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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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13 minutes ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

Jackal came over the top, and slashed through all the defenders he could see. He turned to the ninjas. There were ten pewter arms, three bloodmakers, a second oath windrunner, 7 minor epcis with concealment, two with lightning manipulation, one with intangibility, but only to something he saw coming, and twelve were just very good, and said, "Work in groups of threes. Kill anyone you see without the Ghostblood Mark. This emblem on my chest counts. Lightings, with me,"


I'll raise this with other mods so they can weigh in on it but unless the Ghostbloods are willing to commit a substantial number of their highest power NPCs then this is going to be unreasonable. Especially a High Epic.


9 minutes ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

Is this to me?


No, the waiter.


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13 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I'll raise this with other mods so they can weigh in on it but unless the Ghostbloods are willing to commit a substantial number of their highest power NPCs then this is going to be unreasonable. Especially a High Epic.


It's debatable about whether or not he is a high epic. His intangibility is a consciouses thing, and his epic weakness is completely separate. So, he is intangible to certain objects, but only if he knows they are there. So, if you shoot at his face, and he sees the bullet(s) he can stop them, but if you shoot him in the back, where he isn't aware of the bullet(s), he will not be intangible, and will die.

Jackal walked through the halls with his lighting epics, one of which being able to shoot lightning out of his hands, the other being able to cause lighting to come out of an object using it's latent electrical charge, and multiplying it in power. He slashed his way through the beings in the hallways, as the lighting epcis blew in the doors and killed everyone inside. In the hallway in front of them a group of people ran away, and were killed by rope darts in the hands of other ninjas as they worked their way through the church, slaughtering their inhabitants.

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Just now, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:

It's debatable about whether or not he is a high epic. His intangibility is a consciouses thing, and his epic weakness is completely separate. So, he is intangible to certain objects, but only if he knows they are there. So, if you shoot at his face, and he sees the bullet(s) he can stop them, but if you shoot him in the back, where he isn't aware of the bullet(s), he will not be intangible, and will die.


It's a defensive ability, that makes him a High Epic. Probably not enough for David to count him as having a Prime Invincibility but still a High Epic.
Also again, just for reference, Epic abilities are going to be blocked the same as everyone else's. And if they were able to use their abilities still, bringing solely Epics to try to get around that would also be using knowledge that characters don't have access to.


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3 minutes ago, Voidus said:


So, here's the thing. We've already ruled that epics don't do anything investiture-related. Why would it work the other way?

A shot fired through the air, a loud crack. Another child fell, a hole through his skull. Then another. Whithin a few seconds, five were dead. A man with a cowboy hat and skin lightly blue stood there.

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You didn't say that.;) Also, why? As a defensive measure, this makes no sense. Just like, in the meeting to plan this; "You know what a good idea is? Something that affects us, but nobody outside of our heavily fortified building! It's not like anyone has the capability to create massive balls of plasma that is not investiture, or epic powers, that would wipe us of the map!"


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9 minutes ago, Element of Chaos said:

So, here's the thing. We've already ruled that epics don't do anything investiture-related. Why would it work the other way?


Unsure what you mean and when?
During periods where characters were less highly regulated then we may have ruled that meta-Epics can't affect Investiture because Epics have way less limitations on their powers but Alleyverse-wise Epics would generally be regarded as Invested. Otherwise they'd be vulnerable to all kinds of things.

9 minutes ago, Element of Chaos said:

A shot fired through the air, a loud crack. Another child fell, a hole through his skull. Then another. Whithin a few seconds, five were dead. A man with a cowboy hat and skin lightly blue stood there.


I am going to be asking how characters all seem to be completely bypassing all defenders and finding the helpless children who are the ones being protected, and so, in the interests of fairness...

There was another loud crack all as the head of the man with the cowboy hat and light blue skin exploded. A different man in an even more elaborate cowboy hat smiled and then headed off to hunt down some more intruders.

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4 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Unsure what you mean and when?
During periods where characters were less highly regulated then we may have ruled that meta-Epics can't affect Investiture because Epics have way less limitations on their powers but Alleyverse-wise Epics would generally be regarded as Invested. Otherwise they'd be vulnerable to all kinds of things.



