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The Happy Inquisitor: A Restaurant


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Lift grabs the cup of lemonade and downs the entire thing in one go. Her eyes open wide, and she explodes with Stormlight. "Wow," she said. She then turned around and attempted to slide back out the door, calling a thanks over her shoulder.

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"Okay," Metra said. "This is what happened, or at least what Benson told me:

Spoilered for length.


Benson used to be insane. He isn't now because he has a copper spike in him to fix his mental issues, but anyway. He came to the alleyverse and decided that he would take over a guild. His first target was the Ghostbloods, but Malu convinced him otherwise. The target shifted to every guild except the Dark Alley and TUBA, and that would be used against him later.

Anyway, he decided to attack Mac, a high ranking member of the Dark Alley and the leader of the craftsmen and put a spike (Much like the ones found in cookies here) into him. He failed horribly because he had no idea what Voidmaking was. Anyway, Mac didn't like this and he began to plot to kill Benson. When word of this reached Benson's ears, (Information is really valulable and Benson is one of the wealthiest men in the alleyverse) he began to organize the ghostbloods to defend and hired many memebers of TUBA. 

Archer was ready to retire as a mod in the alleyverse and with Benson causing so much issue with TUBA, he decided to put down the issues and invite Benson to TUBA. Benson accepted and the GBs didn't like that. Plus, they knew how he conspired to overthrow them. They tried him at about the time that he bonded me. Instead of going into a shady organization with no defense, he sent an illusion on me. The Ghostbloods found him guilty and tried to kill him, but found he was an illusion. From that point, they have hated him since.

Benson went back to the Oasis to attempt to Lure Ronin into a trap. Ronin came, and Benson blew the roof up, but Ronin survived which Benson did not expect. Now, there's a forcefield around them as they battle to the death.


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Xena suddenly appeared.

"Uh..." she asked. "What's going on?"

Jimmy peeped out from behind a table. He was a mime.

"Sorry," he said, blushing. Of course, he was wearing mime makeup, so nobody noticed. "Someone wants to fight you, so, I, uh, brought you here with mime magic. Whoops."

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On 3/1/2019 at 10:49 AM, beantheboy12 said:

Benson sadly slumped at the bar. 

"Something to knock me out of my misery, please."

Galaman was quite kind and knocked Benson out of his misery and off his stool with a strong right hook. 

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Eve, who had spontaneously appeared with a bucket of ice cold water, dumped it out on Benson's head, then glared at the person who had punched Benson - debating between scolding him or giving him a taste of her own right hook.


Silva ate another pancake.

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