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Bloodflame Gang


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13 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Bellatrix looked at him, and a single tear leaked from her eye. She wiped it away, making her face hard. "Man up." She looked at Red. "So? Death? Yay or nay?"

@Sunbringer @I think I am here.

Rage boiled in him, but for some reason Freyja, Sam and Nael seemed to trust her. He would control himself. 

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23 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:


Bellatrix looked at him. "Good." She looked at Red. "Red, should I let him live?" The darkness enveloped her, pushing back the ice. Why? Why? Why did she always kill....

@I think I am here.

Redatrick came out, the dye had almost completely set.

He looked ahead at the burnt stones in front of him, standing next to Bella. Charred remains of the flesh of his ex-gang. Sam, Shaker Sam, lay the only one standing, little burns covering him.

“Samuel,” he said. “Who?”

The simple use of his full name, that little gesture was enough to topple Sam over the edge. He covered his eyes and wiped away tears as fast as he could. “Jones. Pell.”

Redatrick stares ahead. Jones had been his second in command. Pell had been one of their best at stealth. He looked to Sam, a mess.

Sam had always been the youngest in the gang. The most talkative, cheerful. Some people took that to mean he had to be protected, like some precious cinnamon roll, but Sam had proven he was tougher than his age. Smarter, too.

But now, Redatrick could see the kid in him. Overwhelmed. Weeping.

He looked to Bella. She’d caused this fire. So it definitely wasn’t any theatrics. He looked to Sam again. If he let him free, he’d be letting his ex-gang know of his location.

He shut his eyes. The men who had been killed, they had been Redatrick’s friends in the same way they’d been Sam’s. Te effect was the same.

He turned to Bella. His decision was made.

“You shou —”

“Noel.” Sam’s voice whispered.

Redatrick collapsed.

“They called him Bloody Red, you know,” Sam said. His voice was different. Twisted.

“Jarret may have been the psychotic, Pell the stalker, but Red? Red was violent. Red tortured. Badly. He ever tell you about his victims? Worldhoppers. Mercilessly. Tore them from limb to limb. Lots of creative options, and he had an imagination.” It was all the truth. Sam smiled, still tearing. “And you call us the bad guys.”

They were in front of the warehouse, and all of Sam’s vials had been burnt. But he still had the iron he’d swallowed at the beginning. Sharply Pulling on the warehouse, he flung himself towards it, flipping upwards and on top.

He jumped between streetlights, Pulling him further and further away, further and out of reach, escapes. His tears wouldn’t stop.

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2 hours ago, Sunbringer said:

Jacien fell down in despair. He saw the ashes that were once people. Images flashed through his head, of burning fields, his adopted family screaming, and his sister’s dead body, killed by the Skybreaker who had come to kill him. He leaned against Freyja, tears streaming down his face.

Freyja held Jacien close to her breast, cuddling him close, whispering, "Storms it's ok! We'll make it through this. I'm here for you. I know Bella has some shred of sanity! Maybe if we all just calm down?"

Then the man Freyja gave the dye to came out, looking on the chaos with a calm yet somewhat anguished expression. And she heard, along with everyone in the room, what Sam said. She could see with her boon that what he told was the truth. She looked to Red with an almost betrayed expression wondering how one could do such things, even stomach them. She saw Sam escape and buried her head in Jacien's shoulder. 

@Sunbringer @I think I am here. @Ark1002

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No more. No more tears.

Jacien pulled himself together, stopping his tears. He felt the rage in his heart cooling, leaving for now. He wrapped his arms around Freyja.

Auri grew over from where he had been hiding earlier, her vines curling up around him, trying to comfort him in her own way.

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Laecrien looked up and saw what appeared to be another Cultivationspren. He was startled it had been so long since he saw another like him.

Freyja looked up at Jacien. "You wanna get up off the floor? Maybe we could grab a drink? I think things have settled a little?" Said Freyja tenderly.


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Bella looked at the two. "We all have scars. I know that. As long as you don't endanger the gang, it's okay. But... Be warned." She grabbed a bird, tying a message on. 


Sam. I want to know how dangerous he is. Please. You know what it's like. Help me protect my gang.

I'm sorry.

-Bellatrix Deathstrike

@I think I am here.

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2 hours ago, Sunbringer said:

Jacien stands. 

"Yeah. That sounds great."

He reaches out a hand to help her up, trying to muster a smile. It had been awhile since he had beed reminded of that day. He banished it from his mind, focusing on Freyja."

Freyja took Jacien's hand and walked along with him. "I've just come to the Ally, know any good spots for a drink?" Asked Freyja.

