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The Happy Inquisitor: A Restaurant


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2 hours ago, Lunamor said:

“…they are craters in a mountain filled with water. I don’t think you can take one with you.”

But with all the new magic he kept hearing about, it very well might be possible.

”If you somehow are able to, do not take one. They belong to the Horneaters.”

Lunamor led the man over to a table, then disappeared into the kitchen to prepare his order. The smell of frying oil quickly wafted out. It was easy to tell when someone was making chouta.

john nodded to lunamor as he put a few extra choutas on to fry for a potential @strmblsd

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Decard eyes the man in the suit, then walks over to John and, pointing at the choutas, asks “Could I have one of those please? Thank you” and hands over several spheres of dubiously high value (2 emerald broams, 4 amethyst broams, and 18 diamond chips) “I’m paying with these spheres because I have no other story ready to tell right now, and I apologize if I underpaid, I don’t understand the currency at all.”

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On 4/14/2024 at 10:45 PM, Lunamor said:

“…they are craters in a mountain filled with water. I don’t think you can take one with you.”

But with all the new magic he kept hearing about, it very well might be possible.

”If you somehow are able to, do not take one. They belong to the Horneaters.”

Lunamor led the man over to a table, then disappeared into the kitchen to prepare his order. The smell of frying oil quickly wafted out. It was easy to tell when someone was making chouta.

the man smiled as the smells wrapped around his nostrils. He couldn't wait to try this dish he had heard so much about from a loud man he'd met on the way with long fingernails and a smile that reminded him of an old friend from long ago in the glory days.

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8 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

the man smiled as the smells wrapped around his nostrils. He couldn't wait to try this dish he had heard so much about from a loud man he'd met on the way with long fingernails and a smile that reminded him of an old friend from long ago in the glory days.

Lunamor exited the kitchen, now balancing a plate of chouta and a Pewter Arm. He set down the meal in front of the man, eyeing him surreptitiously to ensure that he wasn’t up to any trouble. He was suspicious of the sort of people who asked if they could take a hot spring home with them. A customer was a customer, however. If he turned away everyone who bothered him slightly, he would have hardly any clientele.

”What is your name?”

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9 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor exited the kitchen, now balancing a plate of chouta and a Pewter Arm. He set down the meal in front of the man, eyeing him surreptitiously to ensure that he wasn’t up to any trouble. He was suspicious of the sort of people who asked if they could take a hot spring home with them. A customer was a customer, however. If he turned away everyone who bothered him slightly, he would have hardly any clientele.

”What is your name?”

The man reached for the drink and had a sip, "It's good." He almost glanced behind him, but didn't. No one was here who could compromise him.

"My name is Zave," the man said, "Zave Metsk. It's good to meet you."

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2 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

The man reached for the drink and had a sip, "It's good." He almost glanced behind him, but didn't. No one was here who could compromise him.

"My name is Zave," the man said, "Zave Metsk. It's good to meet you."

"It is good to meet you too, Zave. I am called Lunamor."

He didn't bother with giving his full name. Non-Horneaters tended to have very poor attempts at pronouncing or remembering it, and this man was clearly unfamiliar with Horneater culture.

"What brings you to Urithiru? Do you plan to take one of the oathgates back home with you?"

Lunamor was only half-joking about that.

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19 hours ago, Lunamor said:

"It is good to meet you too, Zave. I am called Lunamor."

He didn't bother with giving his full name. Non-Horneaters tended to have very poor attempts at pronouncing or remembering it, and this man was clearly unfamiliar with Horneater culture.

"What brings you to Urithiru? Do you plan to take one of the oathgates back home with you?"

Lunamor was only half-joking about that.

Zave chuckled, "I'm here on business. I need a specific item from a man who stole something from a friend of mine. Apparently he helps with the queen here..." he grinned, "In more ways than one."

"And the oath gates.... I used one to get here. Do you know how they work, perchance?" Zave asked and he had a drought from the cup. "That, my friend, is a good drink. Better than those I had around where I come from by a long shot."

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21 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Zave chuckled, "I'm here on business. I need a specific item from a man who stole something from a friend of mine. Apparently he helps with the queen here..." he grinned, "In more ways than one."

