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What was your disappointment in this series?


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The only thing i don't like is that it is going to take 13-15 years for the final book to come out. (Assuming 2 years per book). Not complaining on Sanderson's Speed. He is the fastest Author i know. Just the scope of the series and Cosmere. In the end i know i will love all the books.

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4 hours ago, equinox said:

I'll wait for proof (WoB or in-book) until I count someone dead.

Ten years of time skip between the series is a spoiler of who lives and who dies itself.


4 hours ago, Winds Alight said:

disappear from the books completely

I probably wouldn't be so disappointed with Dalinar's little role in book 4 if I knew he will have a big role waiting for him in the future. But he has no future within this series. Not much is left for Dalinar and, while all other character has roles all ten books, Dalinar has a role only in a half of the series...and even in this first half he spends books on the background. He skips book 2, he skips book 4. Sanderson could slightly cut down Kaladin and Shallan. He will write them until book 10 most likely. And only 2 books is left for Dalinar. And Sanderson decided to cut down Dalinar, who won't show up ever again after book 5...


4 hours ago, CrazyRioter said:

It just leaves more room for other cool characters like Jasnah and Renarin that we haven't seen much of.

To be honest, Jasnah and Renarin has the whole second half dedicated to them. Overall, they have an on-going arc through all 10 books, little one in 1-5 and big one in 1-5. Dalinar has only first half and only 2 more books left for him. While Jasnah and Renarin will have a ton of screen time in the future, Dalinar will disappear soon, and for me personally, it would be better if Sanderson focused more on Dalinar in the last two books, because there're only books where I could be able to read him. But no. Considering Dalinar skips book 2, 4 and probably 5, he has narrative only in 2-3 books. Out of 10. Which makes him the least important character in the series.

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1 minute ago, Winds Alight said:

Y'know, I'm kinda jealous about your ability to see the future and know what's going to happen to Dalinar ;)



My gripe, MOAR Jasnah. Though I totally understand her lack of PoV time up till now.

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2 minutes ago, Winds Alight said:

Y'know, I'm kinda jealous about your ability to see the future and know what's going to happen to Dalinar ;)


And I'm a bit jealous (in a good way!) about your ability to choose favorite characters right) I always choose wrong. Somehow I never like main characters. I (unintentionally) choose those who either die or stay on the background or just a minor characters. Always. If I could...control it I would pick Kaladin as my favorite character as he is without a doubt superior choice. He never leaves the front stage. Unfortunately, I can't pick characters intentionally. It's like... my heart chooses. I can't control it. It never ends good for me though.

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44 minutes ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

And I'm a bit jealous (in a good way!) about your ability to choose favorite characters right) I always choose wrong. Somehow I never like main characters. I (unintentionally) choose those who either die or stay on the background or just a minor characters. Always. If I could...control it I would pick Kaladin as my favorite character as he is without a doubt superior choice. He never leaves the front stage. Unfortunately, I can't pick characters intentionally. It's like... my heart chooses. I can't control it. It never ends good for me though.

Ooooh, you should see my list-of-favourite-characters-who-didn't-make-it. It's long and speaks of much suffering and many tears on my part. :wacko::lol:

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7 hours ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

Kaladin is Sanderson's favorite character

Actually, I believe, there are several WoBs saying Dalinar is his favourite character.

4 hours ago, LerasiumMistborn said:

I think this is exactly what you will get. He's the main character of the whole series after all.

Is there a WoB?

4 hours ago, Winds Alight said:

Yeah, it sucks if your favourite character has less screen-time than another, I experienced that before. In SA I'm lucky because Kaladin is my favourite character EVER and yeah, I will never get enough of him, even if I had ten books on him alone.

Agree with everything I have! :D

What disappointed me the most in the series:

  1. Eshonai's death.
  2. Sureblood's death.
  3. Kaladin's lack of love for horses! I love horses, they are my favourite animals, I enjoy horseriding, and his treatment of horses kinda breaks my heart! Though, to his credit, he does agree that they are smart. And "Monsters" chapter in WoR is one of my favourites.
  4. Agree with resurrections and Amaram in OB. Amaram was kinda wasted.
  5. The large cliffhanger in the end of OB.
  6. The possibility of .... mmm... how to say not to aggro anyone at me... well, my favourite pair not to end up together until the back half of the series :D Too long to wait, you know :D
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4 minutes ago, Sedside said:


  1. Kaladin's lack of love for horses! I love horses, they are my favourite animals, I enjoy horseriding, and his treatment of horses kinda breaks my heart! Though, to his credit, he does agree that they are smart. And "Monsters" chapter in WoR is one of my favourites.

Fully agree on this. In my eyes, it's kaladin's biggest flaw. I was one of those "horse girls" when I was younger and I never truly stopped. I had my own horse for 12 years (sadly, he passed three years ago :( ). Horses are the best! I want a Ryshadium!

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7 hours ago, Winds Alight said:

I kiiiiiiinda see where you're coming from, as for me, this character is Kaladin and there's a chance I might drop the books should he die and thus disappear from the books completely. (Though I care enough about many other characters that I would still continue reading, after a looooong period of mourning. I'm way too emotional about fictional deaths lol.

