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Bloodflame Gang


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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

She looked at Red. "Those are the men you're hiding from?"

@I think I am here. @Sorana

Red turned his back to the men, he didn’t want to take any chances. He nodded and casually brought his hand down to his shotgun hiding just beneath the robes.


“You see him?” Knife-eyes Jones asked, looking around the warehouse. It looked a lot like the Worldhunter hideout.

“No,” Shaker Sam said. He’d gotten his name from his power: Lurching. Burning a bit of iron, metal lines sprung around him. “No peices of metal hiding anywhere. Knowing Red, he won’t go anywhere without his bloody shotgun. Which makes him findable.”

Pell chuckled and rubbed his eyes. “I remember when he first got that gun. Happy as a kid, he was.” Pell rarely spoke, but he piped in to share the memory.

“I rustin’ hated that gun,” Knife-eyes said in a joking way. “He finally beat me in a target competion. Bastard wouldn’t stop rubbing it in.” He smiled.

“Pretty sure you were just rubbish at guns,” Sam said with a grin and they all laughed, then suddenly went silent.

It wasn’t an easy feeling, killing your friend. They’d all shared memories together, they’d all been buddies. But, they all knew their duty. Their duty to the Worldhunters. Duty to their friend.

“It’s a mercy,” Knife-eyes said, reading their minds. He sighed. “Now, get back to searching.”

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There was no telling how long this might last, and things looked like they might get ugly soon. Auri desperately looked around. When Jacien was in danger, or about to get hurt, he snapped out of his trance.

She grew up the wall and started looking around for a loose rock or shingle that she could try and push off the roof. She found a loose roof tile that was in the right position. She immediately began working, pushing as hard as she could, which granted wasn’t that much as she was just a spren, and didn’t have much presence in the physical realm. Just a few more minutes...

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1 hour ago, I think I am here. said:

Red turned his back to the men, he didn’t want to take any chances. He nodded and casually brought his hand down to his shotgun hiding just beneath the robes.


Mike froze for a moment. Had he messed this up? Probably. He'd never kept his gang secret.

"I can talk to them. Ask why they are here and tell them to go, as you aren't."

He offered Red.

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

Mike froze for a moment. Had he messed this up? Probably. He'd never kept his gang secret.

"I can talk to them. Ask why they are here and tell them to go, as you aren't."

He offered Red.

“That would be great,” Redatrick said. “Be careful. They might be as confused about this place as I am, but they’re smart. So try not to die.”

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59 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“That would be great,” Redatrick said. “Be careful. They might be as confused about this place as I am, but they’re smart. So try not to die.”

Mike nodded and walked over to the three strangers.

"Hi. I'm Mike. Are you here to join the gang?"

He asked and tried to appear cool and relaxed.

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16 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike nodded and walked over to the three strangers.

"Hi. I'm Mike. Are you here to join the gang?"

He asked and tried to appear cool and relaxed.

“I like this guy,” Sam said and waved. “Hey Mike. I’m Sam and this is -”

“I’m Carl,” Knife-eyes said. While they all ha a Roughs accent, his had a little bit of Elendel city boy mixed in. He inspected the boy, and he began to fake being worried, and anxious. “Actually Mike, I was just really worried about my friend. He’s been mingling with gangs and the like, you know?”

The other two took his cue and began acting worried as well. “We just really want him to be safe,” Pell said in a soft voice. “And to see him with a gang,” he suddenly pretended his voice broke out of the emotion and Sam covered his mouth and tried not to laugh. He knew he’d never let Pell forget this.

“His name’s Red,” he said when he regained his composure. “He ran away from home so he could mingle with you guys, and he doesn’t want to return.”

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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“His name’s Red,” he said when he regained his composure. “He ran away from home so he could mingle with you guys, and he doesn’t want to return.”

Mike nodded,tried to look disappointed that they didn't want to join.

"It's sad when you loose a friend. I can't help you though, he isn't here."

He considered sending them into an Alley, but decided against it.

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31 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike nodded,tried to look disappointed that they didn't want to join.

"It's sad when you loose a friend. I can't help you though, he isn't here."

He considered sending them into an Alley, but decided against it.

Sam nodded, a bit disappointed. Metal lines hadn’t shown too much rapid movement either, so he definitely hadn’t bolted off as soon as he’d seen them. “He must be in that Ghostblood gang then,” he said, turning to Pell. Pell nodded tiredly, black circles around his eyes looking more pronounced than before. Knife-eyes didn’t seem completely convinced.

