The person looked at the menu.

"Uh... can I have some plain stew? And some uh, apple cider please?"


Lunamor nodded, rubbing his hands together and preparing to head into the kitchen.


We are always accepting new employees 😁


7 minutes ago, Ookla-The-Stick said:

the Veil character (named Ash) stumped up to the counter, casting a shifty glare around the room.

Lunamor glanced behind him, furrowing his brows slightly. This woman, he did not trust her. He would have to avoid giving her too much Horneater White. He had had too many mishaps caused by drunk troublemakers in his restaurant already, and had no interest in kicking someone out the door again.

Edited by Lunamor
Forgot apple cider was on the menu!
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4 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor nodded, rubbing his hands together and preparing to head into the kitchen.


Lunamor glanced behind him, furrowing his brows slightly. This woman, he did not trust her. He would have to avoid giving her too much Horneater White. He had had too many mishaps caused by drunk troublemakers in his restaurant already, and had no interest in kicking someone out the door again.

"Er... I was um, also, perhaps, kind of, looking for a job? If you need help? I'd be a good... waiter?"

Edited by Canada Lover
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1 minute ago, Ookla-The-Stick said:

"Can I have some Horneater White?" Ashe asked gruffly.

Lunamor’s brows furrowed even more at this immediate request for white. But he couldn’t turn away a potential customer. Kaladin looked just as grumpy sometimes, and he wasn’t a troublemaker. Well, the bad kind, at least.

”I will give you this drink soon, after I get the other customer’s order ready.”

2 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

"Er... I was um, also, perhaps, kind of, looking for a job? If you need help? I'd be a good... waiter?"

He turned back around to face the other person. A waiter? Lunamor looked around, realizing he had no idea where his staff was. Another waiter couldn’t hurt, he supposed. He already was having to deal with two customers at once, one minute after he had regained his senses.

”You may be a waiter if you wish. However, this job, he is difficult. Much blood has been shed in trying to serve customers.”


I’m actually not kidding about that, this thread has gotten wild.


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1 minute ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor’s brows furrowed even more at this immediate request for white. But he couldn’t turn away a potential customer. Kaladin looked just as grumpy sometimes, and he wasn’t a troublemaker. Well, the bad kind, at least.

”I will give you this drink soon, after I get the other customer’s order ready.”

Ash dipped her head in a slight nod and found a seat to wait.

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