Did you mean invulnerable?


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4 minutes ago, Darth Sir Woodrack Groot said:


Did you mean invulnerable?


No I meant vulnerable. Unless you want your super-powerful Epics to be able to instantly be soulcast into smoke. Investiture resists Investiture. If you want to suppose that Epics have no Investiture whatsoever then they're even more vulnerable than the average human to a whole bunch of things. I think technically you'd even be able to Awaken them as a lifeless in spite of them already being alive.

Bunch of weird implications there.


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Ace walked up to the large building, as the explosions and fire ripped through the building, each one enhanced. After the incident in the bar, he'd put out feelers, trying to find the man who had attacked the tavern. An old DA contact had tipped him off to the man's next target, a cult in the upper area of the city. He load diamonds and spades, and slipped on his noise canceling headphones. He put his hat back on, and charged through the door, coat flaring behind him. He flared his Tin as he entered, allowing him to pick out the general area of all of the fighting as the screams in his head were joined by those outside of it. They were coming from the left, and sounded like children, so he sprinted that direction. He'd seen serial killers before, and they always went for the kids, brought them the most joy he supposed. As he went, 3 men ran up to him. Ace dispatched them quickly, with shots the chest from Spades, shattering their sternum. They went down quickly. His hearing cut out, and it was all he could do keep going forward as 3 more voices were added to the chorus. It took some time from his hearing to return, during which he stoked his Tin, pushing it as hard as he could, trying to catch the voices again. The door to his left, he could pick it out barely. He slammed open the door, walking into a room full of kids and several more combatants. He used Spades again, this time hitting their legs. They all dropped. 

"Where's Rachel!" He yelled

"There's a man here, he had flamethrowers, or some other weapons, and he'd be in a suit, have any of you seen him?" He yelled, hoping his voice wasn't too loud.


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Yeah, you can’t compla about one person when you brought an army. Also, darth?

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot


1 hour ago, Blessing of Potency said:

A man in white and red robes steps out of a room informer behind the Jackal. A moment later giant thorny roots cut of the passage infront of him.

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot


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Whisper let out a sigh of relief as a thick wall of thorny roots blocked her off from the approaching men.

Reinforcements at last. She noted wryly. And more on the way it seems.

She felt a number of shifts in reality, nearby corridors were suddenly filled with a number of dark-robed figures as they Alleytravelled into the complex. It seemed that her message had gone through. She hadn't been certain how many members of the DA would respond, but the eager looks on many of their faces confirmed her initial thoughts on the matter. Things had been boring lately, and a lot of the field agents were looking for a fight.

She pointed off towards another corridor, where she'd seen other soldiers heading further into the compound. The DA forces eagerly started heading towards it, one stopped briefly to throw a bag of infused sphere's in her direction which she gratefully took.

She ran in a different direction to the rest of them, she worked better alone after all.

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2 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

A man in white and red robes steps out of a room informer behind the Jackal. A moment later giant thorny roots cut of the passage infront of him.

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot

The man turns around, and a wall of thorns appears on the other end of the hallway. Turning back around roots come out of some of the doors along the hall and grab the Jackals companions and drag them away. 

“There, no more distractions.” Erlend says.

@Darth Sir Woodrack Groot

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Galavian lashed himself off the launching platform on the TUBA complex. He had added that himself as he was among the fastest forces TUBA had and wanted a way to deploy easier. He fell downward, ever downward, until the church came in sight. He noticed a huge explosion and lashed himself there. "Aw man," he thought. "People are blowing things up without me?" 

As he approached the corner, he noticed, him. 

The one who got away from him.

The waiter. 

Immediately, he donned his armor and closed his eyes. On his right hand, he summoned a long, curved blade. On the left, he grew a rocket launcher. In the past, they had been very useful. Especially against that one duel. The one in which he died...

He lashed himself down and looked at the waiter straight in the eyes. He aimed his launcher, and began to play off of the nano-speakers in his armor, Anything you can do I can do better.

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