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Mike followed Red out to the other, saw the charred corpses, smelled them. This wasn't what he had envisioned.

Red collapsed on the ground, Sam talked about who he had been, and then fled. Cruel words, but if they true, he didn't know.

Mike slowly knelt down next to Red shook him softly.


He asked.

"Red, wake up."

@I think I am here.

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5 hours ago, Sorana said:

Mike slowly knelt down next to Red shook him softly.


He asked.

"Red, wake up."

Noel Redatrick was a kid.

“Nicro Noel, Nicro Noel!” His father taunted him relentlessly as he handed him another Nicrosil vial. And Noel took it wordlessly, Nicrobursted the whole crew without question, never stopping, never ceasing.

“Watch this,” his father said to his gang, not to Noel. Noel wasn’t someone to be addressed. He was a tool, to enhance powers and to be used.

His father pointed to a carriage riding some far away and outstretched his hand. He used his other to grab Noel’s wrist. Noel knew the drill. Any touch, nicroburst.

So he burned Nicrosil for the thousandth time that day and Nicrobursted his father.

The carriage in the distance suddenly tore to pieces, shooting away from them like bullets. “How’s that for a Push?” He asked. His gang murmered in agreement, and the hand that grabbed his wrist now grabbed his neck. “You don’t think so, Noel? You haven’t said a thing.”

Noel gasped. He was in trouble. “No, fa —”

“Idiot!” His father yelled. Suddenly Noel was being shaken like a doll, strangled. He grasped but his father overpowered him. “You think your father isn’t impressive, Nicro Noel? What do you say now, Nicro Noel?”

Redatrick woke to being lightly shaken by Mike, and got up with a start. His hand automatically moved his shotgun, but there wasn’t any threat.

“Where’s Sam?” He asked.


6 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

Sam. I want to know how dangerous he is. Please. You know what it's like. Help me protect my gang.

I'm sorry.

-Bellatrix Deathstrike

Sam Lurched.

He was always one of the acrobatic ones. Him and Pell. He swerved and swung between lights and buildings, he Pulled to a building edge and flipped midair above it. He Pulled sharply at the top of a skyscraper like one he’d find in Elendel and began running up its surface. Usually, he’d be smiling and laughing. But now there was nothing. A second Snap.

He found a bird in the general area and was going to kill it out of anger when he saw the message. Taking it out, he read it.

Flipping to the empty back of it, he Pulled a pen from an open window and began writing a message of his own, trying not to tear up all over the message.


Dont use my name, you rust. You killed my frends. And I hate you. I HATE YOU YOU

He scrawled the message out, though it was still easily visible.


We R not frends. But, I will warn you. He has cut peeple up, into little cubes. He has craked peeple. Shattered them. And he did it to peeple like you.


And he sent the bird on its way.

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Just now, Sorana said:


Mike replied and hastily removed his hand.

"Was it true?"

He asked, without looking at Red's eyes.

"What you did? Do you plan to kill us, too?"

Redatrick looked at Mike but the boy wasn’t making eye contact.

“What do you mean?” He asked. What did Sam tell them? That he would murder them?

“I don’t kill people,” he said. “Well, at least not without a good cause.” He looked at Mike. “And what cause would I have to kill you? You guys helped me.” He looked around, and sighed. If Sam had gone, it meant he’d tell the others about his location.

“Though now they know where I am,” he said.

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5 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Redatrick looked at Mike but the boy wasn’t making eye contact.

“What do you mean?” He asked. What did Sam tell them? That he would murder them?

“I don’t kill people,” he said. “Well, at least not without a good cause.” He looked at Mike. “And what cause would I have to kill you? You guys helped me.” He looked around, and sighed. If Sam had gone, it meant he’d tell the others about his location.

“Though now they know where I am,” he said.

"He said you tortured."

Mike answered, hesitated and offered Red a hand to stand up.

"You should wash out the dye."

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9 hours ago, whattheHoid said:

Freyja took Jacien's hand and walked along with him. "I've just come to the Ally, know any good spots for a drink?" Asked Freyja.

"I'm also pretty new, but I do know that the tavern where Bella recruited you and the other two is pretty good. It also has basically anything you want."

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44 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

"I'm also pretty new, but I do know that the tavern where Bella recruited you and the other two is pretty good. It also has basically anything you want."

"Then let's go there for a spell and then I'll have to head back here later." Said Freyja walking with Jacien.

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The bird returned. She read the message, and a cold look crossed her face. "Now, we resume normal business." I have to make sure he works for us, in the right way. Or kill him. "All new members, come here."

@whattheHoid @I think I am here. @beantheboy12 @Jaywalk


Please @ mention anyone I missed.


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