Mistborn spoilers


I felt that way when Kelsier died. I was like, what's the point of the series anymore? You killed the best character EVER! But then, well you all know :P



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7 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:




I felt that way when Kelsier died. I was like, what's the point of the series anymore? You killed the best character EVER! But then, well you all know :P



I'mm having this problem right now. Finished my reread of The Final Empire and WoA has been sitting around for a solid month now because I barely remember a thing except it wasn't nearly as exciting as TFE :rolleyes:

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5 hours ago, Sedside said:


  1. Eshonai's death.
  2. Sureblood's death.
  3. Kaladin's lack of love for horses! I love horses, they are my favourite animals, I enjoy horseriding, and his treatment of horses kinda breaks my heart! Though, to his credit, he does agree that they are smart. And "Monsters" chapter in WoR is one of my favourites.
  4. The possibility of .... mmm... how to say not to aggro anyone at me... well, my favourite pair not to end up together until the back half of the series :D Too long to wait, you know :D

1. I really think Eshonai needed to die, there are just too many good people going around. That being said, apparently Venli's book will have Eshonai flashbacks!

2+3. I'm not a horse person, they're scary to me. I have dated some horse girls, and I can see where they come from though. Don't worry too much, we'll get plenty of horses in the future, BS has said their lack of focus is important.

4. I waiting on Lift-Gaux to happen. Sooooo we probably both have long waits. Mine is probably infinite. Would be happy to see Kal-Syl, but I'm not sure that even is possible.

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1 minute ago, CrazyRioter said:

I was a "horse girl" as a teen, but I know they aren't everyone's jam. I do want Kaladin to get a Rhyshadium though, as the look on his face is hilarious to imagine.

There are some hilarious "Kaladin gets chosen by a Ryshadium" headcanon posts on Tumblr. I'd probably die from amusement should that happen.

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2 hours ago, Winds Alight said:

I'mm having this problem right now. Finished my reread of The Final Empire and WoA has been sitting around for a solid month now because I barely remember a thing except it wasn't nearly as exciting as TFE :rolleyes:

You should definitely give it another try. Despite being the weakest book in Mistborn Era 1, there was a lot I loved about it. Elends arc and the kandra mystery were both fascinating, and the ending was some insanely genre bending stuff. Plus, I’ve found that I usually enjoy slower books more on rereads. 

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1 minute ago, ILuvHats said:

You should definitely give it another try. Despite being the weakest book in Mistborn Era 1, there was a lot I loved about it. Elends arc and the kandra mystery were both fascinating, and the ending was some insanely genre bending stuff. Plus, I’ve found that I usually enjoy slower books more on rereads. 

Don't worry, I'll definitely finish it, I really want to get to era 2 and Secret History (haven't read those yet) :D


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1 minute ago, Winds Alight said:

Don't worry, I'll definitely finish it, I really want to get to era 2 and Secret History (haven't read those yet) :D


Oh, you haven't read Secret History yet? Were you able to avoid spoilers? :o

I tried to come up with another minor disappointment to add to the topic. Looks like for me there is none that hasn't already be mentioned :lol:

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12 minutes ago, ILuvHats said:

You should definitely give it another try. Despite being the weakest book in Mistborn Era 1, there was a lot I loved about it. Elends arc and the kandra mystery were both fascinating, and the ending was some insanely genre bending stuff. Plus, I’ve found that I usually enjoy slower books more on rereads. 

I solved the Kandra Mystery immediately after it was introduced. It was the first Brandon mystery I ever solved! I was so proud of myself!

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The only part of SA that I don't love is the Shallan sections of WoK.  Not only are they really slow, I don't think they contribute much to the overall story.  Besides the character introductions, that entire plot was just an exposition heavy way of saying parshman=voidbringers.  Disappointing is too strong a word, but if you made me pick a part of the SA that I tend to skim or skip in rereads, it's that.


Truthfully, if there was one thing I could change about the SA it would have nothing to do with the series itself.  I just wish Brandon had never revealed who the ten flashback characters would be.  I think we're missing out on a lot of fun speculation since we know who the ten 'main' characters are.

(Just think of the Adolin vs Lift Edgedancer book debates.  Adolin vs. Ash vs. random seemingly minor character here for Dustbringer book etc.) 

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Hey all, I'd just like to remind everyone that full book spoilers are only allowed for Stormlight in the Stormlight section. Please take care to note spoilers for other series and put them in a spoiler box (the eye symbol in the text editor). There are certainly people who haven't read all of Brandon's books here. :)

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I was disappointed in the apparent resolution of Adolin and Sadeas's murder.

I am not a huge fan of the interludes, for the most part.


I do want to point out that a character dying does not mean they don't continue to be important to the narrative. Dalinar is likely to play a role in Renarin's flashbacks, for example. There can come a point where they serve the narrative better in death though. That said, O have never felt that I didn't get enough Dalinar and am genuinely surprised that his word count is so much less than the other mains.

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I'm still mulling over/unhappy about the big revelation that broke up the old Knights Radiant.  I can see it would be troubling to consider yourself an invader instead of defender, particularly for some of the orders.   Because what was the point if that's really what it was all about?  Was it just a gesture of repentence?  The battle against the parshendi continued even without Radiants so it's not like they sacrificed their spren to achieve some tangible goal.   

I'm just hoping and assuming that there's another hidden bit that will be revealed later.

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