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Church of the Whiterose Complex

Lunar Blessing

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Shae nodded. "Okay... you ready?" He pulled off his shirt, dropping it to the ground and looking up at Dan. It wasn't exactly awkward to be shirtless around guys, not if they were wrestling or fighting, at least. 

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That was his only advantage, and because of the weight advantage on Dan's side, that likely wasn't going to be a very helpful advantage. He knew he was going to lose, but he hadn't wrestled with anyone in a very long time. He missed it. And who knows? Maybe he would win... he got into a ready position. "Alright, let's do this my friend." He grinned happily, very aware of Dan's horns. Those were sharp, so he'd have to be very careful about them.

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Shae jumped passed him, just slightly to the right, wrapping an arm around his neck as he passed and using that to stop his forward momentum and get his feet on the ground, trying to use all of that to knock the man over. 

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When his attempt failed, he found himself hanging maybe a foot or so off of the ground by one arm. So, to make sure he didn't fall, he wrapped his legs around Dan's waist, then let go and hung upside down nearer the ground. He elbowed the side of one of Dan's knees as hard as he could, pulling himself up immediately after in the hopes that Dan would have one if his knees buckle. 

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Shea grunted, clinging to Dan as he rolled so he wouldn't get thrown off and struggling to make sure the rolling ended with him on top. That probably wouldn't happen though. 

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That it did, though only not entirely. His legs were still around Dan's waist, so he stayed on him. He loosened his legs grip in order to kick Dan's stomach with his heels, while also trying to hit his shoulders in the right spots to make his arms go limp, even if only for a second. 

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Shae grunted, grimacing at the weight on top of him, but trying to think of a way out of this situation. His hands were trapped above his head, so he couldn't use them, and his feet were useless- and he didn't weigh enough to brute force his way out of this mess. He was stuck unless he could think of some way to get this overgrown puppy off of... him. Dan was part dog, and Shae's hands were above him, so... he forced one arm to straighten, moving up until he started scratching behind Dan's ear. He could just barely reach. 

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Shae grunted as he was rolled on, letting go with his legs and taking the chance to roll it from under Dan the first chance he got jumping to get to where he could straddle the and scratch his stomach with one hand and grab Dan's hands with his own, trying to pin them above his head.  

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Shae grunted, then chuckled. "Hey, I'll make it even. If you attack me from anywhere further than a few yards away, I won't know- everything further than six feet away gets really blurry unless I burn tin, and I can't see closer up if I do that. I also lock up if you press a spot around here, I don't know exactly where. It's a certain scar, and I never figured out why I freeze up like that. There, feel a little better?" He smiled holding out his hand as he sat up, not noticing the scrapes and bruises he'd gotten and was developing. 

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He blinked looking down and blushing. "Um... I... y-you can if you... want to..." he bit his lip as he stared at the bruises that were all over his arms and torso. He didn't really want to feel them later, but he also didn't want Dan licking his chest...

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He nodded, holding out his arm. "I can't believe I'm letting you do this... it's only because you're my best friend..."


I swear, if you miss this opportunity, I can't give many more. Do you want him to say it or not?


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