Sam sighed. Once, they’d searched a whole mansion for a Worldhopper because Knife-eyes Jones had ‘had a feeling’. They’d turned up with nothing but a few pieces of silverware Sam nicked.

“That’s really a shame,” Jones said, mimicking sadness. “Do you think maybe we could stay, look around for a bit?” Hegestured around to warehouse. “Is most of your gang here, in this area?” He asked.

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2 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“That’s really a shame,” Jones said, mimicking sadness. “Do you think maybe we could stay, look around for a bit?” Hegestured around to warehouse. “Is most of your gang here, in this area?” He asked.

Mike hastily shook his head.

"No. We're no zoo, where you can simply walk in and stare at people. Your friend isn't here."

He tried to cover his nervousness, but felt his his left arm twitch slightly in response. Pushing his hand into his pocket, to cover it, he tried to stop the change, but could see his arm turning a bit thinner with every passing second.

"You should go, maybe he is with someone else."

He tried to get rid of them, before they noticed that his arm suddenly bent the wrong way.

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23 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike hastily shook his head.

"No. We're no zoo, where you can simply walk in and stare at people. Your friend isn't here."

He tried to cover his nervousness, but felt his his left arm twitch slightly in response. Pushing his hand into his pocket, to cover it, he tried to stop the change, but could see his arm turning a bit thinner with every passing second.

"You should go, maybe he is with someone else."

He tried to get rid of them, before they noticed that his arm suddenly bent the wrong way.

Sam sighed and gestured to Mike. “See?” He said to Jones. Jones stayed still as Sam shuffled back, ready to walk off, away from the warehouse. Pell rested a hand on Jones’ shoulder. “Come on, man,” he said quietly. It wasn’t that he was using a different tone now, Pell usually was quiet in just about everything he did. Which included talking.

Jones stayed still, noting the twitch of his arm. He looked up at Mike straight in the eyes and Pell looked down. They called him Knife-eyes Jones for two reasons. One of them was that his gaze was like a knife in the way it pierced people. And the other was because he had something a habit for stabbing people he didn’t like directly in the eyes. Both eyes, as in he’d take out the knife and stab the other eye, and wash the knife and keep it for later.

Jones kept the stare, directly to Mike. A twitch, an arm twitch. It had to mean something. The hasty shake of his head, the push to go somewhere else. The arm that looked... different? He clenched his jaw, and slowly he stepped back. Interrogation over. “Nothing here,” he said. Sam sighed in relief and Pell nodded slightly.

They walked backwards, the way they’d came. “We should use the Noel strategy,” Pell said. Jones looks towards him. “The Noel strategy? You’d betray him like that?”

“He already betrayed us.”

“Yeah, but we’re not the bad guys in this situation. If we ever have a suspicion that he’s in the area, we can use it. But only if everything else doesn’t work.”

“Fine,” Pell said, taking one more look to the warehouse and noting its location. If it came down to it, it was possible he could make a night visit.

*** *** ***

Redatrick took a hasty look backwards again, half expecting to be shot at but he breathed a sigh of relief as they left again. He needed to hide better. No more chances. He jogged over to Mike. “We need a better disguise,” he said. “You’re all okay?”

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22 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Redatrick took a hasty look backwards again, half expecting to be shot at but he breathed a sigh of relief as they left again. He needed to hide better. No more chances. He jogged over to Mike. “We need a better disguise,” he said. “You’re all okay?”

Mike wanted to run away, to hide when the one with the scary eyes stared at him. Then they turned around and left. They left just like that. He stared after them, afraid to move, or to look anywhere in Red's direction.

“We need a better disguise,” he said. “You’re all okay?”

Startled he whirled around and saw Red.

"Why did they believe me? And what is this Noel Strategy? Why did they leave, I thought he would rip me apart."

Clutching his arm his looked at his hand, or the paw he had for a hand. Calm, he needed to stay calm. His hand shook when he stuffed the paw back in his pocket. He would change back, hopefully.

Rememberin Red's other comment he nodded.

"We could dye your hair, give you another weapon."


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25 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Mike wanted to run away, to hide when the one with the scary eyes stared at him. Then they turned around and left. They left just like that. He stared after them, afraid to move, or to look anywhere in Red's direction.

“We need a better disguise,” he said. “You’re all okay?”

Startled he whirled around and saw Red.

"Why did they believe me? And what is this Noel Strategy? Why did they leave, I thought he would rip me apart."

Clutching his arm his looked at his hand, or the paw he had for a hand. Calm, he needed to stay calm. His hand shook when he stuffed the paw back in his pocket. He would change back, hopefully.

