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Bloodflame Gang


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Bellatrix approached the building. A massive warehouse, run down, it had vines growing down one side, moss on the roof, and one wall looked like it was going to fall in. Her home. The home of her gang. They were in Bloodflame territory now. She approached the doors, a wide grin on her face, hair spread out behind her. A spark flew from her hand, then another, then another, floating up. That would notify them she had brought three new ones. Striding confidently, she opened a hidden door, beneath some vines, and walked in. It opened up to reveal a large space, filled with old machinery. Graffiti covered the wall, their own art. A massive replication of the Bloodflame symbol covered one wall, the flames intricate around the bloody skull. Twenty or more people moved around within, a couple of Dahkor, a man with a spike through his eye, a female singer wearing black leather. She grinned, waving at the last. "Anne, you're back! Hospital let you out early?" She laughed, waved back, and made an enthusiastic thumbs up. Bellatrix looked around, her eyes falling on the three marks below the Bloodflame symbol. A skeleton hand, folded in a fist, a green serpent, eyes bright red, and two metal nails, stabbed through a board. Those were the gangs she had absorbed, when they became too weak. Bonefist, Viper, and Railway Gangs. They all had expanded her territory, and left her with new members. Bonefist had lost men in a fight with the Forge. That brought Dahkor. Viper had come from Roshar, but been attacked by a group of Epics, leaving five survivors. That's where Anne, and a couple of others not present, had come from. Railway had spikes, victims of Syndicate Omega. Two survivors, Marge and Greg. Greg had the spike through his eye, Marge wasn't here. She collapsed on a couch near the entrance, gesturing to the newcomers. "Come in, come in. Welcome to the gang!" The gaunt man entered first, settling down beside the couch. "Come on, Freyja, Galvian."

@beantheboy12 @whattheHoid @Sorana @Jaywalk


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Freyja looked around, wide-eyed. 

"Oooh!" Whispered Freyja to Laecrien. "Creepy lair, check. Maybe they hired us to redecorate? A flambé station would be great over there and a few more flowering plants."

"I don't think they want you for your decorating skill which apart from plants is terrible!" Whispered back Laecrien.

"I'm not that bad!" Sulked Freyja.

Louder Freyja said to the gang, "Hey all nice to meet you creepy folks! I'm ready to do some mischief! Anyone got some chocolate?"

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She grinned at the two of their reactions. "Welcome, to Bloodflame Home Base." She gestured for them to sit down. "Now, I want to know a little about yourselves, before we make this official." The grin spread. "Nothing much, just you home planet, if you have a family, your powers... and your favorite food."

@beantheboy12 @whattheHoid

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Uh, sorry Jaywalk. I thought you were one of the people interested in the gang, I might have remembered wrong. If so, just ignore this.

She nodded. "I'm sorry to hear about your family, but the rest is good." She looked at the gaunt man. "Taldain. I'm a Sand Master. I like meat, all sorts. My name is Gal." She nodded, then looked at Freyja. "Freyja, what about you?"

@Jaywalk @beantheboy12 @whattheHoid

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7 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

She grinned. "Okay. Tell us, please. Home planet, if you have a family, your powers, your favorite food."

"Um," Nael began, "I'm from Scadrial, but I moved to Roshar when I was seventeen. I have a sister and two parents, but I haven't seen Aleva nor my mother in years. I'm a pewter ferring, and I, uh, have this." He gestured to his Shardblade. "My favorite food is steak." He smiled, looking off into the distance. "I do love steak..."

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The Jackal walked in went over to Bellatrix "Hello. It has come to my attention  that you are an independent criminal enterprise. I run a massive criminal consortium, and would like to offer you membership. You would get full benefits, which include protection from myself and any other elites that I have at my disposal, a cut of our funds, and assets to our manpower and resources. You may be familiar with The Network, the largest muggling network in the Alleyverse that can get anything, anywhere. It is a member. So is Al Capone 2, the Street Gang Alliance, The Hackers, Ronics, Pyronica, the Black Wave, Skyhorde, and the Parshgotta. Anything you need you get. All I'm asking in return is that you share. If we need protection, we pay at a severe discount to you, and the same the other way around. You give up 1% of your income, and we become business partners. Do we have a deal?"


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A pair of Ronix ninjas descended from the rafters with a bag in an attempt to remove the interloper. They were trying to cover her entire body in a large burlap sack, then pick her up, tie up the bottom, and carry her away, maybe throw her in a river, maybe not. (Not)

@Sherlock Holmes

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Wood, that isn't welcome, please leave the thread if you want to have "ninja's".

A cold look crossed her face. "Get. The. Hell. Out." A trail of flame leaked from her hand, coming up to the Jackal. "This is my gang, my family. Try that again and you'll be dead." The flame got within inches of his neck. Her voice was angry. "We protect our own, especially from bastards like you."

@Darth Woodrack

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