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I need help... Valentines day is coming...


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It's okay, Ark. I won't even remember it's Valentine's Day. When is it this year?


I'm serious.


I only ever know it's coming because of the pink in the stores.


That isn't sad, right?


















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2 minutes ago, Silva said:

It's okay, Ark. I won't even remember it's Valentine's Day. When is it this year?

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I'm serious.

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I only ever know it's coming because of the pink in the stores.

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That isn't sad, right?


















Thursday. I too will be solo. Sometimes it is the way it goes.

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I wouldn't worry guys Valentine's day is overrated; I mean why do you have to have just one day to show your love for your SO. 

Although, I will fully admit as this is the first year I can afford to get my SO something, I did get him and my daughter something. A spritzer for the bar downstairs and some Mario power moons for Ofelia.

But in all seriousness, be happy with the awesomeness that is you and know that we'll all be on the Shard together at some point. Hoid approves of you all! Waaay better than Rayse ever was and much more fun than Tanavast, (although that's probably because his wife hates me, not my fault!)

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Two things to say:

1. I'm single on Valentine's Day too. It's okay, I'm fine with that. My family is coming home from their Europe trip that day and I'll be picking them up from the airport, so... who needs romance when you have the love of your family and the excitement of seeing them again for the first time in two weeks? That's my real reason to be excited for Valentine's Day. I could care less about the lovey dovey stuff, I'm too single anway. And guess what, y'all? Sometimes, that's okay. (It's not like I plan on it being the case forever.)



Oh? Expecting a gazillion spoiler boxes in here, were ya?!


Please! It's annoying and pointless and urgh...

They are only useful if there is at least useful information contained within each box and a VERY good reason for using more than one in the first place.

I've dropped my two cents, over and out.

Single's Awareness Day salute!

*Does Bridge Four salute*

Edited by Firerust
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1 hour ago, Firerust said:

1. I'm single on Valentine's Day too. It's okay, I'm fine with that. My family is coming home from their Europe trip that day and I'll be picking them up from the airport, so... who needs romance when you have the love of your family and the excitement of seeing them again for the first time in two weeks? That's my real reason to be excited for Valentine's Day. I could care less about the lovey dovey stuff, I'm too single anway. And guess what, y'all? Sometimes, that's okay. (It's not like I plan on it being the case forever.)


Yeah, I'm gonna be drowning my misery in a greasy pizza and a movie.

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You guys all hate valentines day, but my brother has it the worst.

His birthday is on August 14. So his half birthday is February 14, Valentines Day. He gets "special treatment" from our mom who teases him about the unfortunate date of his half birthday. Don't complain people.

I don't mind this holiday though.


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Okay, looks like I get to play devil's advocate here. Not to make another Studio C reference, or anything...

I think Valentine's Day is fine. Ahh put down the spikes. We have a specific day for people who like each other to express that. Yes, you can do that any day of the year, but same with Veterans' Day, or whatever your Independence Day might be, or Mother's Day, Father's Day...so on and so forth. You can express joy for your parents anytime, but we have one special day for each - besides their birthdays - where that love can be celebrated no matter who or where you are. A day when people can celebrate together. I see nothing wrong with that, nothing at all!

Valentine's Day is the same. You and your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/some-combination-of-the-above obviously don't love each other just on February 14th. Of course not. But it's a day when you can show it, a day to represent the meaning that another human can have in your life. Are you going to hate Veterans' Day just because you don't know anyone who ever served? I certainly hope you don't, or at least that you don't say so to people who do celebrate it...

Think of it like this. At least there's lots of sweet stuff. Yum. You don't need a significant other to buy and eat some candy!


In the past I've never dated anyone, but I've never hated Feb. 14th.


Admittedly, I'm dating someone now, so perhaps my vision is somehow skewed; but I wasn't arguing that it's super awesome or anything, so I'm probably fine.


Yep, I have a spoiler chain.








Chaos, can't you auto-open spoilers? Even if you can't, you can click edit and see right into them. Why are you mad? :P













Edited by AonEne
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I feel the need to rant for just a moment. I may be single however what I am about to say is not in any way influenced by that nor is it a dig at those who enjoy the day. Think about it for just a moment. This holiday where people are encouraged to buy chocolate etc... for their significant other is the sole result of a priest in the 3rd century who was beaten to death and beheaded for marrying soldiers in the roman army despite a decree banning such marriages. To say the least considering this as well as what the day has become I'd say that somewhere something went very wrong. The aspect of communal celebration becomes a bit more disturbing in that light. There is something rather macabre about the whole thing.

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8 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

I feel the need to rant for just a moment. I may be single however what I am about to say is not in any way influenced by that nor is it a dig at those who enjoy the day. Think about it for just a moment. This holiday where people are encouraged to buy chocolate etc... for their significant other is the sole result of a priest in the 3rd century who was beaten to death and beheaded for marrying soldiers in the roman army despite a decree banning such marriages. To say the least considering this as well as what the day has become I'd say that somewhere something went very wrong. The aspect of communal celebration becomes a bit more disturbing in that light. There is something rather macabre about the whole thing.

New way to celebrate Valentine’s Day: experiment with hemalurgy!

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@AonEneI'm gonna give Chaos the benefit of the doubt and say he's mad about it on behalf of all of us who are bothered by it. Plus, they're just plain annoying. :P

I have no care for Valentine's Day this year. Just another day on the calendar. I can wait but three more years for true love...

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