"And the oath gates.... I used one to get here. Do you know how they work, perchance?" Zave asked and he had a drought from the cup. "That, my friend, is a good drink. Better than those I had around where I come from by a long shot."

Lunamor smiled at the compliment. He was a bit confused, however. What was Zave trying to imply about Jasnah? Either this guy was a secret lover or an assassin. Knowing the queen, it was probably the latter.

”The oathgates require a shardblade to use. Only radiants and shardbears have them, and they aren’t very common.”

If Zave had always used an oathgate, why didn’t he know how it worked? That was a bit concerning.

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8 minutes ago, Lunamor said:

Lunamor smiled at the compliment. He was a bit confused, however. What was Zave trying to imply about Jasnah? Either this guy was a secret lover or an assassin. Knowing the queen, it was probably the latter.

”The oathgates require a shardblade to use. Only radiants and shardbears have them, and they aren’t very common.”

If Zave had always used an oathgate, why didn’t he know how it worked? That was a bit concerning.

"Well that's obvious," He said, rubbing his hands on the table, "But how do they work. Why does it have to be a shard blade? And is it because it has to be a spren? Why not use a gem with a spren in it to unlock an oath gate? And why do the two spren appear as they do in the physical realm? How do they look in the spiritual realm? Is an oath gate different than those things that that one grumpy dude I saw can do? And, perhaps, does it have anything to do with the random warp that brought me to this universe?"

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1 hour ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

"Well that's obvious," He said, rubbing his hands on the table, "But how do they work. Why does it have to be a shard blade? And is it because it has to be a spren? Why not use a gem with a spren in it to unlock an oath gate? And why do the two spren appear as they do in the physical realm? How do they look in the spiritual realm? Is an oath gate different than those things that that one grumpy dude I saw can do? And, perhaps, does it have anything to do with the random warp that brought me to this universe?"

“I run a restaurant. I cook stew. I do not know all of these things.”

Lunamor could see spren even when they tried to hide, but that didn’t mean he knew everything about this stuff.

”If that grumpy man had a nose that looks like it’d been broken too many times, that was probably Dalinar. He’s a Bondsmith. Bondsmiths can open gates somewhat like the oathgates. And what did you say about a warp?”

Being from another universe would certainly explain this man’s strangeness. He’d have a good story to tell, at the very least.

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  • 2 months later...
48 minutes ago, Hyper129 said:

*Slides into restaurant*

Do you have any apple cider, perchance?

Lunamor briefly looked out of the window. It seemed pretty cold out.

”Yes, he is in season.”

He grabbed a bottle from a shelf and filled a cup for the new customer, greatly appreciative of the fact that he’d ordered something nonalcoholic.

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"Thank you, friend," I say. I take a long swig and sigh happily.

Suddenly, you notice a long vine, sprinkled with light gray crystals.

"What is that?" A cheerful voice asks, seemingly coming from the vine.

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"There hasn't been much business here in some time, huh?" Elymus asked as he entered the restaurant. "I'll have a chouta." @Lunamor

He nods in acknowledgment to the other person in the restaurant. The cultivationspren is, of course, invisible to Elymus.

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2 hours ago, Hyper129 said:

"Thank you, friend," I say. I take a long swig and sigh happily.

Suddenly, you notice a long vine, sprinkled with light gray crystals.

"What is that?" A cheerful voice asks, seemingly coming from the vine.

"He is apple cider," Lunamor explained. "Made from apples. I'm... not sure what those are. I think someone from Scadrial brought them over at some point."

They were a somewhat strange fruit, but they tasted delicious. They also made an equally delicious drink.

1 hour ago, BlueWildRye said:

"There hasn't been much business here in some time, huh?" Elymus asked as he entered the restaurant. "I'll have a chouta." @Lunamor

He nods in acknowledgment to the other person in the restaurant. The cultivationspren is, of course, invisible to Elymus.

Lunamor nodded and shuffled off to the kitchen to prepare some chouta.

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I hear my spren, Plumeria, complain about @BlueWildRye not immediately nodding to her. You guys hear me remind the spren and say "You have to reveal yourself."

Anyone who can't see the spren are very confused.

"Can I have a Chouta?" I ask the server.

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  • 1 month later...

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