Rememberin Red's other comment he nodded.

"We could dye your hair, give you another weapon."


Redatrick smile a little at Mike’s reaction. “They are a bit scary, yeah.” He looked to the exit, where they’d gone off to. “As for why they believed you, I’m guessing because you’re good at talking. Sam’s gullible enough and Pell’ generally the same, but you got Knife-eyes, he was the older guy, to go, so that’s something. And —”


He suddenly felt sick, brought a hand to his stomach and another to his mouth. He felt like he was going to vomit, though he didn’t. He suddenly felt very nauseous, and he squeezed his eyes shut, tried to drive out the ringing in his ears. Nicro Noel, Nicro Noel, Nicro Noel.

He stayed like that for a couple minutes, then looked to Mike. “That, that strategy’s when they say that word. With N. I really don’t have a good reaction to that word. I’d prefer if you forgot about it,” he said, then worried. If Mike had heard about it, then they’d been talking about that. Which meant it might not be so easy next time.

“Dying my hair sounds weird,” he said. He’d never done it. “I’m not a woman, trying to make my hair stay black. But, I guess I’ll do it anyway.” He looked down at his shotgun. “And even if I’m carrying another weapon for show, I’m keeping the gun.”

He looked to Mike again. The kid still looked a bit worried, hand shaking. “Most of them are all bark and no bite anyway,” he said. It was a total lie, most of them fought just as bad as they said they did, but hopefully it would comfort him.

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On 2/17/2019 at 11:40 PM, Steel Inquisitive said:

Sam noted the three men with a sigh. She strode to Bella and whispered into her ear, "are they friends or dead?"


Nael hurried up beside her. “What’re we dealing with?” he asked, face still warm.

@Steel Inquisitive

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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

He looked to Mike again. The kid still looked a bit worried, hand shaking. “Most of them are all bark and no bite anyway,” he said. It was a total lie, most of them fought just as bad as they said they did, but hopefully it would comfort him.

Mike smiled at the lie.

"People are cruel. I know that."

He told Red softly.

"It's alright, I knew the risk."

"Come, let's ask after some dye."

Mike turned around and walked one of the woman he didn't really knew yet.

"Hi. You don't happen to have some dye, so that Red can change his hair colour. These guys are after him, try to kill him."


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Jacien looks out of the alley, with bits of roofing tile stuck in his hair or on his clothing. The three men were walking out of the building.

”Auri, can you follow those people? Anything they do I want to know about it.”

Auri quickly grew after them, keeping them within her sight and her disappearing vine within his sight.

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Freyja turned around and looked at the man.

"Hair dye? Well you want to inconspicuous, right? Here, hang on..." Muttered Freyja.

She reached into her voluminous skirts and pulled out a small box and handed it to the man.

"Here this will make yours or anyone's hair a mousy greyish brown. It is the dullest color in existence. A taupish grey, you can't go wrong with this. The name's Freyja, by the way. Yours?" Said Freyja, holding out her hand.



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Mike took the dye and smiled Red.

"Found one!"

Turning back to Freyja he grinned happily.

"I'm Mike. You are rather new to the gang, are you? Thanks a lot for the dye!"

He shook her hand.

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25 minutes ago, whattheHoid said:

Freyja shook Mike's hand. 

"Yuppers I'm new here. Just got away from Roshar not too long ago. And no problem, you would be amazed as to how much I can fit in these skirts! One time I stuffed 4 whole chickens, no one even knew!" Exclaimed Freyja.

Mike eyed her skirts skeptically.

"Four whole chickens?"

He repeated and then added.

"I've never been outside of the Alleyverse. I grew up here, in and around the city."

"Why did you come here?"

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"Well you see Brightlord Torial was married to my mother. She had a scandalous affair with a Horneaters or so I was told. She died shortly after my birth. Torial really didn't like me and on top of being a bastard; he blamed me for my mother's death. He wanted me to join the Ardentia, but I said Storms no! I can't shave my hair! Then civil war happened, so I just ran off. He's probably pretty happy to see me gone, that old goatsack! The Ally is really neat and has chocolate which is alright by me. You got any folks near here?" Said Freyja.


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"My family lives close by."

Mike replied.

"And I'm really happy, that they are still around. It's good that I can visit them once in a while, but most of the time I am here in the city."

"I can't imagine how it must be, if you arrive here on your own. Red as well, he just arrived a few days ago. This city is dangerous, but it's my home as well."

He smiled at her.

"Why did you join the gang?"


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